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About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1900)
IHftltWWIIWti-itolMJMMMMfifflllwl wnimHaiUHiwWi- THE NEBRASKAN-HESrERIAN 5 ALUMNI DEPARTMENT & jHcrpoUkelmcrYio I. V Qg i Geo. Thomas Is superintendent of city schools nt McCook. Tim McCarthy, '9C, is county super intendent in Hamilton county. "W. II. Rhodes, '90, is county super intendent in Thayer county. R. M. Thomson, 97, law 9S, Is now principle of schools at Rcvna, Neb. Miss Nellie Randall, '99, of Omaha visited the Kappa Alpha Thctas, last week. Luther J. Abbott, '90, visited in the city last week. Ho is employed on the Fremont Daily Herald. R. H. Graham, '97, is superintend ent of schools at Arapahoe. He ha.3 been their four years. . "Judgo" Davidson, '99, of Tecum seh, came up to see tho Nebraskans heat Grlnnell. C. J. Piatt who has charge of tho students directory a year ago is get ting out a trouists directory for Cali fornia. , ,-s. Miss Harriet Cooke, '99, leaves in a few days for San Jaun do Porto Rico to visit her brother, who has a govern ment position there. Dr. L. R. Packard, '97, paid tho Sigma Chis a short visit last Satur day, while enrouto to his home in Chicago. Chas. W. Weeks, '98, is Superintend ent of Public Instruction in Second District of Northern Luzon, stationed at Apparri in tho Philllplnes. R. C. Roper returned from South Dakota, Tuesday, November 6. He has been campaigning about Parker for two weeks under tho auspices of tho Parker fusion forces. Ed. J. Churchill, '85, one of the prominent alumni of Denver is visit ing with relatives in town this week. Ho is a member of the Nebraska Chapter of Phi Delta Theta. F. L. Burt, a former student of the University, has a leading role in "Barbara Frietchie," tho play in which Julia Marlow appears as the star, Tuesday evening, No umber 20, at tho Oliver. George Shcdd, '99, is getting out a littlo book of essays entitled "Minn tures." Tho essays are on Napolean Bonaparte, James Whltcomb RIloy, Colonel Stotsenbury, Admiral Cervera and Pope Leo XIII. It will bo issued about the first of December, Harry Barber, class '93, son of Pro fessor Barber, has been for some time at the head of tho Zoology department in tho high cchools of New York city. Recently Mr. Barber received an In crease of salary from $1,200 to $1,700. C. M. Bracelln, a studont in tho Uni versity last year, Is principal of tho high school at Blair. W. K. Fowler, tho new Superintendent of Public In Ktruction, is the city superintendent of schools. Blair has just completed tho most modern and convenient high school building in tho stuto. Geo. A. Monroe, formor student of tho University, now pnstor of Congre gational church nt Columbus, Nob,, visited in tho city a few days last week. Mr. Monroe is a very success ful locturor and rondor of Scotch dialect. Ho Is also a story wrl'or of somo noto. One of his stories has lately been accepted by tho Atlantic. Of tho University graduates who re colved tho tenchors certificates last year twonty-ono filed their names with tho appointment committee' for positions as teachers. Tho committee was successful In plnclng seventeen of tho number In good positions,- tho others obtained situations without its nld. IF YOU WANT J Tare M Homemade Candies (m Ice Cream t Ices, Etc GO TO FOLSOM'S Homemade Waker? 1207 O STREET PHONE SOI ysltr Pt'tiet ant Ci irlitte Roussc made loonier Francis Bros5 Capital Cafe 121 North llth Street. Oysters, FisH, and Game, In Season. 