The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, November 13, 1900, Page 3, Image 3
Mbh. ,i fcBBaiBMMOHMWWIWWmWMMyil WIM If -- " if wrf The Nebraskan-Hesperian 3 Wtii t bo outlined upon joint conference of tho managers of tho rospoctlvo sports. Sec. 8. Tho annual baseball trip shall not occupy more than ten days. Sec. 9. Class Games. a. In order to play any given class game upon tho campus permission must bo obtained from tho Chancellor, tho Assistant Superintendent of tho grounds and tho Physical Director. o. Tho managers of tho rcspectlvo class teams must submit the names of teams to tho registrar for her certifi cate as to their class standing at least twenty-four (24) hour3 before a given game, and tho report of tho registrar filed with tho secretary of tho board before tho game or no appeal for re dress in caso of dispute can bo mado to tho atletic board. Each man shall play with the class for which ho is rated by tho registrar. AHriCLE XII. GKNEItAI. REGULATIONS. Sec. 1. In case of tho resignation of a. manager the committee in charge of the sport shall assume the manage ment until another man has been ap pointed. Sec. 2. Football sweaters shall be awarded to the twelve men who con stitute the first team each year by the athletic board. Sec. 3. An athletic annual shall be published by the athletic board every other year alternating with the Junior Annual. The issue of the annual shall bo through a student or alumni man ager who shall receive one-half of the net proceeds. A biennial appropria tion shall be requested by the athletic board from the University Board of Regents. ARTICLE XIII. UELATIOXS WITH OTHER INSTITUTIONS. Sec. 1. All Intercollegiate games shall be played on grounds either owned or under the tmmcdia:e control, temporary or permanent, of one or both of the colleges participating In the contest, and all intercollegiate games shall be played under student or college management, aud not under tho control of any corporation or as sociation or private individual. Sec. 2. The election of managers and captains of teams in each college shall be subject to the approval of Its com mittee on athletics. Sec. 3. College football teams shall play only with teams representing educational institutions. Sec. 4. Before every intercollegiate contest the respective chairmen of the athletic committees of the institutions concerned shall submit to each other a certified list of players, eligible un der the rules adopted, to participate in said contest. It shall be the duty of the captains of the respective teams to exclude all players from the con test save those so certified. ARTICLE XIV. REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE ELECTION OF STUDENT MEMBERS OF THE ATHLETIC BOA It I). (Adopted April 11, 1899.) Sec. 1. Nominations. Any Univers ity student in good standing may be come a candidate, on petition signed by twenty students filed with the sec retary of the board before April 25, together with a statement in writing from said student that he desires to be a candidate and expects to be in the University during the coming year. Petitions in duplicate are to be posted In 'the gymnasium and University hall for five days and In lack of protest ac cepted by the athletic board. All names of candidates are to be published at least once In each of the University weekly papers. (The "petitions In duplicate" are to be posted by the stu dent candidate, and he is responsible forthe insertions of notices in papers.) . Sec. 2. Elections. Time. The time of election shall he on tho second Wed- f m $? 9$? am ? c$? mm $? $? mm You want the finest.. t 1 ' 98 We have it! $ I ? IB LAUNDRY I 1 jrH nesday in May of each year, from 10:30 to 12:30 A.M., and 1:30 to 3:30 P.M., at Grant Memorial Hall. Soc. 3. Judges. There sha.l bo threo judges appointed by tho board, but not moro than two of them shall bo mem bers of tho boara. Sec. 4. Voters. Any student, former student, alumnus, assistant, or mum bor of tho faculty shall bo qualified to voto by tho payment of twonty-ilvo cents, for general athletic interest, money to bo paid at tho tlmo of elec tion. Sec. 5. Tickets. Names of tho can didates shall be printed in alphabetical order. In addition to tho names, tho words, "voto for five" (but no other printing) shall appear on tho ticket. Sec. G. Method. Tho general rules of tho Australian ballot system shall bo followed. There shall bo no dis cussion or soliciting of votes In the voting room. Sec. 7. All ballots shall bo void and thrown out which do not show a voto for exactly five of the recognized can didates. Sec. 8. The judges, together with tho members of the board present, shall canvass the votes immediately after tho closo of tho polls and shall an nounce by bulletin the election of tho five candidates who have received the highest number of votes. All defective or blank ballots shall be rejected. Any tie vote shall no decided by lot Sec. 9. Protests must be filed in writing within two days after the elec tion, and reasons and evidence of state ment for protest. The ballots shall be retained by the secretary of the board until after the time for protest has expired, and shall then be destroyed. In case of vacancy in tue student membership of the athletic board, such vacancy shall be filled for the unex pired term by the election of a new member by tho athletic board. This election shall be by ballot. . Oliver Johnson, dentist. Eleventh and O, ovor Hnrley's drug store. w 57rtfv Foot Ball Enthusiasts Should remember that the Union Pacific is the best line to Topeka, Lawrence, and Kansas City, when making' tours for Foot Ball frames. I 'lease keep it in mind and i-ec the City Ticket Agent at 1044 O Street. New Nobby Effects in Oxford, Gray and Green Mixtures See our line of Suits at $ 1 5.00 and $ j j. 50 Herzog, The Tailor ioj2 O Sired . 4? CLARKSON COMPANY " ?, 330-332-334-336-338-340 SOUTH ELEVENTH STREET. PRIVATE Discounts so called, to all kinds of people for every imaginable excuse is not what we use to build up trade J & o J J A strictly ONE-PRICE, first class business is our plan THE B. L PAINE CLOTHING HOUSE The II. W. Brown Drug & Book Co. THE UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE. All Text Books and Supplies. Agents for the Waterman Ideal Fountain Pen. Vm SO. ELEVENTH ST. LINCOLN, NEB. & HI ?$? m m m $? H