The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, November 27, 1900, Page 5, Image 5
The Nebraskan-Hesperian T. A. Williams, now assistant agras taloglst, In tho Department of Agri culture at Washington, has an article In the Year Book of 1899 on "Succu lent Forage for tho Farm and Dairy." ALUMNI DEPARTMENT ft. fterpolitheimer'Go. Frnnk Bain, '98, of Falrbury, will at tend tho great gamo next Thursday. f R. C. Saxton, '97, of Edgar, Neb., will attend tho gamo Thanksgiving day. Geo. Burgert, '98, of Syracuse, Neb., will be among tho alumni rooters on Thanksgiving day. Miss Bertha Plnkerton, '98, who Is teaching at Eagle Neb. tnls year, was In the city Saturday. V. P. Sheldon, '00, of Nehawka, will be up to cheer for tho University team next Thursday. it. A. Lyman, '97, has been appoint ed assistant In physiology at tho Om aha uiedlcal College, the received his M. A. in zoology In '99. J. H. Johnston, '94, has been elect ed county attorney of Custer county, Montana. He received a majority of 226 out of a vote of 1,6j. William Robert Mansfield, '00, of Wisner, Neb., was in town last Wed nesday and Thursday, visiting at the vlpha Theta Chi house. Will MacKay, '98, of the U. S. Weather Bureau, has recently been transferred to Springfield, 111., with a substantial increase in salary. Geo. Kline, '00, has resigned his position as scholar in the English de partment. Ho will be engaged in newspaper work in the future. Dr. H. Wlnnette Orr is rapidly re covering from his recent illness. Be fore he takes up his practice again he will go on an extended lour of the East Capt. Hollingsworth, an old Univer sity man, is candidate for adjutant general of the state milita. He was captian of Co. C, First Nebraska, dur ing the war. A. L. Lyon, '95, of Lyon, Neb., has re-entered the University and will study law. He has taken a promin ent part in republican politics in Burt county recently. The following Delta 'iau Delta al umni will be in for the game Thurs day: W. Wilson, H. G. Whitmore, Frank Hollenbeck, and Frank Wood land; of former students, B. K. King, of West Point, and Don Alwood, of Omaha. Frank Woodland, '00, of Omaha, visited University friends last week. Mr. Woodland was captain of Com pany D, the winners of the Omaha cup last spring. Delta Tau gave a chafing dish party in his honor Wednesday evening. Y. Nikuido, '00, who has been en gaged for the last year, in soil an alysis at the experiment station, has accepted a position as chemist at t.e Ames sugar factory. This makes the secon. University student employed as chemist by this company. M. E. Hiltner, '98, and Everett Saw yer, '98, who are in the employ of the Portland Mining and Milling Co., re port very active work in mine devel opment, prospecting, and milling. Several cyanide plants have been es tablished in the Black Hills. Mr. Kccno Abbott, a former student of tho University, was In town Satur day night to attend tho meeting of the English club. He has recently had a story accepted by McClures Magazine. John L. Kind, of tho German ae partment, Is engaged in translating German stories for "After Dinner," the new short story magazine to be issued in this city soon. The maga zine is to bo devoted entirely to short stories, which will be chosen for merit only. The first number will como out about the 1st of December. In the year book of the Departments of Agriculture, for 1899, Is a long and very Instructive article on "The Pro gress of Plant Breeding in tho United States," written by two former stu dents, H. J. Webber and E. A. Bessey. Mr. Webber and Mr. Bessey are both in the Department of Agriculture at Washington. umiwmmmmiMmimnmmmimmmg t Wo carry c-rly the cards of reputable 3 ucu, mm siuucnis win una rcprcscnica 3 !T In tills column the best physicians and 3 fc demists In the city. ;q Eiimmiumiuiiiiiiiuiiiimuiiiiiinimii E. B. Woodward, M. D. DISEASES OF THE EYE, EAR, NOSE AND MAI. Glasses Carefully Fitted. 207-203 KlcUards Bile Lincoln, Nebl. Residence 1310 G St. Phone 2ii Offlco I10OOSU Phone 535. J, R. HAGGARD, M. D, Rooms 213 and 214 Richards Block, LINCOLN. NEBR. DR. W. L. DAYTON, Dr. J. P. Williams, Assistant. Diseases of the Eye, Ear, and Throat. 1205 O Street. LINCOLN, NEBR. ...Many Virtues... FWRE prominent in this store's furnishing stock. The styles Ffff shown are absolutely correct, right up-to-date, the qual ities are thoroughly reliable and the prices are unusually small. Some of this week's offerings: D. H. MUIR, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office TreatmentElectrical or Medical. 1224 M St. Lincoln, Ncbr. DR. SHOEMAKER'S ' PRIVATE HOSPITAL For the treatment of all dlftcanes of the nerv ous H.vbtem. Special attention Riven to diseases of women. Special rates to students. C. A. SMOEHAKER, M. D., U. of N '86. 1117 t, St. - Lincoln, Nebr Residence: 2MB Q street, Telephone, 055 DR. REYNOLDS, SURGEON. Burr Block, Rms 17-19, Phone, C50. OFFICE HOURS: 10 a. m. to 12 M. 3 to 5 p. in. Sunday, 3 to 5. DR. E. A. CARR SURGEON Removed from 13)5 O St, to 12th and N Sts. Over Hector's I'harmacy Office hours 10 to 11 a.m. 3 to 4 and 7 to p.m. LINCOLN, NHB. Thone day and night 245 A holiday line of Neckwear in new and very rich patterns, such wanted styles as batwings, bows, tecks, four-in-hands, im perials and clubs, made of such materials as are sold for 50c goods in many exclusive houses, our price, each .... 0 Better materials and richer colorings at 50c and SI. 00. Men's Sweaters, extra heavy, double roll neck, dark col- ors, usually placed in the 75c class, our price, each 5UC Men's wool Sweaters in black, maroon, and blue, closely knitted, sizes 34. to 44, and unmatchable value , for.... 95c Men's House Jackets and Bath Robes, in the new color effects and most popular materials. The former range $4.50 -. -v to $6.75. The latter $3.75, $4.50, and $0.5!) $i. yterpekheimer q. H-feSHHHilii 1 NO WRITER WHETHER HE BE STUDENT, PROFESSIONAL OR BUSINESS MAN Jt J Jt Jt Jt Jt jt jt jt CAN AFFORD TO BE WITHOUT ! u 5 Great Writer n Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen, which is a pocket pen and ink-bottle combined, always g icuuy iu wiiii; wiicii iijc u&ci is, mm always au write. All stationers and jewelers sell our pens in Lincoln. l 12 Golden yne. ,. g, WATERMAN CO. ,SSnd " Broad h London, E. C. . way, New York. irtJTfcUVVr A GIFT OF NEVER ENDING USEFULNESS. A constant and lasting reminder of the giver. I r "Monarch" Tirv.r1? Shirts tvith Patent Tabs ore) err Vn 2 bosom from htilsimi. through the -Vest 1 opening. Jold by Haberdashers a I $l.50,$1.75,$2,.00. I ULVETT,PEABODYCO. MAKERS THE FAMOUS KALAMAZOO UNIFORMS FOR CADETS are unequalled for style, material and fit. We make them, and most all cadets wear them. All equipments for military and uni formed organira tions. Send for cata logue. They ire free. THE.. HENDERSON-AMES CO. Kalamazoo, Mich.