The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, November 06, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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    The Nebraskan-Hksperian
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'Tho Grau,Opora, soyon dollars. Well
It mlgliras well bo' seventy. You seo
lamQnly a freshman.
Wo do- wish Mr. itlmball "would' play
a real long ploco In chapol every morn
ing when tho now organ Is roady. Just
think how cultured Svo should all bo
when wo can glibly discourse on musi
cal topics, of having heard BUch and
such selections of Mozkowskl, Do
Koven, etc.
Tho school spirit displayed by tli'o
Medics at tho Kansas City gamo.wouid
bo a valuable object lesson to tho stu
dents hero. Tho bleachers wore bright
with colors, organized bands of rooters
blazing with rod and yellow, filled tho
tho side-lines. There were doctors In
all stages of development from tho
New specialist and tho Professor of
Indigestion and Appendicitis down to
tho freshmen who had just assumed
glasses and were getting used to call
ing one another "Doc."
Prom tho time their team entered
the field until each man reached his
homo after tho game, their yells and
ongs continued except when tho cap
tain was giving signals.
Their enthusiasm had ono unpleas
ant feature. They wero especially
cjwigy "when Nebraska had tho ball,
rClit:ln Brew was frequently obliged
to telPeah man tho play because of
tho din. -T'Svas uone Intentionally
and In splteof the officials efforts to
secure quiet. Tho leader and worst
offender in this display of rowdyism
was a professor by tae nmo of Dr. Rao,
who is old enough to know better. His
action shows him to bo absolutely de
void of tho Instincts of a sportsman
and a gentleman.
My Dear Mr. Editor:
The girls thought It would bo so nico
if some ono wrote to you about calling
Not about your calling, tho of course
wo shall always bo glad to have you
call, but about calling itself. It has
bothered wo girls awfully.
If a gentleman wants to rest or
study on Sunday that settles it. No
ono comes to see him and If they do It
does not matter how he looks or any
thing. And he don't need to seem
pleased to see them either.
I don't thnk they call on each other
and if they do and ono Is busy he can
say so and It Is all right.
Rut a &v Is expected to bo at home
on Sunday whether she is carrying
seventeen hours besides Gym. and has
been out three evenings in tho week
or not. I will teii ou what happened
at our house last Sunday.
Wo wero to have dinner at 3:00
o'clock, before that the boys began to
Ikoy now doth wear a pipe,
'Quito a little beauty;
For since ho Is a sophomoru
To wear ono is his duty.
Ikey bought a llttlo sack
Filled with dark tobacco,
Filled his pipe and lit It, too,
Happy llttlo Jacko.
Ikoy strutted forth at largo
Up and down the campus,
Puffing smoke out through his nose,
Blowing llkq a grampus.
Ikey winked at all tho girls
Ho was wont to flattor;
Felt a pain beneath his coat
Heavens! What's the matter?
Ikey's pain got worse and worse,
Seemed to cramp beneath his vest.
Ho made a rush, got to tho wlndow
' Reader, you can guess tho rest.
como und wo hadto excuso ourselves
ono or two at a tlmo and dlnfe in re
lays. It was after 5:00 boforo I had
my dinner. Of course wo llko to have
lots of company, but it does seem tnat
there ought to bo somo way planned
bo that wo could "havo" Sunday to our
selves if wo liked.
VOry sincerely yours
P.S. Tho girls don't know that I
am writing this and I do not wish
them to, so pleaso do not print my
Editors Note Our fair correspond
ent has touched upon ono of tho most
important topics of vital Interest to
iho studont body, It should bo thor
oughly discussed. This department
Is open to any ono who desires to wrlto
upon this subject. Wo shall next week
offer prizes for tho best plans to
overcome tho difficulties of which tho
writer complains.
There is a good joke on Mr. Harry
Thurston Peck, the robust editor of
tho Bookman. Of coursq everybody
knows, although Mr. Peck doesn't ad
mit tho fact, that II. T. P. writes the
answers In the Bookman's Letter Box.
By the way, buy this box and read
every letter, they are better than tho
letters you are In the habit of receiv
ing from a friend at home. But to
stick to my text, in tho November
number of tho Bookman, Mr. Peck has
an article which he wrote after an
evening at the club. And in this ar
ticle he waxed eloquent over a "nine
on tho football field." Those of us
who read the article smiled a little,
but we had heard of such scemes be
fore and didn't write him a letter. But
somebody did of course, and Mr.
Peck's reply would do justice to the
professional apologist. Ho actually
acknowledged tho corn and everybody
is taking him seriously. Ills many
moods will be his ruin yet. He ought
to write a Latin Grammar. Dr. Hale's
now classification wouldn't stand with
Harry's. And that reminds us that
Harry Thurston Peck is a very great
man and a noted Latin scholar and a
poet too.
One of the brightest, best looking,
neatest dressed freshman said to me
the other day, "What Is the matter
with the Frats hero anyway. They aro
tho slowest, dullest lot of people that
I over ran across." Well I agreed and
told him so on tho spot. "They cer
tainly are slow about getting on to a
good thing." Then i asked him if he
had received a "bid and ho said "No."
"Neither havo I," said I.
P. S. Frats take notice Apply by
letter or person to box office, this department.
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