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About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1900)
liWM lBf t-nrfwii MfllHUHTIMll'ilHI llMllMllllil In The Nebraskan-Hesperian y ALUMNI DEPARTMENT M..E. Hiltnor, '98, grcotcd unlvorlty frlendB lnat wcok. It. M. Harris, 'UO, law, vlBltod the .university last wcok. J. S. Smagcr, '99, is teaching In the .schoolB at Seward, Neb. Mrs. Grace Prey Times, visited at .tho University last Friday. Joo Sayer, '93, 1b at Dlamondrllle, Wyo., teaching in the city schools. G. E. Bedell, '00, Is installing tho now street railway plant at Nebraska City. H. B. Noyes is in tho employ of tho General Electric Co., of Schenectady, U. Y. Frank Bain, '99, is candidate for assessor at Falrbury on tho republican ticket. was formerly an assistant In the De partment of Botany of tho University. A STUDY IN NAMES. Although tho presont fashion of Chrlstoning children with family sur names is much to bo commended for various reasons, somo rather queer combinations sometimes result from tho practice. Tho following list Is composed of genuino names of men and women: Edna Broker Mothershead, Marion English Earlo, Sawyer Tumor Somer set, Will W. Upp, Nealon Pray Dally, Benton Klllin Savage, Owen Taylor Money, Ima Little Lamb, Broker Hus bandB Hart, R. U. Pholan-Goodo, Mario A. Bachelor, May Tyus Upp, I. Bothy Sawyer, Mabel Evo Story, Will Waltz Wither, Waring Greon Cotes, Iva Winchester Rifle, Etta Lotta Ham-mond-Degges, Barber Cutting Mann, Makin Loud Noyes, Hurd Copp Cum min, Rodenor Pullman Karr, Doody Spies Sourwine, Knott Worth Reading. Vilas P. Sheldon, '00, of Nehawka, spent Sunday with his Sigma Chi brothers. Miss Martha Theodora Auman, 1900, Is a student at tho Moody Bible In stitute of Chicago. Chas Fritz, an old E. E. student, is now assistant superintendent of the Kansas City street railway system. Steve Corey, '98, will finish his course at tho Rochester Theological Seminary at Rochester, N. Y., this year. . Ralph Miller, '98, and Roy Sawyer, '99, are both in the employ of tho Sawyer- Mann Incandescent Lamp Co., of Chicago. O. T. Reedy, C. E., '97, has resigned his position with tho Union Pacific at Omaha and gone to Havana, Cuba, to accept work In tho Government Sur vey, under J. R. Sargent. jmnmiMwwfrmmnTminminmmTra : Wo carry only tho cards of rcnutablo men, and students will find represented in this column tho best physicians and dentists In tho city. iiuninnumiimnnnnunuiinimimi Residence 1310 G St. Phono 242. Offlco 1100 O St. Phono 535. J, R. HAGGARD, M. D, Rooms ai3 and 314 Richards Block, LINCOLN. NEBR. DR. W. L, DAYTON, Or. J. P. "Williams, Assistant. Diseases of the Eye, Ear, and Throat. 1305 O Street. LINCOLN, NEBR. D. H. MUIR, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Offico TreatmontElootrical or Medical. 123 1 M St. Lincoln, Nobr. "W. H. Reedy, who attended tho uni versity last year, Is out stumping the stato for McKlnloy. His subject Is the Philippines. He expects to return to school after tho campaign. Fred W. Brown, '00, cam to Lin coln last Saturday and will remain until Tuesday in order to vote. He is traveling for the W. P. Main Co., Jewelers of Providence, R. I. E. A. Bessey, '96, has sent a lot of prepared specimens of a raro treo growing in Washington, for study in tho Botany Laboratory. The point of interest In tho specimens is in tho method of fertilizing which has only recently been discovered. Only a few Japanese students and a fow botanists In Washington understood tho method. M. E. HUtnor, '98, left Wednesday, to accept a position with tho Portland Gold Mining Co., of Central City, South Dakota. This forced him to glvo up his fellowship in the chemis try department. For two years past Mr. Hiltnor has been connected with the Dry Concentrating Gold Co., of Atlantic City, Wyoming. DR. SHOEMAKERS PRIVATE HOSPITAL For tho treatment of all diseases of tho nerv ous system. Special attention K'lvcn to diseases of women. S elal rates to students. C. A. SHOEHAKER, M. D U. ol N., '86. 1117 I. St. - - Lincoln, Nobr Residencr: 2548 Q street, Telephone, 0!"r DR. REYNOLDS, SURGEON. Burr Block, Rms 17-19, Phone, 050. OFFICE HOURS: 10 a. m. to 12 M. 3 to 5 p. m. Sunday, 3 to 5. Albert F. Woods, '90, is chief of tho Division of Vegetable Physiology and Pathology, in Washington, D. C. Ho is still a young man and yet has been promoted so rapidly that he now has one of the moBt Important scientific positions in Washington. Mr. Woods Short Line and Quick Service To Nebraska City, Falls City, St Louis, and all Points South, East, and West. City Ticket Office, 1039 O Street. H, 0, Townsend, P. D. Cornell, G. P. & T, A. C. P. & T. A. cMeris Furnishings TRUE ECONOMY AND ABSOLUTE CORRECT STYLES ARE COMBINED IN OUR SHOWING A COMBINATION TRULY INTERESTING Some Examples: Men's fancy percale Shirts in stripes and checks, new goods, collar attached, regular 50c values, special now, each 37Jc Men's fancy laundered Shirts, made of a standard, fast color percale, stripes and figured effects, one pair of cuffs, the same as the 75c values shown elsewhere; our price now, each 43c New jersey ribbed Shirts and Drawers, regular 50c goods, on sale now, per garment 37&C Men's wool fleece-lined Shirts and Drawers, extra quality, broken line of sizes shirts: 38, 40, 42, 44; drawers: 30, 38, 40, 42, 44 regular $J,00 goods, to close the line, per garment 7c $i. yterpcteheimer q. W?mZV?2?T?ZW?-W?ZZ-SEZWJW?ZW?T&W?WlX&W?W?W-l&Wl&?W- NO WRITER i $ $ I The J droit Writer WHETHER HE BE STUDENT, PROFESSIONAL OR BUSINESS OlrPl 1 J& i v C C CAN AFFORD TO BE WITHOUT i Waterman's Ideal j 7 ruunuun ren, I which is a pocket pen and ink-bottle combined, always ready to write when the user is, and always all write. A GIFT OF NEVER ENDING USEFULNESS. A constant and lasting reminder of the giver. All stationers and jewelers sell our pens in Lincoln. S I I S J 12 Golden Lane. ,, J, WATERMAN CO. "5 and 157 Broad- H I London, E. C. way, New York. icCJ'1Hih'UkWi'i flood Work Popular Prices Students especially Invited to call RK & C Barber Shop 1144 O Street 'Monarch" 2rcivr2 Shirts tvfth IPatent'S labs pre-dent the sr bosom from buWn through the -Vest opening. ota by Haberdashers at ! $1.50,$1.75,$2.00. CLVETT,PEAB0DY8C0. MAKERS if Jib mJSLW THE FAMOUS KALAMAZOO UNIFORMS FOR CADETS are unequalled for style, material and fit. We make them, and most all cadets wear them. All equipments for military and uni formed organiza tions. Send for cata logue. They are free. .THE.. HENDERSON-AMES GO. Kalamazoo, Mich. w ri A I