The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, December 05, 1900, Image 1

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Vol. 9-30. No. 12.
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We Step Forward into the Front Rank Among Western Colleges
Cross Minnesota's Goal Line Twice in a Fiercely Contested
Game Witnessed by the Largest Crowd ever Seen
on the Campus Minnesota out in Full Force
Giants of the North Win but Their
Line Penetrated by Nebraska
Time and Time Again.
' Captain Page of Minnesota: "Nebras
ka gave us a hard game. Our team
showed the effects of lack of outdoor
practice. Your team was more snap
py and quicker than wo were. The
climate probably had a good deal to
do with this. Our men had to drive
themselves in every play the last half.
Wo ought to have prevented your sec
ond touchdown which was made by
straight line bucks."
Dr. "Williams, Minnesota's Coach:
"Nebraska played a first class game.
I fully expected that we would score
four times and prevent your scoring
at all. Our defense was somewhat of
have lost the game fouling and muf
fing. Nebraska's scoring by straight
lino bucks through Minnesota's center
proved that she was Minnesota's equal,
barring the above exceptions"
Sidney DeWltt Adams, editor of tho
Minnesota Daily was surprised
at the result and payed Nebraska the
following compliment: '"That was tho
first real game we have played this
season. Your team did what no other
team has been able to do, make two
touchdowns. This game places Ne
braska in the first class and gives1 us
the "Western championship."
Minnesota and Nebraska Universi
ties played on tho campus Thanksgiv-
was reserved for Nebraska people. The
bright scarlet and cream afforded a
striking contrast to tho darker colors
on tho other end. Added to this were
tho decorations of many sections oc
cupied by fraternities and societies.
Hon. William J. Bryan occupied a seat
in tho secton reserved for Alpha Theta
Chi and cheered repeatedly for tho Ne
braska team. Tho Minnesota people
called for Mr. Bryan to talk between
tho halves, but he merely raised his
hat in acknowledgement of tlio com
pliment. One of tho main features of tho root
ing was Buckstaff's steam whistle.
Somo University boys had secured it
and placed it on the boiler house. It
wprrled the Gophers until they threat
ened to take It down.' However, they
did not and tried to make more nolso
than tho whistle, with poor success.
Tho Nebraska team was much light
er than the Northerners, but ptit more
snap and speed Into Its plays. While
Coach Booth's men lost the game, they
scored more points against their oppon
ents than has been scored against them
In all this years games. Still another
point is to bo mentioned in their
pralso. By straight lino bucks in
the first of the second half, Nebraska's
Five Cknts.
blocked. This punting. played an im
portant part in tho game, Minnesota
gaining twenty to thirty yards cm
every exohango of kicks.
The Nebraska men were very ner
vous when they went into- tho gamo
and permitted two touchdowns to bo
made boforo they commenced their best
work. The long run of Pillsbury in
tho first half for a touchdown put
some spirit into tho team and they
played better ball from then on.
Tho Individual work of tho Minne
sota eleven was lost in tho oxcejlerit
team work and mass plays. How
over, her backs were excellent lino
buckers. Van. Valkenberg was tho
star and hit the lino for repeated gains.
'He was badly hurt in the last of tho
first half but refused to leave tho
game. Another injury in the begin
ning of the second half disabled him
still more. Ho was out of his head
and playing wild when coach Williams
ordered him brought off tho field, de
spite his protests. Smith took his
place and played a steady game.
Tho lines of both teams played ex
ceptionally low. However, Nebras
ka's light men often succeeded in get
ting under tho six foot Gophers and
upsetting them. This enabled the
backs to hurdle the lino for five, six,
and even eight yards gain.
a disappointment to mo, but this was
largely duo to a lack of outdoor prac
tico tho past week. Your second
touchdown was tlio first timo wo have
over had tho ball forced steadily down
tho field against us for a touchdown.
Your team is as good a one as wo havo
mot this year with tho possible excep
tion of Wisconsin. ' Your are undoubt
edly superior to Chicago."
Coach Booth wo'-'d not make any
statement except that tho best team
won tho game.
Captain Brew made tho following
statement: "Speaking generally, tho
best team won. Tho superior punt
ing of Minnesota In tho first half when
.tho wind was in their favor and their
weight won tho gamo for them. Ne
braska, if alio could havo won, would
ing day. It was like ono of those
back In 189 games you will hear your
neighbor two or thrco seats off talk
ing about. The contest will bo re
membored by all present for years to
come, a land mark in our football his
tory. The scoro was twenty to twelve
in favor of Minnesota.
Tho day was an ideal ono for foot
ball, with clear skies and warm enough
for tho spectators. Everyono took ad
vantage of tho opportunity to sco a
good game. Tho crowd was tho larg
est ever scon at a gamo in Lincoln.
Enthusiasm ran high and great rivalry
was shown in tho rooting. Min
nesota had half of tho West bleachers
reserved for them, Tho maroon and
old gold with a sprnklng of chrysan
themums gave a striking effect. Many
had maroon colored megaphones.
m ho other half of tho west bleachers
warriors carried tho ball from tho
center of tho field over tho Gophers
goal lino for a touchdown, without
once losing possession of it. No other
team has done that against Minnesota.
Nebraska often held tho Minnesota
men for downs and forced them to
Minnesota did not try end runs to
any extent but used mass plays and
tho famous tandem on tho line. Hero
their weight counted, but failed to
give them tho walk away they expec
ted. During tho entire gamo they
followed .the famous rushing tactics
of Yalo. Tho samo mothods which
gavo this season's championship of tho
East to Yale, gavo tho Western cham
pionship to 'Minnesota.
Tho punting of Knowlton was flue.
Tho frnlid lino in front of him aided
greatly, not a single aiiempt being
aWpstover, -Nebraska's "rJglitJtaclclc
.cv&Yi . . " i - eitmwmamm
'proved himself to be one 'of 'fhe'bost
tackles in the west. Ho broke
through Minnesota's line time after
time and broke the intorferenc with
the regularity of clock work. Tie
had no difficulty in out playing tho
much heralded Minnesota man against
him. He made good gains when ho
carried tho ball.
Koehler, center, had about as hard
a proposition ns any man on tho team.
He played against the Gopher captain,
who is one of their heaviest and best
players. However, Koehler held his
man and made no poor passes and on
tho defensive broke through several
times. Dassonbrock played a good
game considering that this was tho
first hard gamo in which he has en
gaged. Ringer at loft guard plnyod good
football. Ho played low and succeed
ed in getting in under many of ho
northerners lino bucks stopping them
completely. Captain Brew played
well at left tackle.
Pillsbury at full Lack played tho
star gamo of tho day and surprised
everyone by his brilliant plays. His
soventy yard run on a fake kick set
tho Nebraska motors wild. This was
tho ono timo when tho screeches of
tho steam whlstlo were lost in the spon
taneous outburst of applause from tho
multitude. Hats and canes wero
thrown into tho air. Ponant3 wavod
abovo tho heads of all and men ran up
and down tho sldo lines waving In tho
air anything they happened to havo in
their hands. Tho crowd yolled until
compelled to stop for lack of breath.
Ringer kicked goal and tho demonstra
tion was repeated. Ono section alono
was silent. Hero thu old gold and
maroon wavod quietly in tho broezo
and a murmured exclamation of sur
prise could bo heard by thoso nearest.
Minnesota, too, had evidently lost her
Pillsbury did soirto lino bucking that