The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, November 27, 1900, Page 7, Image 7
The Nkbraskan-Hespkkian ,., Dr. McLood, Surgeon, WestornoluVs 'egg shampoo Is nil Tight. . is known- as one of tho marine painters in tho world, and unumbor by Garl.Molcher of Holland. Tho a's sociatlon held a meeting Friday night and decided to make an effort to in crease its membership to ono thous and. To this end a committee was ap pointed to canvass mo city. It was decided to open tho exhibition De comber 2(j, with a reception. T he University of Minnesota: Miss Fern Abhott will spend Thanksgiving In Omaha. College of Medicine Drain and muscle food at the Hy gienic Caf6, 31G South Twelfth street. and Surgery, te tttttttttttt Tho alumni 'organ will bo ready for use at the opening of school after the Thanksgiving vacation. Miss Clara Mackin will spend the Thanksgiving vacation with Miss Ado noil Cady at fier homo In St. Paul, Neb. Tho dedicatory exercises of tho now chapel will probauly not take place until Charter day, when the now pipe organ will bo formally presented and dedicated by tho alumni association. It is intended to make the latter event one of considerable moment in tho University circles. Have you read tho new story of ad ventuvo "Tho Romnnco of Gilbert Holmes," by M. M. Klrkman? If you havo not you had better procure a copy for 98o next week at Ilerpol sheimcr & Co.., Book department. All other now books, "Reign of Law," "Eben Hblden," "Unleavened Bread," 'The Master Christian," "Boy," etc., at cut prices. The Y. M. C. A. has organized a special membership commlttoo of twenty-eight men, whose duty it will be to try to secure one hundred and fifty now men by Christmas. If this number can bo secured our Univers ity Y. M. C. A. will then rank second in tho United States. Tho cold weather and tho snow ended tho golf season. Many Univers ity students have been among tho best players. Edwin Morrison, '98, lately made a score or 41. The best woman's score so far is fi3, made by Miss Louise .Pound, who never handled a golf club until this fall. Fines are now imposed in tho shops and are deducted from tho deposits when students are careless in putting away tools and cleaning up tho work benches. Tho results aro very satis factory. Benches aro kept neater, tools aro less llanlo to bo Injured, and the students learn to bo-orderly and systematic in their work. A monster allcgator called tho "Pride of tho South" has been re ceived, from tho Hon. W. J. Bryan. This magnificent specimen was sent to him by a friend and has been loaned to tho state museum where it will bo exhibited. It is stuffed and mounted In tho best posslblo manner. Mr. Bryan has a collection in tho mus eum which ha3 bears his name and which is steadily growing. William Reed Dunroy, so well known as tho poet of the University and the west, is now located in Sioux City, Iowa. Mr. Dunroy has a posi tion on tho editorial staff of tho Sioux City Journal. His book of Nebraska poems "Corn Tassels" has proven itself the most pdpular book of poems over published in the west, having reached thb third edition, which Mr. Dunroy announces will soon bo ready for distribution. Tho thirteenth Annual Courso of Lectures will conmenco on tho 10th day of September, 1900, and will continuo eight and one-half months. Tho course Ir graded and covers a period of four years. Medical Hall, tho Laboratory of Medical Science, tho Laboratory of Medical Chemistry, and tho Laboratory of Anatomy are situated upon the Cam pus. Tho clinical opportunities .afforded by tho hospitals and dispensaries of Minneapolis and St. Paul are at tho command of the College. For out door clinical service a new clinical buildiug has , ... been built in a central location. For information address, DRl- PARKS RITCHIE, DEAN UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA, miNNBAPOLIS, WINN. Tho last number of "Archives do Parasitologic," a scientific magazine issued in Paris, contains a biography of Dr. Joseph Leldy, by Dr. Ward. Dr. Lcldy is ono of tho most famous of American comparative anatomists The article is illustrated by a full page portrait and contans a fac simile of a letter written by Dr. Leidy. G. G MENZENDORF, Former Instructor at MUSIC IN UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, Will lc plcnwl to give lowest rates to fitiuIctitsdcsiriiiRiiistruciloii in imibic. l'or information call at Sttulio. Brace BuIIJInR, . . 15th nnd O Streets ,BOARD!NG. GOODTBL-E BORC -AT- 1436 S Street PlT $2.75 Per Week MER E. B. LOUGHRIDCE. umm S5.22 It 4r HnJ.nMnHnHnHnJn Professor Barbour delivered a lee-' ture on tho Yellowstone Park, at ' Humbolt, Saturday evening. It was Riven under tho auspices of the High Onlirtrtl AHilnft. A oenn In i I nn nf Hint place. Mr. Hunter accompanied him and had charge of tho lantern. Tho lecture was similar to tho ono given in chapel last Thursday evening. F Tvf I ft i H m Intercollegiate BUREAU. COTTRELL & LEONARD, 473-478 Ilronilwny Altmny, Now York. Pays for a double berth in one of thos2 comfortable Tourist Sleepers, Lincoln to Los Angeles, California No change of cars. Leaves Lincoln every Tuesday at J 0:55 a.m. and every Thursday at 6:00 p.m. via the Burlington. Call and get full' information as to Tickets. . ,, .- City Ticket Offce Burlington Depot Cor. 10th and O Streets 7th St., Bet. P and Q Telephone 235 Telephone 25 Henry Pochon, a University student was arrested la3t Tuesday charged with larceny. For somo time past, tho students in tho Mechanical En gineering department havo missed articles of value from clothes. Much of this has been traced to Pocon, and ho admitted his guilt. Ho was sen tenced to fifteen days In tho county jail. Makers of the Caps, Gowns and Hoods, To the American Colleges and Universi ties. Illustrated manual, sample prices, etc., on request. Gowns for the pulpit and the bench. ' Legislative Galley BEST OF KATES 10 STUDENTS I 1 110 INUIJrUSlUl iri ussuuiuuuu uuo i secured about ono hundred pictures for tho exhibition which will bo held in tho art rooms during tho holidays. About thirty of these will como direct from tho Paris Exhibition, nnd tno remainder-from 'Chicago ahd'New York. Among those from Paris will bo a col lection by Alexander Harrison, who Poriroll oi Line Monti. ISO South 11th Street, , LINCOLN, - NEBRASKA. GALLERY ESTABLISHED 187L The University School Of Music pposite tbe Campus Students contemplating the study of Music, and those who have friends desirous of in formation concerning the advantages offered, are cordially invited to visit the School and and obtain an Illustrated Catalogue. You can enter at any time, zc WILLARD KIMBALL, .."'.". : Director f- r .-- . LJFt ID ' k '., :? I i