The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, November 20, 1900, Image 1

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Vol. 9-30. No. 10.
Five Cents.
Students and Alumni Suggest a Suc
cessor to Dr. Hastings W. C. Booth
Desired for the Position.
Tho following petition Is being cir
culated by interested Alumni and stu
dents among tho University people
and is creating great enthusiasm. Al
most every man approached has sign
ed without hesitating, and hastened
to tell his friends to do tho same.
Tho petition reads as follows:
To the Board of Regents of the Uni
versity of Nebraska:
In view of tho resignation of Dr.
Hastings, the present head of the De
partment of Physical Training, the
undersigned, alumni, students, and
friends of the University would res
pectfully urge the appointment of Mr.
Booth, the coach of the University
foot hall team for the current year, to
the vacant position.
It may not be improper to state
briefly the reasons which impel us to
request so radical a change of policy
in the appointments to this position.
It is now universally recognized
that college athletics are not mere
play, but have a legitimate and most
important place in student life. It Is
also recognized that the principal col
lege games arc a proper necessary
part of college athletics. Henco it
would seem manifest that the depart
ment of the University to which the
management of the gymnasium and
tho prescribed work in physical train
ing are confided should have in charge
and should be able to direct with in
telligence and success the public ath
letic exercises of tho students. As the
matter stands, several of the more im
portant of these games are wholly out
side of the department maintained by
tho University, and in spite of the
courtesy and consideration of individ
uals in charge of the several athletic
interests of tho University and its stu
dents, it cannot fail to happen that
lock of system and multiplicity of
heads produce unfortunate results.
A more important consideration is
the great waste of money which is
and long has been entallod by the ex
isting regime. Tho University is
pressed for funds, and the students as
a rule are poor. Athletics In the west
are costly, because attendance at
games is small and distances to be
travelled are great. For many years
the Athletic Board has spent $500- an
nually to obtain a coach for the foot
ball team. This necessury expense
cripples our athletic enterprises, and
prevents the retaining of competent
coaches for the base ball and track
teams. If the amount spent annually
by tho University for tho services of
the Director of Physical Training
may be made to cover as well tho ser
vices of a competent coach in foot
ball, base ball and track athletics, less
money -will be doing much more than
is now done, and the money of the stu
dents now appropriate to paying a
coach, may be nsod in other needed
enterprises. Nor is this all. Tho
present method of continual change,
destructive of all continuity or sys
tem, involves also tho continual dan
ger of paying money we can ill spare
to incompetent or badly choosen
ooaehcB. Tho coaches have to be
choBen at long range, ly correspond-
encc, and the Athletic Board must
take many chances in hiring them.
Another Important function would
pertain to a director of athletics quali
fied to take charge of tho several
teams. Tho necessary supervision re
quired of tho Athletic Board involves
great sacrifice of time and energy on
tho part of many professors. The
paramount importance of keeping ath
letics free from taint makes this
necessary. But a man of experience
in schoo.s where the best traditions
of amateur sport prevail, held res
ponsible for the character of teams
entrusted to his charge may readily
do much of what now operates as a
serious tax upon tho activities of
Wo are urging no experiment. The
signal and conspicuous success of Mr.
Stagg at Chicago, and tho marked ben
efit which his appointment and his
administration of his . office have
brought to that University, even if
our neighboring State Universities
were not, as they are, moving in the
same direction, would be ample war
rant for the appointment -we request.
Finally, wo respectfully ask that
you consider Mr. Booth's personal
Kansas Defeated lit Lawrence Ne
braska Surprised by Her Oppo
nentsDrain's Star Run.
Specinl DiBpntch to NnnnASKAN-IlKSPKniAN:
TOPEKA, KAS., Nov. 18.
Another foot-ball day is passed and
still no score against Nebraska. Kan
sas was sacrificed on McCook field to
the tuno of 12 to 0, And she fought
fearfully from beginning to end.
The day was the best the weather
bureau has in stock. It was cloudy
and cool but neither wet nor cold.
There was a fairly stiff breeze at the
beginning but it was not specially
favoable to either team. It came ac
cross the side lines and only made
Ringer's first goal a hard one.
Tho crowd was small for Kansas.
Usually Jayhawkers fill every avail
able space on side lines and bleech
ers for the Nebraska game. But
this time only about eight hundred
of the faithful had the courage to
watch their braves be slaughtered.
The Kappas were there in a big trap
and the Thetas came in force in a rig
bedecked in crimson and blue. The
Kansas is beaten. Everybody lie low and
get ready for Minnesota.
The hardest, the best, and the most ex
citing game ever played in Lincoln will be
played Thanksgiving day, when we meet
the Gophers on the Gridiron.
Everybody come out to the mass meeting
in chapel tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock.
