The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, November 13, 1900, Image 1

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Vol. 0-30. No. 0.
Five Cents.
0' l
Dancing Parties and Receptions Kansas-Nebraska
Tennis Champion-shlp-Y.
W. C. A. Notes.
On November 16 at Walsh hall Delta
Delia Delta will glvo a dancing party.
Alpha Tau Omega gave a tallyho
party to the football game last Satur
day -atternoon.
Miss Hagard very pleasantly enter
tained tho Kappa Gamma sorority at
her home last Wednesday evening.
Miss Florence Hallowell entertained
a number of the Kearney students at
supper last Saturday in honor of Miss
Hamer, who was visiting the Kearney
students hero. Miss Hamer returned
to' her homo Monday morning.
on Friday atternoon Farnsworth won
against Wilder by a score of S-6, 6-2
and Raymond against Sharrard, 7-5,
6-1. On Saturday morning, Raymond
and Farnsworth played, tho latter
winning 6-4, 6-2. In tho afternoon,
they won tho doubles three straight
out of five, 6-3, S-6, and 6-2.
Tho Kansas men entertained tho
men from Nebraska in a royal manner.
They tried hard to win the contest in
order to add it as another victory
against the University of Nebraska,
which they wish to cxcell in al things.
Regarding football, they have small
hopes and show littlo confidence in
their team. There is no college spirit
at all. The team was defeated Satur
day by a small college with a score
of 29 to 0. Such is the idea gained by
Raymond and Farnsworth.
On Friday evening Sigma Alpha
Epsllon gave a dancing party at the
home of Fritz Funkc. The parlors
were uniquely decorated with chrys
anthemums and the fraternity colors,
purple and gold. Punch was served
during the evening in the dining room.
Dainty refreshments were served.
Those present were: Misses Marshall,
Burrus, Bessie Burrus, Woodward,
Thorpe, Morrill, Gould, Macomber,
Hargroaves, Funke, Griggs, Bennett,
Hammond, Anna Hammond, Taylor,
Youngey, Parks, Jenkins, Edmlston.
Messrs. Funke, Roth, Mills, Klingo,
'IavidsonI-Roscoe Davidson,- Stuartrf
Shldler, Kcthan, Fowell, Bartlett,
Alexander, Appligate, Hurd, Elliott,
Townsend, Edmiston, Perclval, De
Putron, Cowlgill, Beckman.
Y, W, C. A, NOTES.
Miss Effle K. Price, National Student
Secretary of the Y, W. C, A., will visit
our association Tuesday, Wednesday
and Thursday of this week.
November 11-1S has been set aside
as the World's week of prayer for
young "women. The Y, W. C. A. here
will observe it by holding prayer ser-
Nebraska Wins No Score Against Her
Crandall and Coitclyou Make
Star Runs of Game Hxccl-
lent Team Work.
Grlnncll was defeated Saturday
1 afternoon by tho Nebraska men in a
easy game, Tho scoro was 33 to 0.
The day was cold with a strong north
west wind and traces of snow. How
ever, a fair sized crowd turned out to
the game. Alpha Tau Omega was rep
resented by a tallyho filled with tho
members and their young lady friends.
Tho crowd was hilariously enthusi
astic and gave cheer after cheer as the
score piled up and at last passed that
made by Minnesota against the same
team. Scarlet and cream colors gave
the bleachers a beautiful appearance.
The team work of Grlnncll was good,
but not an equal of Nebraska's. Her
men were somewhat lighter, probably
an average of five pounds. They, how
ever, were not strong on line bucks.
On end runs, tho interference was
quickly formed, but as quickly broken
by the Nebraska men. Their one play,
which proved a ground winner, was
the mass play on tackle.
Kappa Alpha Theta gave a delight
ful dancing party at the home of Miss
Agnew last Friday evening in honor
of Miss Macfarland and Miss Jessie
Macfarland. Unfortunately the latter
was forced to leave for New York
Wednesday on her way to Europe.
The large hall and parlors were
cleared for dancing and were beauti
fully decorated with Toses and other
flowers. Theta cushions were in evi
dence in a spacious window seat mak
ing a very pretty effect. Ices were
served during the evening. The pro
grams were neatly gotten up with
drawings by two of the members.
Those present were: Doctors and
Mesdames Clements, Fling, Lyon and
Ladd. Messrs. and Mesdames Hardy
and Belcher. Misses Key of Council
Bluffs, Post of xork, Barr, Macfarland,
Armstrong, Foster, Johnson, Agnew,
Edgren, Carson, McHenry, Stewart,
Weeks, Wirt, Morgan, Douglas, Post,
Harper, Paddock, Itussell, Elizabeth
Paddock, Loomis, Woodford, Ruth
Macfarland, Tuttle and Jean Tuttle,
Messrs. Walsh, Paine, Mudge, Roberts,
Kind, Brown, Sumner, Clapp, Roth,
Pancoast, Baldwin, Adams, Powell,
Holt, Korsmeyer, Longley, Johnson,
Wittmann, Lau, Stein, Crandall, De
weeBe, Broady, Atwood, Drain, Don
Atwood, Thomas, Patterson, Culver
and Ustlck.
