The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, November 06, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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The Nhbr-askan-Hespkrian
J. "W.r Bates, a former stuaont in tho
electrical ohglneorlng department
sp'ont a few dnys last week at tho Uni
versity. Mr. Bates has boon working
for tho government in South Dakota.
Ho roturned to Omaha whoro ho will
finish some maps of newly surveyed
Tho Electrical Engineering Society
lias appointed a committee to meet
with" similar committees from tho
Civil and Mechanical Engineering
Sociotios. They will comploto arrang
monts for tho formation 6t a. now or
ganization to bo known as tho Univers
ity of Nobraska Engineering Society.
orado and Kansas aro interested and
aro beginning to agitato the question.
Minnesota is very enthusiastic ovor
tho idea and gives tho assuranco of n
good financial backing for tho first
contest. A. C. Leo, secretary of tho
Oratorical Association la working
hard to porfect the arrangements and
a contest with Minnesota will soon bo
deflnatly decided upon.
to Omaha
mako nr-
'P.rofossor Burnett wont
Thursday, October 25, to
rangomonts for tho Farmers Institute
to bo hold at tho university, January
15 and 1G. Tho niooting will bo under
tho auspices of ' tho State Board of
Agriculture, tho Nebraska Stock
Brqedors Association and tho Farm
ers Institute.
Silk fibre mat board in all colors at
25 cents per sheet. Postor board all
colors 15 cents per shoot. Packages
of board in various colors 10 cents per
packago. Now music at price.
Real Peruvian two-step. "Ma Tiger
Lily." "Ma Rainbow Coon." "Am
eor two-step," etc.
Music and Picture Department.
H. HnuroLSiiKiMER Co.
Tho boys of tho U. B. D. C. havo I
completed arrangements for a dobato
with Doano Collogo of Croto. Tho do- j
bato is to bo hold on tho 24th, tho ques- '
tion bolng "Resolved that tho U. S.
should own and control the Nicaragua '
Canal." Arrangomonts wore com
pleted for holding tho club prollmin-!
ary and judges woro selected. Iho fol-!
lowing question was thou dobatcd:
"Resolved that tho republic would bo
In greater danger from tho election
of Bryan than from the election of i
Tho Palladlan dobatlng club met
last Saturday evening, with a good
crowd. Tho question for discussion
was "Rosolvod, that tho triumph of
Democracy would bo better for the
.American people than tho continued
supremacy of the Republican party."
Gordon and Wessol took tho affirma
tive and Johnson and Leightnor tho
negative. Much spirit was shown dur-
, ing the discussion.
Tho librarian has boon informed by
tho census director that tho univers
ity library has been placed on die
mailing list of the census bureau. Tho
bulletins will bo mailed from tlmo to
time as thoy aro issued. Tho library
has also boon placed upon tho mailing
I list of Yale University and from this
tlmo on will receive tho University
Bulletin and Alumni "Weekly. These
Issues aro sent to all colleges and
schools whoso graduates aro repres
ented in that institution, so that the
frequent request for somo means of
keeping in touch with the life of the
university may bo at least partially
he University of Minnesota
College of Medicine
and Surgery,
Tho thirteenth Annual Oourso of Lectures will
comnonco on tho 10th day of September, 1000,
and will continue eight and one-half months. Tho
courso is graded and covers a period of four years.
Medical Hall, tho Laboratory of Medical Science,
tho Laboratory of Medical Chemistry, and tho
Laboratory of Anatomy aro situated upon the Cam
pus. Tho clinical opportunities afforded by tho
hospitals and dispensaries of Minneapolis and St.
Paul aro at tho command of tho College. l?or out
door clinical scrvico a new clinical building has
boon built in a contral location.
For information address,
Tho Zoological Club -met last Thurs
day evening In Dr. "Ward's ofllce. The
program consisted of reports of labor
atory Investigations during tho year.
