The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, November 27, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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Tim Nebraskan-Hesperian
XocaJ ant) personal
Who is Ludttig?
Dr. "Wonto, dentist. know Hauna?
Dr. Anglo, skin diseases, 1215 O.
P. J. Bontz, Dentist, office In Rich
ards block.
Don Cameron's lunch counter, 114
18 South Eleventh.
- Mlso Jessica Morgan will spend
Thanksgiving at her homq In Hebron.
Five hundred tickets for tho game
have been sold to the Gophers alone.
Miss Hazolwood, a sister of Mrs.
Fisher, returned to Oceola Wednes
day, after a three weeks visit with Mr.
and Mr3. C. A. Fisher.
Tho class In field geology will work
on mapping service in geology, Fri
day afternoon, and will visa tho coun
try four or five miles southwest of tho
Mr. Schuyler Miller is preparing a
more or loss oxtenslvo reforonco book
for essay writers whoso, works aro m
tho library. Tho roferenco book will
bo typo written and placed In tho 11
brary for uso of tho students.
Westerfleld, tho barber, has a large
student trade, 117 North 13th.
Mr. Robert Hayes of Villisca, Iowa,
is visiting G. M. Cowglll.
Mr. Hannan of Bellevue College has
registered for work in tho University.
Miss Bess Barker of Portland, Ore
gon is visiting Miss Lama Houtz.
The Hayward Republican club took
part In tho ratification last Saturday
All the literary societies arc plan
ning for their annual Thanksgiving
Tho team will have secret
practice all week In order to be ready
for Minnesota.
Glen Rock Is the best coal for $5.75.
No soot, no clinkers, Gregory The
Coal Man, i044 O.
Everybody come out to the mass
meeting in the armory this evening,
at 8 o'clock. Yell practice.
Let everyone wear a football but
ton to the train when Minnesota comes
in. Stand up for Nebraska!
Mr.. Charles Bowlby, a former stud
ent of the University, is visiting at
the Sigma Alpha Epsilon house.
Do not wait for a blizzard before
you order coal. Order now of Gregory
The Coal Man, 1044 O.
Miss VanDersllce, a former student
of the University, visited the Domes
tic Science department last week.
Misses Ruth McFarland and Jane
Douglas will spend Thanksgiving
with Miss Jeannette Post of York.
Photographs make fine Christmas
presents. Come early; special prices
to students. Townsends Elite Studio.
The English club met in the Sem
inar room last Saturday evening. The
transactions were not for publication.
PupilB from seven different states
registered at the opening or the new
term of the School of music, beglning
Monday November 12.
Managor Tukey has prepared a very
neat poster for the Thanksgiving
game. It is printed in red ink, mak
ing a very showy appearance.
l-rofessor Stout spent three or four
days of this week at the National Ir
rigation Convention, at Chicago. Ho
reports a very instructive program.
Mr. Win. Shear Miss Edith Abbott,
Miss Van Camp and Miss Helen Sec
ley have been added to the Hat' of
headers for tho English department.
The freshmen and junior cla.33 foot
ball teams played on the campus Sat
urday. Tho juniors won, 22 to 0, mak
king them tho champion class team
of 1900.
Tho Domestic Scienco department
will organizo an extension class on
Saturday, December 1. The cla3s will
meet each Saturday at 2:00 o'clock.
Tho first course consists of twelvo les
sons; each lesson covering ono lecturo
and two hours' work in tho labortory.
Tho sale of football buttons has been
so large that at tho present rate the
supply will bo exhausted before
Thanksgiving. They make a pretty
The band will soon be moVed from
Its old quarters under the Armory to
tho old chapel. This change will take
place as soon as the new chapel is
Professor Bruner returned from his
lecturing tour Monday morning. He
lectured at the farmers' institutes
held at Crawford, Rushville, and Hay
Chancellor Andrews addressed the
Young People's Christian Temperance
Union at the auditorium Sunday af
ternoon, on the topje of "The Build
ing of Character."
The office of the German aepart
ment has been removed to room 109,
University Hall, formerly used as the
girls' rest room. It will also be used
as a seminar room.
Raiph Beal, of Red Cloud, paid a
visit to the University this week, rie
was very much pleased with the
work done in the Mechanical Engin
eering department.
Doctor Almy presented a paper at
the physics Colloquium last Monday
evening on "Cathode rays and their
Indication of forms of matter much
smaller than a molecule."
Tuesday night, the band was Issued
an entirely new book of music. There
were about twenty pieces in all, most
ly marches, by the ablest composers
such as Hall, Sousa and Farrar.
Louis Goodwill, a former student,
is visiting at the University. Mr.
Goodwill is traveling for school sup
ply house. He returned to Lincoln to
dispose of some paper routes in which
he is interested.
Two bands will be on the field be
fore the game next Thursday, and
promise an Interesting time. Each
one expects to carry off tho honors.
Mr. Wehn, of tho University hand,
promises that his band wili do their
best to keep honors at home.
Every student interested in tho for
mation of an Engineering Society is
urged to bo present on Tuesday oven
ing, December 7th at 7:30 p.m., room
211 Mechanic Arts Hall. Tho com
mittees from tho three engineering
cluos will present a constitution and
by-laws for consideration. Several
other Important details will also be
Nebraska College of Oratory
Prof. Upward I,. Magcm, lTrinclpal
Walsh Hall .... Corner Twelfth and N Streets
Call nnd Inquire
about our system
Special rate to University students-
The Globe
Delhery Co.
1036 0 St.
Phone 11"22
Tho Dellan Boys' Debating Club
and the Alpha Omega Society of
Doane held a joint debate last Friday
evening at Crete. Messrs. A. D. Hodge,
C. F. Edgerton, and C. G. Berky rep
resented the Delinns. Tho trust ques
tion was discussed in a vigorous man
ner by both sides. After the debate
an oyster supper was given In honor
of the visitors.
N. II. Darton, U. S., geologist, ar-
rived In Lincoln at noon Wednesday. '
He was on his way to Washington, D.
D., from Denver. Mr. Darton spent a
day or two in the city.
Miss Ella Wirt left last Friday for
Council Bluffs, going from there to '
Columbus, Ohio. She is a delegate
from Rho chapter of Kappa Alpha '
Thetato the district convention.
civic us ..v CAW,
sonB.... ?
In the
University I
and c
S all colors I
and Furnishers
1042 O St.
At the Original Goody-Goody Candy Store, 1227 O Street
This Coupon and 5c will buy a
10c package of Goody-Goody on
Thanksgiving Day o 1227 O St.
The ONLY place where you can get the real CREAM
CHEWING CANDY that has become famous under the
That fits her so easy, comfortably and perfect that she
chose from our stylish and handsome stock I Shoes
that are bought here one dislikes to part with, even
when they are old. They are made of such high
grade leather and are of such fine workmanship they
keep their shape until worn out. Look at our fine,
stock of ladies', children's and men's shoes.
Perkins, Sheldon & Chamberlain Co.
. 1129 'O Street. Miicoln, NcbraskV
.4 rr"