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About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1900)
THE NEKRASKAN-HESrERIAN ALUMNI DEPARTMENTS Earnest Bcssoy, '97, la hero visiting his parents. 0. T. Reedy, '1)8, visited at the Uni versity Thursday. "Bud" Harmon, '99, was shaking .hands with frlonds last Wednesday. Ernest Haugluon, '95, spent a few days last week with the Sigma Alph's. Miss Jessio Macfarland, '00, loft last Wednesday for a year's trip in Europe. H. D. Landis, 99, has returned 10 the University to finish his studies in law. C. H. Warner, '99, was elected to the stato loglsiaturo from Lancaster county. Roy Sawyer, '98, of Chicago spent tho first of last week with his Univers ity friends. E. Sawyer, '9S, is chemist for the Portland Mining Co., of Central City. South Dakota. Fred Hawxby, '99, was elected to the Stato Legislature by .tho Fusionista of Nemaha county. H. D. Landis, who was a candidate for county attorney In Seward county, was defeated by tho narrow margin of iwonty-two votes. Miss Clara Hammond, '00, has re turned home from a month's visit in Greenville, S. Carolina. Adam McMullen, '9G, is practicing law in Washington, D. C. He visited at tho University Saturday. D. J. Adams, '00, was in Lincoln over Sunday. Ho attended the football game and visited at the Beta rooms. Miss Helen Woods, '00, has returned from an oxtended northern and east ern trip and will spend the winter in Lincoln. R. E. Benedict, '00, left for Missouri last Wednesday. Mr. Benedict, is in tho employment of the Government in the department of forestry. IF YOU WANT JB Tare Jj- Homemade Candies W Ice Cream Ices, Etc, GO TO FOLSOM'S Homemade "Bakery 1307 O STREET PHONE SOI ytler Ptlliet a id d xvlrtte Romsp viatic to oi dn Francis Bros5 R. D. Hubbard, '00, was visiting friends during the week. He Is now employed by Tucker & Hlckox, civil engineers of Deadwood, South Dak. THE YOUNG WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. Tho college Young Women's Chrls tion association should make tho new student acquainted with tho best Christian women of the University; it should group tho Christian students into classes for systematic Bible study and personal work; it should offer a happy social life to all young women; it should hold attractive, helpful meetings which would Interest and lnsplro all. This is what tho Young Women's Christian association of the University o'f Nebraska expects to accomplish. Several Blblo classes and a mission study class have already been organ ized. It Is planning to become per sonally acquainted with every young woman through its calling committee and social gatherings. "Weekly meet ings will be held regularly on Wed nesday at 5 In tho chapel. More in terest In and work for the .college set tlement will bo done this year. Capital Cafe 121 North 11th Street. Oysters, F'ish, and Game, In Season. 15c MEALS OUR SPECIALTY, OPEN ALL NIGHT. uMMmiMmiumMMMMMMMMMrifnmTTra C Wo carry only tho cards of reputable 3 C men. anil students will Und represented a t In this column tho best physicians and 3 p dentists In tho city. E. B. Woodward, M. D. EYE, EAR. DISEASES OF TUB Glasses Carefully Fitted. Lincoln, Nebr, Kooms I 207-208 UlchardsDlkf Rcsidcnco 1310 G St. Phono 212. Office 1100 OS t Phouo 633. J. R. HAGGARD, M. D, Rooibs ai3 and 314 Richards Block, LINCOLN. NEBR. DR, W. L. DAYTON, Dr. J. P. "Williams, Assistant. Diseases of the Eye, Ear, and Throat. 1305 O Street. LINCOLN, NEBR. D. H. MUIR, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office TreatmentElectrical or Medical, 1224 M St. Lincoln, Nebr. DR. SHOEMAKER'S PRIVATE HOSPITAL For tho treatment of all diseases of thonerv ous system. Special attention Riven to diseases of women. Special rates to students. c. a. snoenAKER, m. d., U. of N., '86. 1117 I. St. - - Lincoln, Nebr Residence: 2J548 Q street, Telephone, 055 DR. REYNOLDS, SURGEON. Uurr Block, Jims 17-19, Phone, 050. OFFICE HOURS: 10 a. in. to 12 M. 3 to 5 p. m. Sunday, 3 to 5. 2i. fterpshkdmcrGo. ANNUAL THANKSGIVING SALE BEGINS MONDAY, NOV. 12, AND CONTINUES FOR JUST A WEEK, s CLOSING -- SAT. EVE., NOV. 17. The holiday selling, soon to begin, requires every inch of space we can devote to it. It's always tremendous and we expect it to be particularly so this year. This sale is to prepare for it to give it every available inch of room to clear stocks regardless of the havoc among the profits. It's a clearing of winter wares at a most opportune time a time when the need for such wares is most urgent. ft. yterpchheimer o. i&i2&i2&Xk'U&i&UttiV&ik9ti , wj trj e, i j w, vj , vj c vj r, j r, v j NO WRITER WHETHER HE BE STUDENT, PROFESSIONAL OR BUSINESS lrPl O v w v v v ? v CAN AFFORD TO BE WITHOUT I The 5 Great Writer Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen, i I which is a pocket pen and ink-bottle combined, always i ready to write when the user is, and always all write. I I I I A GIFT OF NEVER ENDING USEFULNESS. A constant and lasting reminder of the giver. All stationers and jewelers sell our pens in Lincoln. J 4 12 Golden Lane, ,, f. WATERMAN CO. 15Sond 5? Broad- H $ VVf-UrtfVWtHM 1 Short Line and Quick Service To Nebraska City, Falls City, St Louis, and all Points South, Bast, and West. City Ticket Office, 1039 O Street. H. 0. Townsend, T. D. Cornell, G. 1 & T. A. C. p. & T. A. 55 C 'Monarch Shirt tvith "Dress g- Tatent1 Tabs pre-dent- the . bosom Jrom bulging inrougn ire -vest opentng. Sold by Haberdashers at $1.50i$i.75,?2.00. CLUTT,PEAB0DYC0. MAKERS THE fAMOUS KALAMAZOO UNIFORMS E0R CADETS are unequalled for style, material and fit. We make them, and most all cadets wear them. All equipments for military and uni formed organiza tions. Send for cata logue. They are free. ..THE-. HENDERSON-AMES GO. 1 r ' Knlamuroo, Ml eh. WlreBffl