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About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1900)
The Nebraskan-Hesperian for no gain' and it was Nebraska's ball, with 15 yards to mako for a touch down. After, two downs for only 1 yard gain, a fumblo gave tho ball to Kansas again. Quigley made a yard and a half through tho lino. Tho quarter back kick was tried again and 10 yards lost. Jenklnson punted out 20 and in a mix up Kansas got tho ball. Copping and Jenskinson made 3 and 4 yards through tho line. Tho next three plays including a guards back, netted only 3 yards giving the ball to Nebraska. Montgomery made 3 yards and Crandall 2 and 4. A Kansas man held on the next play and Nebraska got 10 yards placing her within 15 yards of a touch down. However, Nebras ka lost on downs. Kansas was forced to kick, punting 30 jards. Crandall returned the ball 10 yards. Montgomery in three plays mado 8 yards and Brew followed with 4. Bender took Montgomery's place. A fumble gave the ball to Kansas in the center of the field. The guards back formation was tried again but Cor telyou smashed it for a loss of 5 yards, Kansas punted to Drain, who, aided by beautiful blocking by the team and perfect interference by Crandall and Brew, ran through the entire Kansas team for 70 yards and a touch down. Ringer kicked goal. Score 12 to 0. Kansas kicked off with only a min ute and a half to play. Time was called after a few plays. LINE UP. Cortelyon R. E Algie Westover R. T Wilcox Emmons R. G Pouppirt Kc hler Center Carter Rii r L. G ....AUphin Brev (capt.')....L. T Slirant T v Breese u-1 Hurte Ryous Montgomery R H Bender J..K. it.... Crandall L. H... Cook 1 F B . . Quigley . . Copping Jenkinson OfficialsCornell and Lowe. Score, 12 1o 0. nAL H. Roberts. Roports from the game wore re ceived by the Nebraskan-Hesperian and bulletined in the main hall. Through a mistake on the part of the JEvevy Uoung Woman who attends the university is given a special in vitation to visit our Coak and Suit department. "We promise to show all who come the choicest collection of good values in stylish, well made, t eadytowcar garments ever displayed in Lin coin, Come and sec for yourself. bilier & pnine operator at Lawrence ono of tho tele grams read "Coont's makes touch down and Right kicks goal" instead of "Cook makes touch down and Ringer kicks goal." As no men by those names wcro on our team the inference was that tho touch down was mado by Kansas. A later telegram, however, gave a score of 12 to 0 for Nebraska and tho reaction was so great that tho crowd nearly raised tho roof with yells. In the evening a long string of men with megaphones marched about tho city. A good crowd washout in spite of tho bad weather. JUNIORS AND SENIORS PLAY. Tho football teams of tho junior , and senior classes played on the cam- pus last Tuesday afternoon. Tho ' game was exciting, filled with off-side i plays and fouling on both sides. The ' score was 11 to 0 in favor of the junior class. A cold northwest wind made i very uncomfortable for the spectators. They rushed onto the field around tho team and hlndred free plays. Their cheers and laughter did much to rattle the players, causing fumbles on about every other play and making end runs Impossible. Team work on neither side was noticeable and as yet no one has been found who is willing to de clare that ho saw any. However, the juniors won by some means. Their goal was not at any time in danger except from the strong wind which threatened to blow the posts over. The game ended with three cheers from the crowd for the classes and the junior yell given by Dassenbrock. The Seniors will have a yell prepared by a special committee and will give it later in the season. ATHLETIC BOARD MEETS. Tho Athletic Board met yesterday evening and decided to make several changes and 'mprovements for tho Thanksgiving game. One hundred and fifty feet of new bleachers will be built. This will extend tho west bleacher to the fence on the South and add to its Northern end for a con siderable distance. The fence will bo repaired and two ticket booths erected' near the entrance. Tho fol lowing scale of admission prices was adopted: Slnglo admission, 76 cents; scat on tho bleachers, 25 cents; ad mission of vehicles, 50 cents. Plans are on foot to give a dinner in tho armory on Thanksgiving even ing to tho members of tho two teams and tho Athletic Board. Miss Barr will havo chargo of tho arrangements. Tho mass meeting in chapol Thursday will bo a record breaker. Coach Booth will glvo a chalk talk and prominent alumni will marie short speeches. SOCIETY HAPPENINGS. Tho Betas gavo an informal danco at their rooms last Saturday evening. Alpha Tau Omega gave a smoker Friday evening. Tho Chapter and a few friends wero present. Delta Delta Delta will hold their annual banquet Saturday evening, November 24 at the Lindell This Is also a celebration of tho found ing of their fraternity. Phi Kappa Psi held an inltatlon Thursday evening. Tho candidates were, Fritz Frickey Dan Cook, and H. F. Stark. In addition to