We can beat Hinnesota we must beat flinnesota
determined to beat flinnesota.
qualifications. A graduate from
Princeton, a gentleman of scholarly
attainments and great athletic skill,
he represents the best traditions of
the best of college athletics In this
country. With experience in gymnas
ium work, he combines great ability
in coaching football, base ball and
track teams. Ho is a man of rare
track and executive ability, and the
success which has attended his coach
ing of our present foot ball team and
tho high place he has won in the re
gard of students, alumni and friends
of the University, insure complete
satisfaction, should he receive the ap
pointment -which we ask for him.
At thoir October meeting the re
gents of the University prepared a
list of expenditures of the University
for the next two years. The total
amount to be asked of the legislature
Of this amount $288,000 is for sal
aries and wages, $07,000 for current
expenses, for repairs and imqrove
mentB $105,500, cash fund $75,000,
Morrill Survey fund, $50,000, Experi
ment station fund $30,000. The esti
mate of the expenses -was filed with
the Btate auditor Saturday morning.
Phi Delts, Sigma Chis, Betas and Phi
Psis all had imposing turnouts.
Tho rooting was something to be
proud of and worth imitating at Ne
braska's Thanksgiving game. From
the beginning to the end of the first
half there was almost one contin
ual cheer and in both halves the Kan
sans were only quiet when their men
had the ball. Megaphones and lungs
were used to splendid advantage and
had much to do with keeping Nebrask
a's score low.
Kansas had three star players.
Quigley at right half. Junkinson at
full back and Algie at right end took
the honors. Copping at loft half did
good work. Each team did its share
of fumbling and sometimes this
proved very costly though no touch
downs resulted diroctly.
The great play of the game -was the
seventy yard run for a touch down
when Drain, Brew and Crandall went
through the wholn Kansas team anil
planted the p!g skin directly behind
the goal posts. Drain carried the
the ball after catching Jenkinson's
punt and Brew and Crandall' furnish
ed beautiful Interference. Koehler
and Ringer did some championship
-work while Westover was invincible
in defense.
Kansas used tho guards back form
ation to advantage twice at tho be
ginning of tho game, but Nebraska's
ends soon awoke to their responsi
bility and allowed only one, two and
no yards gains.
The game entire was a genuine ex
hibition of real college sport. There
was little slugging and no ill feeling.
Kansas supposedly very weak supris
ed her most hopeful adherants and
played a plucky game to the end. Be
fore the game stories of all kinds of
calamities were circulated. But un
expected strength was developed by
several of the socalled "substitutes."
Nebraska won the toss and chose
the west goal with the wind at her
back. Kansas kicked 30 yards and
on first down Cook punted back 20
yard3. Kansas made no gain in a
lie buck and tried the old guards back
play. Cortelyou got the man without
any gain. Kansas tried the quarter
back kick and made no gain losing
tho ball on downs. Nebraska fum
bled. Kansas again tried the guards
back and made 27 yards around their
left end with perfect interference.
Nebraska's end was blocked and held
off by two men with the runner and
still another man outside them. -Kani,
'sasmadd -Wr- yards jlaclngthejfoall
on Nebraska's 8 yard line. The next
3 downs netted only 3 yards and she
lost the ball only five yards from
Nebraska's goal line. Cook punted
25 yards. Kansas again gave the
ball to Quigley on the guards back
and made 15 yards around by hold
ing their left end. This placed the
ball on Nebraska's 13 yard line and
she held for downs. Montgomerj',
Cook and Westover made 0 yards.
Here Brew fell back and instead of
going through the line as Kansas ex
pected, went out around left end for
20 yards. Cook in 3 downs made 5
and Crandall followed with 5 more.
Montgomery made 4 and 3 between
end and tackle and Crandall went
through tho line for 2 yards. Two
line bucks netted 3 yards and Ne
braska fumbled. Guards back tried
twice netted nothing and Kansas lost
ball on quarter back kick on her 40
yard line and only six minues to play.
Crandall hit the line for 5 yards,
Drain made 2 and Crandall follow
ed with 3 yards more .
Hart took the place of Breese at
this poin. The Nebraska men were
playing like fiends. Crandall, Cook
and Mongomery hit the line for 3
yards each and Crandall added 3 to
this. Montgomery made nothing
and Crandall tried between end and
tackle for 2 yards. This gave Ne
braska a first down on Kansas' 15
yard line and only two minutes to
Drain mado 4 yards and Cook hit tho
line for 7 yards. The crowd was
yelling -until Nebraska could hardly
hear the signals. However, Cool:
went through their right tackle for
a touch down and the crowd was quiet.
Ringer kicked goal. bcore 0 to 0.
There was only 10 seconds left to play
and Kansas kicked off. Time was
Ringer kicked 50 yards and Kan
sas returned the Mil 15. Copping'
tried Nebraska's left end making only
1 yard, a second attempt netted noth
ing Kansas tried quarter back kick
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