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About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1900)
23SSS MMritthftMnM The Nerraskan-Hesperian 4 THE H1HH "A newspaper devoted to the interests of The University of Nebraska and the student body." Issued Ererjr Tuesday Noon. Published itt 825 North Eleventh Street, Entered as Sccond-CUis Hall Matter. T. J. Hewitt. f Managers HAL H. ROBERTS Editor-in-Ohiof Board of Editors: Kmlly Jenkins, S. II. McCavr, J. A. Manning, A. C. Lee, R. R. Rainey. N. E Buckley, Clifton Carttr, L. K. Cottle. G. M, Cow-gill, Mavrcttc Katon, Anna M. Edgrcn, D Hansen, Clins. I. Taylor, L. B. Stnhr C. C. Wilhurn, H. J. Klinge. Reporters : Elmer F. Hodges, T. J Hewitt. T. M. Hewitt, K. T Hill. Krnnk Marten, John M. Nelson, Myrtle Roberts, n. M. Stone, Tom Mills, J. A. Kccs. A. LaMont Chase. The Nchraskan-Hespcrlan will bo sent to any address upon tho receipt of tho subscription prlco, which is one dollar a year. Contributions aro solicited from all. News items such as locals, personals, reports of meet ings, etc., aro especially desired. The Ncbraskan-Hesperian will be clad to print any contrib ution rclatlvo to a general university subject, but the name must accompany all such. Tho Nobraskan-TIosporian is sont to nil sub scribers until ordorod discontinued and all ar rearages paid. Address all communications to tho NunnAS kn Hkspcrian, P. O. box 210, Lincoln, Nob. Telephone 479. Che Paper will l)C out KARI.V ticxt Monday morning. Hill account of the gitiiic 'Root Hog or Die." Remember, while there is life there is' hope. Nehraska expects every man to do his duty. Don't run up and down the side lines but stand still and root, and keep on rooting. Organize in groups. Megaphones will be distributed free at the gate. Make good use of them. Don't waste your voice in scattered yelling. It wont be heard. Remem bor Minnesota's rooting organization is perfect. We wish to emphasize again the ne cessity for displaying the university colors at the game. The bleachers ought to be a perfect mass of scariet and croam. Ribbons, pennant, and crysanthemums ought to bo everywhere. Commandant Brown is working hard to perfect organization for root ing in the batailion and he deserves great praise for his efforts. But this is only a starter. Every person should constitute himself a committee of one to see that every one comes out to yell practice. Minnesota expects to win in football, yelling and music. Lot us snow hor some true Nebraska spirit. tongued orators, flying Robert's Rules of Order, the trembling seventh vlco president and tho raglngs of tho mighty sergeant-at-arms aro still fresh in our minds. For a time all was dark and gloomy and tho chance of getting out a book was one in a thousand. After threo months of vacation tho matter cooled down to a more reasonable point and after many conferences a compromise was agreed upon and a permanent or ganization affected witn A. K. Barnes in tho chair. This new organization went to work at once and after successfully bridg ing the divide are now ready to open a vigorous campaign. At present some of the members are trembling for their heads as the Registrar has been appointed an investigating com mittee of one to see that all are really what tney claim to be Juniors. Al though late in getting started tho committee is doing splendid work. Advertisements, which go a long way toward footing up tho bill, are daily being secured by the business manag ers ana the editors are ever ready to produce the pad and pencil. A great responsibility rests upon the shoulders of the managers and editors. Advertisements must be se cured, arrangements made for pub lishing, and above all the engravings besides the editorials, stories, jokes, etc. Now as this book is connected with the University and its success or failure reflects upon the college, all of the students, as well us the faculty, should extend a helping hand. Everyone should consider it his duty to hand in any event of importance or in fact any material fit for such a book. The editors -will soon be given their various departments to "write up" but many things will most nat urally escape them. The