the active chapter, Rev. Manss, Dr C. F. Ladd and Clark Oberlies were present. On Friday evening, November ICth, Delta Delta Delta gave an informal dancing party at Walsh Hall, to in troduce their new girls. The par lors were profusely decorated with chrysanthemums of the fraternity colors, lavender and white. Ices and cake were served during the evening. Phi Delta Phi held an Inltatlon at the State House Friday night. The following men were the sufferers: Clyde Hays, Elam Seacrest, Alvin Johnson, Frank Barry, S. W. Miller, E. R. Morrison and R. B. Morgan. After the initiation a banquet was served at the unique restarurant. Edgar H. Clarke presided as toast master. A RELIC. A relic is now on exhibition at the historical library which is a remnant of a scrap which took place at the University just eighteen years ago. The scrap was of a political nature and the contest was over a large coffin. The affair resulted in the coffin being broken into small pieces, one of which has been preserved and may be seen at the historical library. The donor is G. A. Monroe, of Col umbus. During tho presidential campaign of 1S82, the womans suffrage question was strongly agitated and the feeling rose to an abnormal pitch at the Uni versity. A Womans Suffrage club was organized; immediately the anti-wo-mans suffragists organized a club and these two clubs were the participants in the scrap just mentioned. The clubs were continually playing jokes on each other and finally the climax was reached when the anti suffragists bought a large coffin and brought it to the Universit where they intended to cremate it. But in an un guarded moment their opponents stole the thing, and the next morning it appeared on the porch on the south door of the main building. Then the fight ensued In which the anti-suffragists were worsted, however they got possession of the lid which they car ried to 11th and O streets where they burned it. The suffragists divided the remainder among themselves and this piece has come down as a relic of that memorable flghL Mr. Sheldon who is now attending the University was a participant in the scrap on the anti- suffrage side and ho says that after ward their crowd had a banquet at tho homo of H. II. Wilson, a prominent lawyer In tho city. ENGINEERING NOTES. Geo. J. Lyon '09, who has been in tho enploy of tho Now York Central R. R. with headquarters at Buffalo, Is now at Mamaroncck, N. Y. taking caro of his sick mother. Chas. E. Crawuaver '97 has recently been appointed assistant Professor of Civil Engineering at the university of Minnesota. Since graduation ho has been In the employ, as Assistant En gineer both of tho Union Pacific and tho Denver and Rio Grande railroads. S. A. White '98 is now an assistant manager of a colony sent out by a prominent rubber company to develop land in Honduras. Tho company has a conscssion from the government of Honduras ofland on the Petuca river about one hundred and fifty miles in land. In return the company is to develop the rubber production, then the hardwood trees, and to construct a railroad to tho coast. If tho colony is successful the pos ition will be a very lucrative one for Mr. White. GIRLS PARLOR AND REST ROOM. On Friday, November 16, each class in the gymnasium held a meeting in the new chapel in the interest of the Girls Rest Room. This is to be fitted up in the south west corner of Memor ial hall. Plans for It have been formed by the Woman's Faculty Club and the chancellor. Miss Barr laid these plans before the girls, giving the list of necessary furniture. It had been suggested that each girl In the University contribute ten cents and it seemed appropriate that the gymnasium -girls should start the sub scription. Committees from each class were chosen to consult with Miss Barr and tho assistants and to buy one piece of furniture. The response was beyond all expec tation, from three hundred and twenty-five girls eighty dollars havo been subscribed and about forty more girls have yet to be seen. It is expected to furnish the room immediately, the color scheme being dark trreen. This Is to be merely a rest room and not a place for study nor a lunch room. Tho chancellor's idea is for the girls of each senior class on leaving to give something to this room. A house warming is to be given soon after Thanksgiving at which the girls will entertain their friends. GRAND OPERA. The sale of single seats for the Maurice Grau Opera Company, to be held in Lincoln December 12, began Thursday morning, Nov. 15, 1900, at nine o'clock. Following is tho cast of characters for the two performances: Gounods Opera. Faust (fternoon.) Marguerite . ...Mrne. Suzanne Adams Marta Mint Bouerweister Siebel rifles Olityka Faust Mr. Sallgnac Valentin Mr. Scotti Wagner Mr. Dufricho Mcphistopheles ..Mr. Edwarde Rezko Conductor Mr. Flon Donnizetti'a Opera. Lucia Di Lam mermoor (evening.) Lucia Mrne. Melba Alfco Miss Bauermelster Enrico Ashtou Mr. Campaaarl Arturo Mr. Masufo Romondo Mr. Journets Normanno Mr. Cubbcnct Egardo ....Mr. Cretiionono Conductor-........... .Mr.-MoncIvelll f