The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, November 13, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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The Nebraskan-Hesperian
Xocal anb personal.
"Who Ib Ludwlg?
Dr. Wente, dentist.
Do you know Hanna?
Dr. Anglo, skin diseases, 1215 O.
Westerflold's egg shampoo Is all
P. J. Bontz, Dentist, offlco in Rich
ards block.
Don Cameron's lunch counter, 114
18 South Eleventh.
Mr. O. T. Reedy was a visitor at the
"University Thursday.
Wcsterfleld, the barber, has a large
student trade, 117 North 13th.
The class in house-hold economics
is working on plans for Mouses.
E. E. Bradcett has finished wireing
the new Soldiers' Memorial hall.
T. L. Farnsworth of Chicago, vis
ited University friends last week.
Miss Wheeler, instructor in English
department, was sick last week.
E. E. Brackett and Clyde A. McMas
ters went to Pawnee City to vote.
Miss Elizabeth Paddock who was ill
the first part of tho week is in school
The basket ball games between the
athletic classes will bo played next
Chancellor Andrews addressed the
teachers of Humboldt last Friday ev
ening. Tho Botanical Seminar room, 107,
Nebraska building, will be dedicated
next Thursday.
Mr. William Heart, and Mr. Earnest
Allen, were visitors of York, the fore
part of the week.
Miss Smith reports an increase of
one hundred over the registration of
this time last year.
Mr. Edgar Morrill was in Lincoln
last week. He is attending the Medi
cal College' at Omaha.
Miss Charlotte Mead has been elect
ed to the assistant princlpalship of
the Park School, Lincoln.
There will be a meeting of the ath
letic board Nov. 19, 1900. Every mem
ber is requested to be present.
Mr. and Mrs. O. Home, of Syracuse,
Neb., visited with their son O. G.
Horne, between trains Thursday.
L. B. Stuhr returned to the Univers
ity Thursday after spending a few
days with his parents at Grand Island.
The class in animal husbandry has
commenced tho uso of score cards in
studying tho cattle at the State Farm.
W. K. Long returned to the Univers
ity Wednesday after a few days ab
sence, spent r his home in Schuyler.
John Nelson, Raleigh Harber, Jean
Brookings, and Chan. Adams, went
homo to voto. All are from Burt
Arlchlbald Hecker is visiting at tho
Phi Psl house this wcolc. Ho came up
to voto and attend to other personal
The Sophomore football team is
practicing at Chapel timo to got 'in
good shape for tho coming Sophomore
Freshman contest.
Professor Robblns, of tho law school
shows his loyalty to athletics by hav
ing his Saturday class recite at 2:00
instead of 4:00 o'clock.
On Wednesday evening the 3:00
o'clock and 11-20 gymnasium classes
played hoopball. Score 19 to 12 in
favor of the 11:20 class.
The class in Held geology went to
Roca last Friday to engage in practi
cal field work in geology. Mr. Fisher
was in charge of the class.
Allen Sedgwick, who has been tour
ing the state with tho Parks Republi
can Male Quartet, returned to his work
in the University Saturday.
Professor Stout was in Columbus
last Saturday in tho interest of the U.
S. Hydrographic Survey, for which ho
is collecting data on the rivers of Ne
braska. hast Tuesday evening the 8:00
o'clock and the 1:00 o'clock gymnas
ium classes played a game of hoop-ball,
tho score was 18 to 14 In favor of tho
1:00 o'clock class.
Professor Wilson of the law school
will give special examination this week
in Torts and Bailments for the con
venience of those law students who
left early last year.
Geo. Libby a former university stu
dent returned to Nebraska to vote.
Mr. Libby is engaged with a Chicago
chemical company, and is at present
doing research work.
The executive office will no longer
receive telephone calls for professors
and students. All such calls will be
taken by the Y. M. C. A. at their tele
phone, No. 728.
There are to be three pianos given
away free this winter. By buying
coal of Gregory The Coal Man, and
getting tickes, you can help your fra
ternity or society get a piano free.
The Street Car Co. has at last de
cided to give tho University better car
service. Cars run regularly from tho
postofflco to Sixteenth and Vine sts.,
passing the University on R street.
P. L. Hunt, who has ueen with tho
Western Electric Co., of Chicago, for
tho past few months has received tho
offer of a position with tho Sawyer
Mann Electric Co., of St. Louis, Mo.
Professor Nicholson Is at present
engaged In mining operations in Colo
rado. It is expected that ho will re
turn about tho first of tho year to his
former position at tho head of tho
chemistry department.
Dont forget when you want History
Paper, History Covers, Fountain Pons,
Note Books and all University Sup
plies, that tho cheapest place to buy
them Is tho Book Department.
District courts and justice courts
havo been oranlzed In tho law school
for practice in conducting trials. Each'
senior will bo required to act as coun-j
sol and as justlco of. thq pqa,cp .in at
least one trial. Tho district court will
bo presided over by Attorney J. H.
Professor Barbour was in tho vicin
ity of Long Pine, Neb., and in south
ern Dakota last week. Ho was en
gaged In mapping out tho limits of
tho tertiary formations in that vicin
ity in tho Interest of the U. S. Geo
logical Survoy.
Mr. C. A. Fisher of the geology de
partment loft Saturday evening for
Castlo Rock, Colo., whero ho will
spend a few days in examining tho
tertiary beds in that vicinity. This
work is In tho interest of tho Stato
Geological Survey.
Several changes have been made in
tho botany laboratory greatly improv
ing its nppearance. Tho large cases
which served as a partition to divide
the room have been placed along tho
walls thus furnishing better accomo
dations to tho increase in attendance
in this department.
Chas. Nesbit, a former student at
the University spent a couple of days
last week visiting friends in the city.
Mr. Nesbit nas but recently returned
from a trip to Minnesota and reports
the State University at Minneapolis
as absolutely sure they will win tho
Thanksgiving game.
The airbrake apparatus presented to
the engineering department has ar
rived and will bo set up in tho new
steam laboratory. . Tho apparatus
which is very complete was secured
through the efforts of Professor Rich
ards and Mr. Rhodes of tho B. & M.
R. R. Tho valuation is estimated at
something over $1,000.
New Music "Real Peruvian Cake
Walk," "Little Casino Cake Walk,"
"My Rainbow Coon," "Tho Sale of the
Kangaroo," each 21 cents. Poster
Board all colors per sheet 15 cents.
Picture frames for photographs, class
pictures, etc., from 2h cents upwards.
Music and Picture Department,
If not, you are depriving yourself of the luxuries
of dress, A badly constructed and poorly fitting
shoe has unfitted many for the duties of life
When t lis feet are properly shod, the brain and
nerves are at ease, and the body is prepared for
enjoyment and activity
1129 O ST.
Former Instructor ot
Will be plcntcd to rIvc lowest rotes to
students (IcsirliiK instruct ion in music,
l'or information call nt Studio.
Urnce Building,
15th nnd O Streets
The latest in books:
"Reign of the Law"
"Unleavened Bread"
"To Have and to Hold"
Are the leaders in sale the country
The latest in Stationery:
Whiting's Organdie and Wedgewood,
Crane's and Kurd's Papers.
Note Books,
History Paper,
Drawing Instruments,
and Drawing Paper.
Waterman's Ideal, Parker's, and a fine
Pen for $1.00.
Wilson & Hall,
1123 O Street.
Tlie Yellow Front.
Do You Wear
These Shoes?