The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, November 13, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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    SCIL. -
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The Nebraskan-Hesperian
1 ' ' A i1"'!!
A list of students names and addres
ses is being compiled in the Publish
ers office which will bo printed In the
Bulletin form. Students who have
changed their city address since reg
istration arc asked to report such
change to the office at onco.
The Bulletin of the Graduate school
will be issued December 15th. Heads
of departments arc asked to submit
copy or revisions of courses by De
cembor 1. H. G. Shedd.
Headquarters, Corps of Cadets,
The University of Nebraska,
Nov., 9, 1900.
Order No. 10.
I. Cadet Second Lieutenant L. B.
Stuhr, is hero transferred to company
"C" vice Marsh resigned.
II. Cadet Sergeant 11. 0. Hummel is
hereby promoted to the rank of Fourth
Sergeant vice Clinton resigned.
Cadet Private H. L. Seugcr is here
by appointed Fourth Sorgcant of com
pany "A" vice Lewis not drilling.
Cadet Private A. E. Brooks is here
by appointed Fifth Sergeant of com
pany "D" vice Hummel promoted.
III. The following privates are ap
pointed corporals and assigned to com
panies as follows:
To be Cadet Corporals in company "A"
Cadets N. E. Buckley, N. M. Cronin,
Cliff Crooks, R. L. DePutron, R. A.
Pollard, D. H. Ringer, C. E. Ustick.
To be Cadet Corporals In company
"B" Cadets E. L. Budge, K. T. Hill,
D. H. Homan, C. S. Ortow, G. M. Pet
ers, H. J. Sowles, E. RWalton, John
To be Cadet Corporals in company
"D" Cadets R. S. Harris, F. E. Hess,
G. S. Johnson, A. C. Lau, M. S. Mather,
C. A. Phillips, O. Whittman.
They will bo obeyed and respected
Cadet Priva'tcs C. B. Graves is here
by detailed as Acting Chief Trumpter,
and the following privates are detailed
as company trumptors:
C. C. Porrin Co. "A"
W. It. Bowes Co. "B"
H. G. Cubbortson, Groon, "W.D., Co. "C"
Speiser, H. "W Co. "D"
All necessary transfers will take
j)laco at onco and will be noted by the
,Flrst Sergeants on all rolls of their
, 'companies.
By order of
Allan L. Brown,
Commandant Cadets.
T. J. Hewitt,
First Lieut, and Act. Adjt.
Tuesday and Wednesday Miss Effio
K. Price will address the students in
the chapel.
Friday Tho University of Nebraska
Mandolin Club undor tho direction of
Mr. Robert Rhone will givo tho mus
ileal program In tho chapol next Fri
day. Miss Price will Hpoak to young wom
en Wednesday afternoon at five o'clock
and Thursday at four o'clock in tho
Persons receiving keys will be held
responsible for proper use of same,
and for safety of University property
to which they haVo access.
Lost keys will bo duplicated on re
newal of deposit.
Keys are not to bo loaned or trans
ferred, and when no longer needed by
person to whom they are issued, are to
bo returned to tho office of tho super
intendent and the deposit will bo re
funded. Tho University of Nebraska, Novem
ber 8, 1900.
I. Tho Preparation.
The murmur of tho rooting swarm
Is liko the rumble of a far-off storm,
Warning of death;
Tho Gridiron is proud of her athletes
Aching at heart to begin the fray
With fiery breath.
Johold yon player's menacing glare
And, as he runs, his crysanthemum
Like tho tail of a comet streams in air.
But lo! "Play ball!" tho umpire calls.
The noisy chaos quickly falls
To silence. Each man takes his place,
Resolved, if need be, death to face,
Caring naught for himself, for others
still less.
"Are the players ready?" echoes" Yes."
II. The kick-off.
A whistle shrill,
A soul-felt thrill,
A rush to kill,
And all is still.
III. The s Timmage.
Half dazed the rushers fall into line,
The quarter pipes the death-fraught
The half-back darts, cuts in and
Till, tackled low, he bites the dust.
