The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, November 06, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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fr flf 4 ,
The Nebraskan-Hksp'krian
Xocal anb personal
Who is Ludwig?
Dr. Wontc, dentist.
Do you know Hanna?
egg shampoo Is all
John Moore was in
Fremont last
P. J. Bentz, Dentist, ofllco In Rich
ards block.
Miss McCuno visited in David City
over Sunday.
Don Cameron's lunch counter, 114
18 South Eleventh.
M. I. Stewart spent a couple of days
in Lincoln last week.
Harry Culver and Ed. Hoffnell were
in Falls City last wcok.
Miss Rosanna Brodt spent Sunday
at her home in Beatrice.
Professor Morltz oxpocts to go to
Europe next year to study.
Vlias. Mann went to Omaha Friday
to remain until after election.
Clyde Hayes has returned to
up his study in tlio law school.
Miss Jessie Macfarland will soon
leave for a year's trip In Europe.
E. J., Smith of Dakota City entered
tho senior law class a week ago.
The botanical seminar room, 107
Nebraska hall, will be dedicated next
Tho Y. W. C. A. Is planning for a
song service Wednesday at 5:00 in
the chapel.
Most of tho law school men went
home to voto and as a result a holiday
was given on Monday and Tuesday.
Miss Florence Weed a former stu
dent of the University is in Sioux
Falls, South Dakota studying music.
Miss Emma Outcalt left Monday for
Burlington, Iowa, io attend tho wed
ding of her friend, Miss Krelchbaum.
Ormer Swartz has discontinued his
work at the university and returned
to his homo at Harvard, Nod.
Tho registrar has reported seven
men of tho Industrial College eligible
for 'graduation on Charter Day.
Mr. Fisher, of tho geology depart-
ment, will start in a fow days on a
western trip for tho government.
Orvlllo Price who wns an assistant
in mathematics last year, is a teacher
in one of the high schools in Denver.
Tho senior class is making its pres
ence felt. Friday night, tho 1900 in
front of tho library building changed
Into 1901.
Mrs. F. M. Hall, state chairman of
tho Y. W. C. A. talked to tho young
women last Wednesday, at 5:00 o'clock
In tho chapel.
Tho Senior football team will play
tho Juniors Saturday afternoon, No
vember 10. This is tho first of a
series of class games.
TIiq weok of prayor for young wo
man, Nov. 11-18, will bo obsorved by
ho association In spoolnl sorvlcos each
day 'luring thowcok.
The Bulletin of tho School of Agri
culture, winter term, will bo out this
weok. Many new classes and courses
of study will bo affected.
E. M. Dunnaway has been out tho
past week with a quartot which ac
companied Senator Wellington upon
his trip through this congressional
Mr. A. T. Strahorn returned to
school last week after an absence of
three weeks, lie has boon engaged
In nnallzlng boots at the Ames sugar
Ralph Folsom, Hugo Scliultz, and
Linn Huntington were initiated Into
Alpha Tau Omega last Friday evening.
Refreshments were served after the
Davo Dickinson, a former student
at tho University, was In tho city last
week on official business. Mr. Dickin
son is court reporter for one of the dis
trict judges at Omaha.
Ralph Hlckok and John Klelno,
Alpha Taus from Ohio, spent a few
days last week with the Alpha Tau
boys here. They aro now instructors
in tho Hastings' college.
There aro to be three pianos given
away free this winter. By buying
coal of Gregory The Coal Man, and
getting tlckes, you can help your fra
ternity or society get a piano free.
Tho first term of tho year at the
Conservatory will end next Saturday
and tho second term opens on the fol
lowing Monday. Phero will be an in
crease in attendance.
Tho Law college football eleven
challenges any class team in the aca
demic group to a game. They have a
few men that would compare favor
ably with Turner and Hansen of tho
victorious team of '!).
Professor Hodgman addressed the
Thayer County Teachers' Institute at
Hebron last weok. His subject was
"Educational Alms." The county su
perintendent, "W. II. Rhodes, Is an al
umnus of tho University.
Clarko L. Streeter, is now employed
at tho factory of tho Norfolk Sugar
Company, In the chemistry depart
ment. The season ends tho first of tho
year, and no expects to return to take
up work during the second semester.
A joint debato was held between the
Ilayward and Bryan clubs at the And-
i ltorIum last Frhla' evening. It. S.
BaKer' w- O'Connell, and It. Ewart
ivwuuim mu iwwum uiuu uuu o.
k. uratt, it. .warns ana w. Morrow,
tho Bryan club.
Mr. Cross, the gardener, desires it to
bo known that anyone is at liberty to
visit tho greenhouses when they are
open. For some reason tho students
have had the idea they were not al
lowed there. Such Is not the case and
they aro always welcome.
Tho State Y. W. C. A. convention
will be hold at Fremont Nov. 9-10.
The first session will bo on Friday
afternoon, and the convention will
close Sunday evening, thus enabling
the young women to attend the en
tire convention without missing much
school work.
Tho mathematics seminar mot. last
Saturday. Tho mooting was attend
ed, not only by university people, but
also instructors from all tho neigh
boring colleges. Tho organization is
beginning to bo recognized as tho Lin
coln Mathematical Society.
Miss EfTlo K. Price, national secre
tary of tho Y. W. C. A., will bo at tho
convontlon at Fremont during tho en
tire session. Sho will glvo tho open
ing address and will speak at several
of tho other sessions. Sho will visit
tho university tho last of tho weok.
An arrangement has boon made by
which tho library will furnish col
lateral readings for thoso interested
In Bible study. This arrangomont will
bo of great value to tho members of
the christian organizations, especially
those who aro Interested In tho mis
sionary movement.
College text books at cut prices. His
tory paper 7 and 8 conts per 100. Small
sized history paper 5 conts per 100.
Fountain pens G9 cents each. "Remex"
Fountain pen ?1.00. Students' sup
plies of all kinds at reduced prices.
Book and Stationery Department,
H. Heiuoi,sui:imi:ii Co.
Professor Hill went to Kansas City
Monday, to attend tho meeting of the
executive commlttco of tho Western
Philosophical Association. Tho com
mittee will arrange tho program for
tho meeting that will bo nold in Lin
coln during tho holidays. Before he
returns, Professor Hill will address
the Philosophy Club of Park College.
Notwithstanding the counter attrac
tions in the city tho ralladlan club
held its regular debate Saturday
evening. Tho discussion of tho prin
ciples of democracy and republicanism
was excellent and showed a careful
study of present issues on tho part of
the speakers. The attendance was
good. At the next meeting, November
1 10th, tho advisability of retiring tho
national bank notes will bo tho subject
of debate. The preliminary contest of
the club for the final debates will be
hold December 8ih.
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