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About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1900)
nNN The Nebraskan-Hesperian Tho now Constitution, recently adopted by the Athletic Board, will bo printed In phamplet form, In oraor to cnablo tho students to havo a copy. There has also been several calls for tho Constitution from outsldo colleges, tho University having tho best Consti tution of any college In the west. Tho question for debate for the next meeting of the U. B. D. C. Is: "Res olved that our attitude towards tho Trnnsvual, was justifiable." Tho ques tion debated at tho last meeting was "Resolved that tho Monroe doctrine should be extended to our new pos sessions in tho orient." Debators for tho debate with Doano were choson and tho time set tor November 24. On Saturday, December 1st, tho first preliminaries of tho indoor contest to bo held Charter Day will take place in tho Armory. Tho event coming off on tho above date will bo tho horizontal bar contest. Thoro are several of these contests to bo held, and tho three best men in each event will take part in the final contest on Charter Day. Thoso preliminary contests aro open to all athletic men. Tho department of electrical engin eering is endeavoring to unravel a mystery which occurred recently. Last Monday afternoon after tho engino in the power house had been running two or three minutes a hot box was dis covered. In fact so much heat had boon generated that tho babbitt was melted. Investigation tended to show that some miscreant had applied emery as a lubricant. Whodid the deed and why was it dono is the question which is puzzeling tho wisest heads in the department. Tho following musical program was given by tho Union Society last Fri day evening: Piano Solo "March," Hollander; Miss Gertrude Alexander. Vocal Solo Selected, Mr. B. A. Boostrom. Reading "Jassamino's Ring;" Miss Isabella R. Lacum. Vocal Solo Selected; Miss Esther Prey. Piano Duet "Spanish Danco;" Miss Gertrude Abbott, Mrs. A. G. Chapman. Tenor Solo "My Dearest Heart," Sullivan; Mr. II. C. House. Recitation Selected; Mr. E. N. Robertson. Piano Solo "Thomo and Variations In F;" H. P. Eames, Miss Alleyno Archibald. A largo crowd was present: Mr. Imorsen was elected a member of the society. Tho names of E. N. Robert son, H. G. Thayer, and Mr. Beard were proposed and will bo voted upon next Friday evening. r I 9. i SJ.-3.,.ift.J.WWW! 3 a. s. . 2 IF 9 Dr. Hastings has received in his de partment two new pieces of apparatus for testing tho lungs. Ono testing tho capacity and the other tho strength of tho lungs. This now gives the Uni versity amplo facilities for ontoring tho national contest given by the ' Society of College Gymnasium Direc tors," for tho testing of strength. Ad vantage of this will bo taken this year, and a numbor of students will un doubtedly give us a place In tho con test. Tho contest last year was won by Columbia college. 1 The Place to Buy that Overcoat i or I I ll I I Suit $ Tho artlllary battery and tho caval ary troop havo organized. Comman dant Brown will havo charge of the drill and it will bo governed by nearly tho samo rules as wero in forco last year. No credit Is offored for this drill but the mombors of tho battallion make use of tho opportunity offered and thus further their general knowl edge of military nffalrs. Tho artlllary battory has all tho mon desired, but tho cavalary troop has a few vacant places to bo filled. Tho artlllary mon meet Saturday at 2 P.M., and tho cav olary at 9 A.M. IS where you the Rest QUALITY 1 9 5 Si i I I Tho collogo settlement board is hard at work on a plan to raiso enough money to purchase a houso, Tho board has felt itsolf badly handicapped in tho past for want of a building sui situated and arranged. To ovorcomo this difficulty they desire to own thoir own building. If thoir plan Is succes ful thoy will change thoir location to 21st and W streets. Tho work of rais ing tho money has uoen placed in tho hands of a committee. A circular lot tor has boon sont out. This will bo followed by an active canvasB of tho city. Later solicitors will bo put to work among tho students and faculty. Tho subscription list has boon woll started by threo pledges of $25 each from mombors of tho faculty. I STYLE and FIT at Prices that are Always Right T tflffe he University of Minnesota College of Medicine and Surgery tttttttttm Tho thirteenth Annual Course of Lectures will commence on the 10th day of September, 1000, and will continue eight and one-half months. Tho course is graded and covers a period of four years. Medical Hall, tho Laboratory of Medical Science, tho Laboratory of Medical Chemistry, and tho Laboratory of Anatomy aro situated upon the Cam pus. The clinical opportunities afforded by the hospitals and dispensaries of Minneapolis and St. Paul arc at the command of the College. For out door clinical scrvico a new clinical building has boon built in a central location. For intormation address, DR. PARKS RITCHIE, DEAN UNIVERSITY 01 MINNESOTA, MINNEAPOLIS, miNN. $5.22 I? i? Pays for a double berth in one of those comfortable Tourist Sleepers, Lincoln to Los Angeles, California. No change of Leaves Lincoln every Tuesday at J 0:55 a.m. and every cars Thursday at 6:00 p.m. via the Burlington. Call and get full information as to Tickets. City Ticket Offce Burlington Depot Cor. 10th and O Streets 7th St., Bet. P and Q Telephone 235 Telephone 25 i i s s i i. f i By EWING CLOTHING CO. 115 O Street &U&V;9'1V;V;&U'U;W&-9'iiJhi The University Of Music School -IS- pposite tbe Campus Students contemplating -the study of Music, and those who have friends desirous of in formation concerning the advantages offered, are cordially invited to visit the School and and obtain an Illustrated Catalogue. " You can enter at any time, X WILL&RD KIMBALL, .Director It wmmmrmmnnmwuwKmw