t.a-.i il?viCT!TWiwlTW WJBSBB'WJ.'If.ll..g i The Nebraskan-Hkspkrian Nil HI "A nowspnpor dovotcd to tho interests of TUo University of Nobnutku uud tho studont body." Issued Kvory Tnosdny Noon. Published nt S2B North Klovonth Street. Entered ns Second-Class flnll Matter. K. V. WaSUIIUIIN. I xt.. T. J. Hkwitt. f Miinnfjora HAL H. HOBEUTS ErtUor-iifClilof Associate Editors: J. A. Kuiis. A. C. Litis. Reporters: John 51. Nolson, G. M. Cowidll, Charles I. Taylor, Emily .Tonklim, N. E. Buckley, T. M. Hewitt, Hnlph K. Itninuy, G. (3. Wilhurn, T. .T. Hewitt, L. E. Cottlo, Alnvrotto Eaton. Elinor F.Hodcos, Anna Til. Eilron, n. Hanson, Prank Martin, Clifton Carter, Grace MontKOinery Sterling II. Mc-Cuw, Mrytlo KobortH, It. 'r. Hill, B. M. Stono. 1,. II. suihr. Tho Nobrnsknn-Ilchperlnii will bo sent to nny address up.m tho receipt of tho hUicrIplion price, whioh Is one dollar u year. Contributions nro solicited from nil. News Items such ns locals, persutiuls. reports of meet inus, etc.. nro especially desired. The Nebrns-kiin-Hesperlun will be Kind to print any contrib ution relative to n soncral university hiibjcct, but tho n-iine must nccomn uiv nil such. Tho Jsohrnsknn-Hesporian is sont to nil sub Bcrilwrs until ordered discontinued and all ar roarniro.s paid. Address all communications to tho NunnAS kan HKSPEniAN, 1'. O. box 'I0, Lincoln, Nob. Telephone 479. depth, and quality oC work Nebraska takes a placo some distanco ahead, while In equipment there la no chance ot comparison. It should ho noted though that Kansas has a very strong school of pharmacy, a branch of chem istry which tho department hero does not touch. As to tho biological sci ences it scorns oniy necessary to men tion Dr. Bcssey, of whoso reputation as a botanist tho whole world knows, Dr. Ward who has several times been specially honored by his fellow zoolog ists and has several times received marks of their special confidence, nnd Professor Bruncr, who only a cruplo of years ago was chosen by tho govern ment as tho best equipped entomolo gist in the United States to accomplish an important mission to South America. any plan is chosen, in tho execution of which it is necessary to permanent ly disfigure, or whero thcro in oven risk or chanco 01 doing permanent in jury, there is a causo for serious criti cism. Initiations aro effective and need to bo lmprossivo and convincing but tho purpose is thwarted and tho effect lost when I hoy aro allowed to become mere frolics. When they do actual Injury they deserve only severe condemnation. Good Work Popular Prices Students especially invited to call ? & G. Barber Shop 1S44 O Street Nebraska has added another victory to her already creditable list without a score against her yet. The work of the team Saturday was somewhat of a surprise to the crowd. While Ne braska expected to win, she hardly hoped to be able to run up so large a score. The Grinnell team was strong and aggressive and in the host of physical condition, every man playing through the entire game. Nebraska ,'was not In as good shape, several yet showing the effects of the hard battle with the Medics at Kansas City two weeks ago. Minnesota was able to run up a score of only 2G to 0 against this team after a hard game. The game was one of the cleanest ever seen on the campus and no hard feelings were shown by either side. The Grinnell players, are gentlemen. Organized rooting has not been in evidence so far this season. Thcro is only one more game to bo played on tho campus this year and it is tho most important one of the season. Plans must be perfected to have some good rooting with songs, yells, howls, whistles, cat-calls, groans, etc., etc., and afterwards the biggest celebration ever seen in Lincoln. Tho leaders should come from the battalion, and the cadets should take tho initiative in thus pushing it through to a success. Spirit and enterprise are always to bo commended, and a student or an organization of students that can de vise something entirely novel in the way of ceremony for welcoming new members is usually deserving unstint ed praise. There Is such a thing, how ever, as mistaken judgment In the sel ection of "welcoming" material. Any thing harmless iS passable, but when rVNVNsNNvNN The Jrrou)-tiead 'Book Club A former graduate of Nebraska Uni versity and a present graduate student at Kansas University, took occasion recently to make some comparisons of the two insitutions. His opportunities should have made him an unbiased j Judge, but tho facts seem to warrant j the conclusion that he spoke hastily , and without duly balancing the con-' ditions. The statements were that, j though In most respects, Kansas Uni versity is about five