societies, clubs and departments should con sider it a duty to be ready to aid in various ways and if everyone puts his shoulder to the wheel the "Som brero" of nineteen hundred and one will stand for years to come as the best ever published. other members aro Bonckcmpcr, Buck, Gronln, president of '03, looming, Park, Swanson, and Misses Burlln game, Carney, Fleming, and Hoerger. A Member. JOSEPH KOLBACH, Custom Shoe Repair Shop ALL WORK GUARANTEED 1330 O Street . . . Lincoln, Neb. Good Work Popular Prices Students especially Invited to call Rm & Cm Barber Shop 1144- O Street A COMMUNICATION. To the Nebruskun-Hesperian : In the hist issue of the Nebraska Hesperian it was stated that I am a candidate for the position of physical director in the University of Nebraska The statement was unauthorized. No application oral or written had been made by me. The paper wnich has been circulated in my favor, I under stand, does not contemplate that end in its statement, nevertheless the cir culation of this paper was opposed by me from the beginning, request for its withdrawl was made, and I had supposed that it did not exist. While I appreciate the spirit which prompted this expression of confid ence in me yet I am distinctly not a candidate for the position. Euxkst E. Hastings. THE SOMBERO. Every other year the Junior class of the State University of Nebraska publishes a book called tho "Som bero." It generally consists of jokes, roasts, and cartoons of the faculty and students. This year's annual, more than ever before, was brought very Impressively before tho University by the unfor tunate wrangling of the Sophomore class of last year. Visions of silver- M. E. CHEVRONT'S European : Restaurant, 1324 O Street For & Good Meal and Reasonable Prices. Lunch and Oysters in season. t3F"Opcn Dav and Night. t i I The Lincoln Academy I X Corner 11th and QSU. College ind University Prebuttal. 4 Alfred IYI. XAllmon, Ph.D. (Yale,) rniNcirAL. 4.4-44--4"f4af'"H44"r'4H4 The Turkish Candy Kitchen 1321 O Street. Manufacturers of High Grade Con fections. ! TOM BROWN, Prop, A SUTTON CLUB. To the Nobraskan-Hesperian: Anothor long folt want has been fillod and anothor organization laun ched. The Sutton club is not to per petuate tho memory of H. 0. Sutton, but consists of members from Sut ton, and aims to help its members and interest others at home in university life. There are now eleven members, which is doing pretty well, consider ing tho fact that when Gene Grice came three years ago, he was the only representative. The club is proud of some of its members and ashamed of tho records of none of them. Ben der's record on the football team Is one thut gives th8 members pride. The IF YOU WANT M Tare m. Homemade Candies Ice Cream Ices, Etc, GO TO FOLSOM'SHomemade'Bakery 1307 O STREET PHONE SOI f yst'r Pjttiei ti-ii C xrlitte Mousse made to order Completely Parsed Caesar Gallic War, Book I. I1Y UEV. JAMC3 I). FINCH. M.A., D. D. cloth $j, co Postpaid -joorAcns. The Latin words in the Latin order just as Caesar wrote ihcm: wiih the exact litaal equivalent of each Latin word directly under it inter ned). and withajft d, elegant translation in the margin: also with Foctnctes in which every wjtd is completely Jarsed, and all constructions explained, with Refe ences to the leading Latin grammars. Each page com plete Latin text, in'erlinear literal transla tion, marginal (lowing translation, parsing all at a glance w thout turn ng a leaf I Completely Scanned and Tarscd Acneid, 1. Head) iognst, 1500. HINDS t NOBLE, Publishers, X-3-6-H-IJ-M Cooper lnt.tute,N. Y. City. SeieMocirsc'al'uil tiers at one stflre. tTTc&TZs THE PHOTOGRAPHER: Makes Lantern Slides ALLEGRETTI & LOWNEY .... Chocolates At Sleetor'a Pharmacy N.VV. Cor. 12th and N Sts. Lincoln, Neb. UJouncj HXHoman who attends the university is given a special in vitation to visit our Ccak and Suit department. We promise to show all who come the choicest collection of good values in stylish, well made, rcadytowear garments ever displayed in Liny coin, Come and see for yourself. IHMller & flbainc. Feeling Better as I HHVE DECIDED TO BOY MY WINTER SDIT HT Paine's Clothing House u-sr"' r. mr