The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, November 20, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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The Nebraskan-Hhsperian
Xocal ant personal.
Who is Ludwlg?
Dr. Wontc, dentist.
Mrs. C. E. Bossey has returned from
her visit in the enst. While there she
made a very pleasant call with Dr.
Canfield, ex-chancellor of the Univers
ity of Nebraska and now librarian at
Columbus College, Washington, D. C.
Do you know Hanna?
Dr. Angle, skin diseases, 1215 0.
egg shampoo is all
Tho University Mandolin Club gavq
a musical in tho chapel last Friday,
under the leadership of Mr. Robt.
Rhone. Tho pieces redercd were "Via
LaStolla Gavottce," by Kammermeyor
and "Samoan Waltz," by Qutorius.
P. J. Bontz, Dentist, ofllco in Rich
ards block.
NTjn Cameron's lunch counter, 114
lt South Eleventh.
Joe Brown visited at the Phi
house on Sunday last.
Frank Manchester visited in Omaha
on Sunday, November 11.
Wcsterneld, the barber, has a large
student trade, 117 North 13th.
Mr. J. O. Berkley, of Schuyler, visit
ed at the Alpha Tau house last week.
The Womans Faculty club met
AVednesday at the home of Mrs. M.
B. Reese.
Miss Mao Lansing, of the stenog
raphic, department, has been quite ill
the past week.
Tho Lincoln High School defeated
York High School in a closely contest
ed game on tho athletic field Saturday
afternoon. Tho score at tho close of
the game stood G--5 in favor of Lin
coln. A very enthusiastic crowd
turned out to the game in spite of the
bad weather.
Tho Senior and Junior football
teams mot on the Held Tuesday after
noon. After a hard fight in the cold
wind the Juniors won the game with
a score of 12 to 0 in their favor. Mr.
Shane, of the senior team, was slight
ly injured in tho scrimmage and had
to be carried off the field.
Mr. Will Reedy, who has been
stumping the state for McKinley, is
in school again.
Miss Bertha Phlllippi, of Omaha
visited with Miss Robison on Tues
day, November 13.
Mr. Frank Home of Des Moines
spent Tuesday and Wednesday with
his brother 0. G. Home.
Earnest Hastings is a candidate for
Physical Director to fill the position
left vacant by his brother.
Superintendent Gregory, of tho
Crete High School, made examina
tions of the children between the ages
of fifteen and twenty to get the nor
mal typo. These examinations are
under the directions of Dr. Hasting,
who has tho work of compiling them.
A great deal of interest has been
shown by parent and children in this
The Prep. Medic, society is arrang
ing for a number of lectures on medi
cal topics, to be given during the year.
The first of the series will be given
Tuesday evening, at 8 o'clock, in tho
zoology lecture room liy Dr. Wood
ward, of this city, on the subject,
"Medical Colleges and Foreign Hos
pitals." After the lecture officers will
bo elected.
Glen Rock is a coal especially
adapted for students use; clean and
no soot or gas. Sold by Gregory, The
Coal Man.
Miss Mamie Miller was quite badly
hurt last week while out horse back
riding. Sho is in school again this
week, however.
Every man on the Minnesota eleven
Is over six feet in height. No other
team in the history of football ever
equalled that record.
Mr. James Falrhead, of the First
National Bank of Syracuse, spent a
few hours between trains with 0. G.
Horno last Saturday.
Last Tuesday evening the one
o'olock and three o'clock gymnasium
classes played a game of hoop-ball.
Score, sixty-five to fifteon in favor of
one o'clock class.
G. W. A. Luckey Ph. D., lectured to
the teachers of Ashland and vicinity
Saturday, November 17, on "The
Teacher and His Preparation." Last
month he read a paper before tho Ne
braska Schoolmasters Club, on "The
Historical Development of the Profes
sional Training of Teachers in Ger
many," which was highly appreciated
by all present.
Stanford University is greatly
stirred up over the enforced resigna
tion of Prof. Edward Ross of tho de
partment of sociology, for certain
statements made in his classes. It
Is contended that the action of Mrs.
Stanford is a blow to the freedom of i
speech In Stanford University. Prof.