15c MEALS OUR SPECIALTY, OPEN ALL NIGHT. iMiiiiiiiinmi!uiniiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiinnin9 fe Wo carry only tho cards of reputable a men, and students will Qnd represented 3 p In this column tho best physicians and 3 fc dentists In tho city. 3 auiiHiiUiiiiiiiiiiiiiimuiMiiniiuniiiiii 3D. B. Woodward, M. D. DISEASE3 OF THE EYE, EM, NOSE AND THROAT. Glasses Carefully Pitted. 207-208 Klchanls Blk Lincoln, Nebl Residences 1310 Q St. Phono 242. OmcollOOOSt. Phono 635. J. R. HAGGARD, M, D, Rooms 213 and 214 Richards Block, LINCOLN. NEBR. DR, W, L, DAYTON, Dr. J. P. 'Wllllmns, Assistant. Diseases of the Eye, Ear, and Throat, 1305 O Street. LINCOLN, NOBR. D. II. MUIR, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office TreatraontElectrical or Medical. 1221 31 St. Lincoln, Nobr. DR. SHOEMAKER'S PRIVATE HOSPITAL For tho treatment of nil dlscnscs of thonorv oum system. Special attention jjlvcn to diseases of women. Special rates to students. C. A. SHOEflAKGR, M. D., U. of N '86. 1117 I.St. - - Lincoln, Nobr ignite an Humility HE Dignity of style and the Humility of small prices are combined in this showing of Furnishings. Everything here is the best of its class is irreproachably correct in stjle, and absolutely dependable in quality. Good lyinen Collars, late styles, all sizes, properly 3 for 25c made . Men's Suspenders of fine quality, elastic web, made with mohair and leather cuds, sliding buckles, double stitched back and front, fancy patterns in light and dark colors, a pair 25C Men's heavy ribbed fleeced Shirts and Drawers, silk facings, dark blue, wash beautifully, 1 q per garment 4oC Men's fine wool Shirts and Drawers, shirt made with ribbed skirt and wrists, drawers with ribbed ankles, a very warm and com fortable garment, q per garment VoC Men's fancy laundered Percale Shirts, in fancy stripes and fig ures; these shirts are well made, fit nicely, and wear most f..rily: 50c, $1.00, 1.50 A handsome line of Monarch Shirts at $1.00 $i. yterpelsheimer o. fed'ferferl,ferfel)Jfe)5'feii WHETHER HE' BE STUDENT, PROFESSIONAL OR. BUSINESS niAIN i2& v w O 2 w v i I NO WRITER CAN AFFORD TO BE WITHOUT Waterman's Ideal vT E-WS44rt4l4l Dl i u 1111 lain 1 en, The J Great Writer & - which is a pocket pen and ink-bottle combined, always rea s ready to write when the user is, and always all write. A GIFT OF NEVER ENDING USEFULNESS. A constant and lasting reminder of the River. All stationers and jewelers sell our pens in Lincoln. 5 12 Uolden Lane, J,, (J, WATERMAN CO. ,SS nnd " Brond- b London, G. C. . way, New York. NHiSHiH-H61 Ixu'm ,. n t.H.V'. Rksidkxcr: 2fM8 Q street, Telephone, 055 DR, REYNOLDS, SURGEON llurr Uloek, Urns 17-19, TMionc, 050. OFFICE HOURS; 10 u. in. to 13 M. 3 to 5 p. m. Sunday, 3 to 0. Parties, 'Banquets, Receptions, Class Troms, Cmmo Wc I'uriiisli Oysters, l'isli. mid ttnr l t. v-r" dltpperS, Game of nil Kmls. 5 Monarch9 DrCSS S' Vivan & Jeffev, 1 1 fg? c. 1417 0 Street, Lincoln, Nebraska. 3jJ bosom jrom bulging g : j 2g through the -Vest. HTU'D "D B'RKEN BROS., ! ??'"$' uCiaby- I lie D I'roprlctors. I S gtF . & ByM..&fJ,,p&.fC9fp4Z.UU. 109 North urn st. . Barber Shop l'irst-clnss in every respect. Students' pntronnge especially Holicited. CLUETT,PEADODYSCO. fe MAKERS - ijtiaiiiuve Em 111 1 1 r 1 & m. m0 f m 11 v& THE FAMOIS KALAMAZOO UNIFORMS fOR CADETS are unequalled for style, material and (it. We make tliem, and most all cadets wear them. All equipments for military and uni formed organizations. M Send for cata logue. They are V? frp - - THE- - HENDER80NE8'G0. Kaluiimzoo, Dllch. iiI'iifiwwiiiiimwwn!8wtaiHHi M