Tho following papers were read: New
North American llydrachnldao, It. H.
Wolcott; Tho Cladocera of Nebraska,
Clias. Fordyce; A New Avian Cestodo,
by B. H. Ransom; H. W. Graybill;
Lunnoblology.flaukton Measurements
and Ticks, Dr. II. B. "Ward.
A University of Nobraska Engineer
ing club Is to be organized in Cuba.
Several graduates ana former students
of the University aro now sltuatea in
tho Department of Havana, under tho
employ of tho United States govern
ment. They are working in tho en
gineering department on tho extensive
improvements in progress in that
country. Thoso Interested In tho club
are Col. Dudley, formerly cemmandent
of cadets, J. A. Sergeant, and Mrs.
Sergeant, A. E. Karter, Fred Ryons,
W. O. Ayer, and J. . Lytlo, '00. Mr.
Dudley and Mr. Sergeant aro both as
sistant engineers.
Pays for a double berth in one of those comfortable Tourist
Sleepers, Lincoln to' Los Angeles, California. No change of
cars Leaves Lincoln every Tuesday at 10:55 a.m. and every
Thursday at 6:00 p.m. via the Burlington. Call and get full
information as to Tickets.
City Ticket Offce Burjington Depot
Cor. 10th and O Streets 7th St., Bet. P and Q
Telephone 235 Telephone 25
Prof. Lawrence Bruner, who, a few
years ago, was sent to Argentine Re
public to find a means for tho exter
mination of tho locusts there, brought
back a large number of reptiles includ
ing snakes, lizards and vatracoans.
They aro now bolng mounted by Mr.
Hunter, and will bo placed on exhi
bition in the museum. The col.ectlon
which Is a rare ono will fill botween
seventy and ono hundred glass jars.
Ira D. Kellogg who drew upon
his experiences In tho Ph.lliplno is
lands for the material for a novel, has
hod his manuscript accepted by an
eastern publishing house. Ills book
will be called "Under tho Palms" and
will toll of the customs and habits
of tho Phllllplnos, as well as Include a
strong plot. Mr. Kellogg can now take
his placo with the many other univer
sity men and women who havo pro
duced literary matter of worth.
Tho Debating Associations' new con
stitution provides for tho holding of
tho first preliminaries by the various
debating clubs. Each will select Its rep
l'esontatlves before December 1. Every
man who expects to competo in tho
finals for a position must come
through tho clubs. Tho twenty men
from the four clubs will bo divided
Into two divisions. Twelve of these
will be solected nlno of whom are reg
ular and three alternates. The tlmo
for the second contest has not been de
cided upon. Colorado Missouri and
Kansas aro the states with which de
bates will bo held.
Tho Nobraska Oratorical Associa
tion has received a communication
from tho secretary of the Minnesota
Dobatlng and Oratorical Association,
which is of interest to all students.
Minnesota looks vory favorably on the
plan of having a contest with Nebras
ka this year, about the 15th of March.
Then if everything Is favorablo a
league will be formed and other uni
versities invited to -participate. Col-
Dr. Hastings lectured to tho Omaha
High School last Tuesday, on. "Growth
and Development of Nebraska Chil
dren." Dr. Hastings made somo ex
aminations of children between tho
ages of fifteen and twenty, to get tho
types. Tho object In making these
examinations is to find out whether
school children are normal In this
growth. Teachers and parents will
know how much work these children
can do, and whether thoy aro doing to
much work In school. Dr. Hastings
has propared a chart for this work,
and It Is his desire to havo every high
school In tho state, examine tho chil
dren in the school, and keep a record
of It. More than 1,400 measurements
will be sent In from the Omaha high
school In the noxt three weeks.
The University School
Of Music
pposite tbe Campus
Students contemplating the study of Music,
and those who have friends desirous of in-,
formation concerning the advantages offered,
are cordially invited to visit the School and
and obtain an Illustrated Catalogue.
You can enter at any time,