years behind Ne- i braska yet In the departments of law, i chemistry, the biological sciences and sociology she is far ahead. The first j part of this statement is, in many re- ; spects, probably too strongly put. The latter part of i is undoubtedly too i sweeping. It is well to admit that , Kansas has a stronger department of sociology because Nebraska has none at all. The Kansas law school, too, is older and has a longer course both of which are points in its favor. In or ganization, faculty and character of i instruction, however, it does not seem necessary to admit that Nobraska is at all behind. That some have con sidered her ahead Is evidenced by the fact that they (several) have left the free department at Kansas and paid tuition to attend hero. Tho chemical department Jioro is one of the strong est in tho west. Kansas University is making laudable strides towards a high placo in this line of work. She has a new building soon to bo dedi cated. At present, however, in extent, Xate ftccks holiday and ether books and current subscribers. Tommy and Orizel $1.50 club rate .$1.15 Unleavened Bread $1.50 club rate 1 15 The Reign of Law .... $ 1.50 club rate 1.15 Review of Reviews and The Arrow-Head $4.00 club rate 3.00 Review of Reviews. . .$2.50 club rate 2.15 These are smne examples of our club rates. We will do as well or better on other books and magazines. To avail yourM-lf of these rates vou must be a paid-up subscriber of Tim Akkuw-HkiIi. If you are not a sub scriber we will make you a special rate 01 75 cents in connection with the book club to become one. All the books will be ordered at the same time and all lists must be in by December 10. Any books wanted be fore or after that time will cost a few cents more. Magazines may be order ed at any time. T1115 Arrow-IIkad to new subscrib ers not members of the club, 81.00 For further information call at the CO-OP., or write BEST And at the Lowest Price, is shown by us WILSON & PACAL 7042 0 Street The J? rrow-Head 322 No. nth St., Lincoln Legislative Gallery BEST OF RATES TO STUDENTS 1 nt tt IHII 01 LflllflC II loner. 120 South nth Street, LINCOLN, - NEBRASKA. GALLERY ESTABLISHED IB71. For a. neat shine Go to 205 South 11th St., Sheldon block, corner 11th and N Sts. W. E. EDWARDS. UDIfS AND CENTS SMM PARLORS R. S. YOUNG BUILDING HMD SUPPLY ee. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Office 1024 O Street. Tel. 700. Yards !9th and Q Sts. Tel. 720. jfobotogtapbs - UNIQUE STUDIO, 1222 O St. Will make you a Strictly First-Class Quarter size Cabinet Oval 81.00 per doz. Other sizcs in proportion. RaSLjflWpVr - -( Si 4 -i MV WL.KW W m i cUIO PROS AND CONS fl j j $ 5$ j $ $ $$ J ! l $ 5 $ $$ ? The Lincoln Academy t X Corner 11th nnil Q Sts. i College and University Prepdratlon. PUfrcsd m. Wllaon, Ph.D. (Yale,) f X PltlNOIPAU sMH''M''HH The Turkish Candy Kitchen 1321 O Street. Manufacturers of High Grade Con fections. TOM BROWN, Prop, Intercollegiate BUREAU. COTTRELL & LEONARD, 478-478 llrmwHrfiy Albany, Now York. Makers of tlio Caps, Gowns and Hoods, To the American Colleges and Universi ties, illustrated manual, sample prices, etc., on request. Gowns for the pulpit and the bench. THE PHOTOGRAPHER: Makes Lantern Slides ALlEGRETTI & LOWNEY .... Chocolates At Sieclor'ss 9karmaai N.W. Cor. 12th and N Sts. Lincoln, Neb. Hendry's Restaurant. 129 North llth Street. Is first class in every respect. First clas meals, first class style and quick service. You arc invited to call and see us. Remember the place, 129 N. llth. M. E. CHEVRONT'S European : Restaurant, 1324 O Street For a Good Meal and Reasonable Prices. Lunch nnd O.VHters In sca&ou. raropen Dav and Night. Co-op. Bulktin Hours 7:45 a. tn. to 7:45 p. m. 6ym Suits Gym Shoes Supporters TROSandCONS COMPLETE DEBATES ?ie Our forelcn policy, the L"d currency, tin- tariff, 1m- tO.NS ....K'ttiiuu. men license. woman euffracc. nennv postage, trantportation, trusts, department Mores. municipal ownership ol franchises, government control of te cgrapli, Both lilltt nf flip almtn and many other oun. owrcomplettlydebatcd. Directions fororfjanliing and conducting a dcbaN ...ft ."Vict;, Willi uy3WS and parliamentary rules. Price, fti.jo Postpaid. Uoth-46o Pages. HINDS & NOBLE 4-5-6-12-13-14 Cooper Institute, N. Y. City THE CO-OP. 322 North Eleventh Street. IParties, Banquets. (Receptions, Class guroms, ...Suppers.., We furnish Oysters, Fish and Came of all Kinds. VIVYAN & OflLE, ,417 '5t" L,nco,n' Nebr. THE B. B. Barber - Shop, 109 N. llth St. BeRKEN BROS. : j : Proprietor. Flrxt-clusR In every respect. Student patron oco ebpcclttlly solicited. Myiuu- vinvoioeoKt oj uitfuoluJurt at oru ttor. jSj MSHisssssssiBaasnessuEffzsi