The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, November 06, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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rim Nebraskan-Hesperian
Soc. 6. Tho manager shall bo gov
erned by tho athletic board in fixing
tho prlco of admission to all games and
Sec. 7 Tlio manngor has no author
ity in tho solcctlon of teams .and tho
placing of men on tho field.
Aimor.n v. mmi:s ov assistant
Sec. 1. Tho assistant managers shall
shnro tho duties and responsibilities
of tho management of each sport, as
may bo assigned to him by tho man
ngor and committco of his sport.
Sec. 2. Assistant manager shall bo
manager of second teams.
Sec. 3. Upon recommendation of any
athletic committco and presentation of
direct evidence of unfitness or indif
ference tho athletic board may romovo
an assistant manager.
Sec. 1. Tho managers and assistant
managers of tho football team shall
bo olected annually by tho athleue
board at tho regular meeting in De
cember. Ills term of office shall begin
Sec. 2. Tho managers of tho base
ball team, tho Track-team, Tennis,
Baskot-Ball and any other sport reg
ularly recognized by tho Board shall
bo elected annually by the Alhletic
Hoard at tho regular meeting of tho
Board in May. Their term of office
shall begin on tho 1st day of tho fol
lowing September.
Sec. 3. Notice of such elections and
requests for nominations shall bo prln
ted in tho University papers at least
two weeks prior to such elecotion.
Sec. 4. No person shall be eligible
.for the position of manager of any
University sport who is not at tho time
when his service is to begin, an up
per classman in good standing and
ipursuing a regular course. (Seo
.egilibillty rules.)
. Sec. 5. Each manager shall be
charged with tho movable equipments
of his team and it shall be his duty
at the close of tho season to deliver
such equipment to the chairman of his
Sec (5. Assistant managers shall be
chosen by tho Board at tho same time
as the managers upon advice and
nominations of tho managers.
Sec. 7. The term of office of an as
sistant shall not extend beyond the
term for which tho manager of that
sport was elected.
, who attends the university is given a special in
vitation to visit our Coak and Suit department.
We promise to show all who come the choicest
collcctidn of good values in stylish, well made,
readytowear garments ever displayed in Lin
coin Come and see for yourself.
fllMller & flbaine
Duties, .
Sec. 1. Tho captain shall porform
such duties' as usually apportain to
his position; ho shall socuro mon for
his team and candidates for tho samo
and shall enforco upon his mon duo
obscrvauco of careful habits of train
ins. Sec. 2. Tho captains of tho various
athlotlc teams shall seo to it that all
mombcrs of teams shall havo passed
a physical examination under tho
physical director boforo entering any
regular game, and that all candidates
for teams aro examined at the begin
ning of tho season.
Sec. 3. Tho captnin of each team shall
bo responsible to tho Athletic Board
for any violation of tho Eligibility
Rules In his team.
Sec. 4. Tho captain of ench team
shall report to tho chairman of tho
Committco in chargo of tho sport tho
attendance of members of the team
and candidates for it .each week on
autici.i: vm. m.r.cTiox or oaitains.
Sec. I. Immediately prior to close
of the season for which any regular
athletic team is organized, the secre
tary of tho athletic board and chair
man of each athletic committco shall,
under Its direction prepare a list of
all persons upon such team who took
part in the principal events of such
Sec. 2. Those players upon Univer
sity teams who have compoted in
games against recognized colleges
shall be entitled to vote for captain
for the following year. Tho Secretary
shall also make, under the direction
of the board a list of those members
of tho team who aro eligible under
tho eligibility rules of the board to the
position of captain.
Sec. 3. Ono copy of the latter list
shall bo sent to each person upon the
former list with tho request that ho
indicate his choice for captain of the
team for the ensuing year by drawing
a line in ink across tho name of the
person voted for and return tho list in
a sealed envelope to the secretary of
the board.
Sec. 4. Tho person, otherwise eligi
ble receiving a majority of the votes
cast, shall, on a canvass thereof by the
board bo declared elected.
Concluded ni'xt Nmic
Jasper Hunt, '9G is teaching at Wakefield.
Phi Delta Thota has inltlatod J. M.
Raymond, Amos Thomas, and D. Mait-land.
Tho Bota Thota Pi fralornlty gavo
an Impromptu dance Friday night at
their rooms on 0 streot.
Alpha Tau Omega Initiated Ralph
Folsom, Linn Huntington, and Victor
Schultz, last Friday night.
On last Wednesday evening Pi Beta
Phi gavo an informal Hallow'een
party at their chapter houso lGth and
F sts. Tho following woro present:
Misses Graco Andrews, Kathcrlno
Thomas, Amy Robinson, Lois Burruss,
Bossio Burruss, Kntherino McPhuly;
Messrs. Blackmail, Richards, Nowal,
Everett, Prico, McKillup.
On Wednesday night at tho chapter
houso 14th and R sts., Kappa Alpha
Thota initiated Misses Juno Douglas
of St. Joseph, Abblo McIIonry, of Den-
nison, Iowa, Graco Russell of Dunlap, !
Iowa, Viola Stuart.of Axtoll, and Ruth j
Macfarland of Lincoln. About thirty i
active and .alumuao members later j
partook of an informal banquet. I
On Wodnosday evening Delta Delta '
Delta held an Initiation at tho homo of
Miss Maysie Ames, 1220 G st. Those
taken in were Misses Florence Rob
erts, Eola Auld of Lincoln, Fern Ab
bott of Grand Island and Leo Loomis,
of Fremont. Later tho active chapter
it'n'l all resident alumnao partook of a
Hallow'een supper.
Sigma Chi initiated Dr. James F.
Stevens, Henry Arends of Syracuse,
and Will Saxton of Edgar, on Tuesday
night. Dr. Stevens is a pledge from
last year when he secured his Ph. D.