Heartbepartcul&rs of Kansas' defeat.
Tlie Nebraskan-Hesperian will bulletin
reports from the game every ten min
utes. Place announced later; see twl
letin board. Everybody prepare for a
big celebration next Saturday eve
ning. Complete account of the game
will appear in our next issue o o o o
Grlnncll line as regularly as clock
Fumbles and on sido plays by tho
Nebraska men were too numerous.
Two or three times she was penalized
and twice tho ball was returned be
cause of holding in the lino,'','
The star players on tho team num
bered cloven. Crandall at left half -played
his usual strong game and
made several good runs. On a punt by
.Grlnncll, he caugnt tho ball, and ran
through the entire team for 35 yards
and a touch-down, Westover played a
strong steady game at tackle and Is
one of tho best If not the best tacklo
that ever played on a Nebraska eleven.
Captain Brew is his equal and knows
how to run a team. At critical mom
ents, his voice could be heard urging
tno players on.
Ryon played a steady game in the
first halt and Johnson In the second,
at left end. Cortelyou played tho game
of his life. He was in every play
tackling hard and fierce without miss
ing a single time. In the first half on
a fumble by Grinnell, he secured the
ball and ran for 70. yards and a touch
down. Ringer and Koehler played good
steady games and held their men.
Ringer kicked goal and in the six
touch-downs made It would be hard to
find goals more difficult is kick witkv
oao exception. Also considering the
wiad he did well.
Montgomery played a good game un
til iae wMslmTt. Bender tfrokikis jOe,
vices each day at 1
"Y. W. C. A. room.
00 o'clock In the
Clarke for Grinnell, made several
pretty punts, far excelling the Ne
braska artist in this line. Twice dur-
There will be a reception for Fra- lng the second half he healed for a
place kick from the field. The first
was on the 45 yard line and fell short
by a narrow margin. The second was
from the 40 yard line and went wild.
ternity women to meet Miss Price,
Tuesday evening at the home of Mm.
Stewart, 190C D street.
' Earl Farnsworth and Ike Raymond
played tennis with the Kansas cham
pions last Friday and Saturday. They
-won in every event. In the singles, tj
Out of the dusk and the darkness
Freed from their fetters of cold
The daffodils dance o'er the meadows
Clad in the'lr garments of gold.
Out of the shadow and silence
Glowing and pulsing with light
The lilies lift from the marshes
Regally, dazzllngly white.
Out of the bud of her biding
Red with the passion of love
The rose gives hervheart to thesun-god,
Leaning from sky-courts above.
Out from tho hush of its hiding,
Airily pinioned and frail
The butterfly leaps into glory,
Gorgeous in glittering mail.
Out of the grave and Its garments,
Mouldy and foul with decay,
The spirit takes wing for the upland,
Loosed from its shackles of clay.
William Reed Dunroy
Nebraska's team work was superb,
every man playing a good Individual
game and upholding his part in the
team. The line was the proverbial
"stone wall" against the straight bucks
of Grinnell's backs. If any place was
weak, it was the right guard Emmons.
However, he has not been in the game
all the season and will improve last
from now on.
The offensive work was stronger
than in any game yet this season. This
improvement has been made without
any weakening of .the strong defensive
work, which was so effective in the
Medic game. The mass play on tackle
was used time after time and proved
irresistable. Ten, fifteen, and twenty
yards, were made time after time.
The -lino bucks were beautiful."' For
.these, the team quickly and faultless
ly formed and pushed through the
oak Crandell's place laxtta aecoui
I half, played a strong gaiae. Drain at
quarter played strong football and
used his head in giving te , signals.
Pillsbury played at full bacsor tie J7,
first time and proved a surprise. He?
hit the line hard and kept his feet
well malting long sure gains. He is
heavy and can stand lots of hard work
and with practice will prove a strong
Nebraska won toss and chose
north goal. Grinnell kicked and Drain
returned 4 yards; Pillsbury kicked 35
yards, and mass play gained 5 yards;
end run was tried resulting In no gain;
again the line was hit for no gain, but
Pillsbury made 5 yards through cen
ter. Pillsbury made 4, and 3 yards,
Westover 1, Crandall 1, and then Pills
bury 2 yards when Crandall fumbled,
and Grinnell gained the ball; Clarke
kicked 15 yards, Phillsbury made 5
yards, Ringer 1 yard, and Crandall 1
yard. Here Drain made a pretty run
of 30 yards by double pass. Crandall
made 2 yards, Westover two yards, on
third down they were held for no gain
and Grinnell gained the ball on Ne
braska's 10 yard line. Grinnell tried
mass play for no gain, and Evans only
made a yard; Clarke kicked 15 yards,
Crandall returned 3 yards, Westover 10
yards through rt g., Pillsbury 2 yards
and Nebraska fumbled in Grinnell's 8
yard line. Grinnell was not able to
gain their yard and again resorted to
a punt Clarke kicking 25 yards. Mont
gomery and Crandall made good gains
of 2 to 15 yards and' Pillsbury was
pushed off for touch-down. No goal.
Score 5 to 0, after 17 minutes of
Grinnell kicked off and an exchange
of punts placed the ball on Grinnell's
15 yard line, with ball In Grinnell's