IV. The Touchdown.
The lineman shrieks in high shrill
Unheard, "Third down, the lino to
The players huddle together close
With broken nose to broken nose.
The full back bucks tho end, moans
Tho struggle's o'er, tho victory won.
V. The Goal.
Up toward the goal posts peer all eyes,
Between their arms the pig-skin flies.
A din of frantic yells and cries,
Of cheering hurled into tho skies
Up from the maddened crowd takes-
Rolls on, grows faint, and far off dies.
Lincoln Cloak & Suit Co.,
S. E. Cor. 13th and O Streets.
A New Store, and a New Stock of Reliable Goods, well se
lected and of the very latest styles,
Ladies Suits, Gapes and Collarettes
Ladies Fur Scarfs
Ladies Fur and Cloth Jackets.
Ladies Fur and Cloth Gapes.
Ladies Dress Skirts.
Ladies Under Skirts.
Ladies Wrappers.
Ladies Gloves and Hosiery.
Ladies Corsets and Underwear.
Ladies Mackintoshes.
Misses' and Children's Jackets and Capes.
Mail orders filled same cay they are received we pay cx
press charges,
Lincoln Cloak & Suit Co,,
S. E. Cor. 13th and O 5ts.
Lincoln, Neb.
Special Rates
on (Cameras
For a short lime we archiving very low prices on
our entire line of Cameras. Call and get prices.
117 North 11th Street pp. Richards Block
Keys to rooms will bo Issued on
wrltton orders from heads of depart
imunts using -tho rooms.
Keys to buildings, und cumpus gnto
keys, will bo issued only on actual
iihowing of posltlvo necessity for samo
in 'University work.
A deposit of twontyfivo cents will
bo required 'for oadh key Issued.
You can tell her by her vacant,
starey eyes, by the upward tilt of lier
head and her propensity for running
into you as you moot her on tho cam
pus. You can Bpot her at onco by the
different color of her shoes and the
absence of her nock-tie. Evorybody
knows the absont-mlndod girl. The
professors know her. She is alwayp
late to class, that is, if she comes at
all. She never hears when sho ip
spokon to and always recites in the
wrong place. Sho froquontly comcB
to him and explains that she forgot
to come the day before, iib if it wore
the bCBt of excuses. On examination
papers she never fllgns her namo and
thereby causes lots of trouble Un
happy is ho who boards whoro sho Ib.
It takes Borne ono of tho strongoBt
nerves to Bit calmly by while she plac
idly empties tho contents of tho poppor
box ovor lior moat and oats It with a
far-away look in hor cyoB. It 1b hard
not to protest whon Bho absently oata
up all the cake on tho plate. It seoniB
u llttlo cruol to say nothing whon sho
folds up hor handkorchlof and carries
away the napkin.
Tho people of the library know hor.
She takoB tho European hlBtory books
and dreaniB ovor thorn by the hour.
Sho borrows fountain pons and pon
cIIb and never roturriB thorn. Sho Btops
In the door and dreaniB whon others
aro wanting to pasB. It Ib a pity this
?lrl cannot seo -the pain sho causes,
At heart she iB good. In hor rare mo
ments of waking Bho can bo quite
charming, but nlus! these moments are
too raro. Sho is a creature not of thiB
world. "Wings should bo given Jhqr
thut 'Bho might soar far away to' p.
iroglon whoro hor gifts "would 4)0 fup-proclatod.
Si vous avez tme ponction en votre band de roue, allez
a le Lincoln Novelty Works.
Wehn Zie eine Punktur in Ihre Radschiene haben, so
gehen Zie nach dem Lincoln Novelty Works.
Si punctionem in orbe rotae vestrae habeas, ad Lincoln
Novelty Works concurre debeas.
Fine Furniture
For Fraternities
We liave everything necessary to
iii1r i 1iniico 1TG?iii4"ffii1 ntirl ' n.nni- 5
f ortable. Examine our stock "be-
fore buying.
The A. M.'Davis Co. !
l nttn MlLB
1112-1114 O Street, -
Lincoln. Neb