Saxton is a brother of "Spud" Saxton,
'97, who was also a Sig.
H. D Landis presided at the banquet
which followed the initation.
Miss Beth Marshall gavo a Hallow
'een party last Wednesday evening at
her homo. The house was very unique
ly and prettily lighted with jack lan
terns. The following were present:
Misses Sedgwck, Montgomery, John
son, Thorpe, Howlands, Spinney,
Woodward, Henry, Ashmun, Barber;
Messrs. Hopewell, Montgomery, Mor
rison, Shldler, Mann, Swartz, Mudge,
Linke, Kimball, and Rodger.
Tho Dellan Literary Society gavo a
Hallow'een party Wednesday evening
in the Y. M. C. A. room. All guests
came to tho party robed in ghostly
apparel and masked. Much enjoyment
was had In guessing tho identity of
tho maskers. During the latter part
of the evening the masks were re
moved and everbody drank elder, ate
apples, told stories and cracked jokes
until a late hour. Those present were:
Misses Prytlo, Doane, Jones, Grimm,
Weed, McDIll, Williams, McCaw,
Thlolo, Saults, Fiddle, Slay ton;
Messrs. Boomer, Woodruff, Harrison,
Pasey, McCracken, Allen, Hodge, Ed
gerton, Doane, Davis, Theobald, Mor
rill, Bliss, McCallum, Garrett and
On last Friday ovoning tho Phi Del
ta Thota Fraternity entertained at
the house 1522 S St., in honor of
"PcDble" of Now York. The following
were present: Mr. and Mrs.-W. G.
Morrison, Mr. and 'Mrs. J. C. Seacrest,
Mr. and Mrs. II, P. Lau, jr.; Misses
Hays, Welsh, J, Outcalt, Woodward,
Johnson, G, Macomber, Bonncll Loo
mis, Cochrane, J. Macfarland, Jackson,
M. Bennett, L. Tukoy, Colo. E. Tukey,
Honeywell, Webster; Clark, Hunt,
Bowon, Funko. The hosts aro known
under their fraternity roof by these
names: Solom, Germany, Duk'o, Jos
tor, Walter, Dr. Whlto, Hero, Dreor,
Fanny, Kami, I., Rami II. llouck, Tom
my, Chick, Harmony, Dell, Opon, Bob
ble, Thompson, Peebles.
Tho Union Society was very pleas
antly entertained at tho homo of Miss
Rona Chappol, 410 North Twelfth st.
last Friday ovoning. Games woro
played and tho telling of ghost stories
was indulged in till a Into hour. Tho
houso was vory beautifully decorated
with flowers and tho Union colors.
Miss Bossio Brown acted as a Gypslo
fortune teller and dispensed fortunes
to tho curious. About fifty woro pres
ent. Refreshments, consisting of grapo
punch, apples, candy, and .nuts woro
Stanford University, Cal., Oct. G,
1900. Nobraskan-Hcsporlan Sirs:
Your paper readied mo a few days ago
and it is needless to say that I am
much pleased with It. Your registra
tion number was attractive and well
gotten up. I could easily Imaglno
myself mingling with the throng of
students as thoy moved from table to
toblo and from professor to professor
fixing up their recitation schedules.
A different system of registration pre
vails hero at Stanford. Each student
has a major and a minor study and
consequently a major and minor pro
fessor. It is the business of the pro
fessor to assist tho student in the
preparation of his study card, which Is
afterward filled out and filed with tho
registrar and tho necessary fees paid.
Graduates from accredited institu
tions aro permitted to take all tho
first year subejets in law; and as their
subjects count toward graduation and
the degree of A. B., a studant may con
sider himself either a graduate student
or a senior. Personally, I havo iden
tified myself with the latter aggrega
tion and expect to be in lino for a
sheepskin next June. A thesis of three
thousand words or more will do tho
Tho law department hero in some
what In its infancy yet, but it is mak
ing rapid strides to tho front. Tho
professors without exception aro
either Harvard or Columbia. In
struction is given by means of tho
Case system which was originated by
Prof. Langdell of Harvard and is fol
lowed in most of the first class law
schools of this country.
On entering the university grounds,
ono is immediately struck by tho mag
nificent scale on which things are dono
here. The buildings aro all of stono
and aro finished In hard woods of var
ious kinds. The new chapel which
will bo completed next spring is an
imposing structure and will cost over
ono million dollars.
The dormatory system prevails hero
to a great extent. Enclna Hall is tho
homo of about 300 men. Tho co-eds
Hvo in Rable Hall which will accom
modate about 1C0 students. Besides
these halls there aro a number of
private student enterprises In and
about tho campus. Life in Encina Hall
Is about like that of any dormatory
whore a number of students aro gath
ered together.
While the juniors and seniors keep
up the class spirit In tho U. of N., tho
Freshes and Sophs do It here. Tho
first four nights were made hideous by
tho yells of the unlucky Freshies as
they woro plunged into tho cold water
of tho Enclna bath tub. Tho "babies"
havo become organized now and aro
repaying their big brothers with in
terest. They had a scrap on tho cam
pus a week ago that lasted nearly all
night and was only Btopped by tho
interferorxso of tho night watchman.
Stag parties in the club room am
all tho go now. An informal hop will
bo given In honor of tho university
girls next Saturday evening. These
parties nro given ono or two in each
Athletics aro given a prominent
place in student affairs. Football
with Coach Yost at the head is all tho
go now. Yost is very popular horo
and has tho confidence of tho stuoents.
Tho faculty from tho president down
to the lowest assistant will accompany
tho team to San Francisco on Thanks
giving day, when wo meet tho Univer
sity of California on their homo
grounds. For fear of wearying you, I
must close.
With best wishes for your success,
I am, sincerely,