Ross maintained that his statements
were purely non-partisan and based
upon sclontlflc truths.
Charles Stong, a member of tho
Sophomore class has boon very sick
for two weeks. At present he Is doing
nicely and will soon "be able to take up
his studies again.
Professor Emerson, in company
with Mr. Cross, who has charge of tho
greenhouses, and two others, have re
turnod from a two days hunting trip
at Rock crook. They report poor suc
cess, tho game being scarco. During
tho time thoy wore out they bagged
about twenty geese, some rabbits and
a ifew quail.
Tho Zoology Club mot last Thurs
day evening In Dr. Ward's ofllco. Tho
goneral topic for the evening was "De
velopmental Mechanics." The pro
gram was as follows: "Mutual In
fluence of the Cleavage Colls, by
Loob" W. L. Duckor. "Tho Mechanics
of Dovolopmont, by Morgan," C. E.
Stringer. "Mechanics in Ctonophoro
Dovolopmont by Ziegler," R. H. Wol
cott. Tho subscribers of tho S. and C. mot
Saturday afternoon and adopted a
constitution for tho Association.
Thoro woro twonty-two persons pros
ont. It was decided that to protect
tho momborB of tho Association it was
desirable to have a member of the
faculty for treasurer. On tho first
ballot J. A. Duff, P. G. Hawby, P. 11.
Weaver, C. P. Graft and A. H. Max
well were elected membors of the
board of control. A. II. Maxwell
pointed out that It would never do to
have all of them from tho Union De
bating Club so another, ballot was
titken and Fred Hawxby, P. B. Weav
er, C. P. Craft, B. It. Gordon and W.
H. O'Connell were elected.
The senior class at their meeting
Friday afternoon, November 9, decid
ed that both the boys and tho girls
should wear hood and gown at the
commencement exercises this year.
The boys will also carry canes. A
committee was appointed to decide
upon a hat that would bo suitable for
both tho boys and girls to wear for
every day. A committee was also sel
ected to make arrangements for tho
class day.
at the same tlmo. Among tho now
students are Miss Katherlno Zimmer
man of Sprague, Neb., R. A. Smith of
Omaha; Luzcllo Sturdcvant, and
Franco. Cutter of Lincoln; Mrs. Flora
Hlldrcth of Bloomlngton, Nob.; Miss
Anna Schcrdt,; Emma Bos
well, Lynn, Kans.; Walter Stevens of
Smith Center, Kans.; Mrs. Paul Holm,
Lincoln; Grace Smith, Rlverton la.;
Sydney Murphy, Dallas, Texas; Mary
Whlttier, Whiting, la.; Daisy Carpen
ter, Atchison, Mo.; Miss Winifred
Armstrong, Lincoln, Neb.; Carrie
Smond, Wood River, Nob.; Mnttic
Griffith, Lincoln, Okla.; Alto Sweeney,
Shenandoah, la.
On Tuesday evening a most enjoy
oble reception was held at the homo
of Mrs. Stuart, Nineteenth and D.
Here the fraternity women of the
University met Miss Price one of tho
international secretaries of Y. W. C.
A. On Wednesday evening che met
the girls of the Bible classes at the
home of Miss Bouton and Thursday
evening in tho Y. M. C. A. rooms she
conferred with the members of all
committees. Sho conducted devo
tional exercises in chapel last Wednesday.
The second term in the University
School of Music opened Monday, Nov.
12. The enrollment shows an Increase
in number of students over last year
Some very Interesting experiments
arc now being made in the green
houses with wild plants of Nebraska,
under the supervision of Mr. G. G.
Hedgcock. Between three and four
hundred plants have been gathered,
are now being cultivated. Strict at
tention being paid as to the amount
of light and moisture Some of tho
plants are shaded by frames which
are covered with glass and prevent
too strong a light from affecting them,
while others are exposed to the direct
sunlight. It has been found that
many of tho wild plants of Nebraska
on cultivation mako valuable green
house plants, and it is partly with
this in view that the experiments are
being conducted. Experiments are
also in progress in the cultivation of
water plants. Nearly all tho crysan
themums are now in bloom. There
are some very handsome varieties and
k is well worth the time of a visit to
see them.
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