flJiiiiiiiiiBiiiiiMni'iiMiiii'iitiTiiriiiTWiiiiiT i'ii mm n hmihim -tjf The Nebraskan-Hesperian Who Is Ludwlg? Ludwlg the Collego Tnilor. Lincoln Dental College Clinic, 121 South 14th. Dental work afternoons. Jim Miller of Wayne, visited the Alpha Tau boys a few days last week. Rev. Wharton of the M. E. Church led tho devotional exercises In the chapel Monday October 22. Miss Maud Merrill a first yoar stu dent, has loft school and returned to her home at Edgar, Nebraska. Tho check room will be opened as soon as the cold weather sots m. Em ployees have alredy been engaged. Dr. Hasting lectured at Fremont Thursday, October 25, to tho public on "Growth and Dsvolopmont of Ne braska Children." On Frl.lay, Octo ber 2G. Dr. Hasting made a special examination of the Fremont high school athetotic team. A petition was being circulated Saturday for a holiday on election day in order to allow men td go home to vote. The Phi Gamma Delta fraternity held an initiation last Saturday even ing, J. McGeachen, Carpenter, and Hurtz are the new Phi Gammas. G. W. Bates who has been survey ing puollc lands in South Dakota has returned and will take up work in the engineering groups next semester. The Debating Association met Mon day evening, October 22. A new con stitution was adopted and tho manner of holding the preliminaries changed. ' The various debating clubs will hold j the first preliminaries this year. This j will bo done in the way the club flnos best suited, but tho expense If any, will be borne by tho association. Each club will send five members to the second test which will bo conducted by tho association. The judges of this contest will be the heads of the departments of American history, English, Philosophy, European his tory, Economics and Law. Tho plans for Impromptu oratorical contests with Minnesota and otner universities which were not perfected last year are under consideration again thl3 year. T ! G?& he University of Minnesota College of Medicine and Surgery,,,,,,,,,, ,,, Tho thirteenth Annual Course of Lectures will commence on tho 19th day of September, 1000, and will continue eight and one-half months. Tho course is graded and covers a period of four years. Medical Hall, the Laboratory of Medical Science, the Laboratory of Medical Chemistry, and the Laboratory of Anatomy are situated upon the Cam pus. The clinical opportunities afforded by tho hospitals and dispensaries of Minneapolis and St. Paul arc at tho command of the College. For out door clinical servico a new clinical building has boon built in a central location. For information address, DR. PARKS RITCHIE, DEAN UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. MINNEAPOLIS, miNN, Several of tho eastern locomotive works have sent sets of blue prints and photographs of tneir latest ma chines to the mechanical engineering department. The position of chief trumpeter of the battalion Is vacant this year. Mr. Thomas who held that office last year intends to drill with Company C for the coming year. The colleKe settlement board has definitely decided to change the loca tion of the settlement house. This move has been contemplated for some time, but was not finally acted upon until the meeting ot the new board last Thursday. The new loca tion will be about 21st and N St., and If arrangements can be made a house will be purchased by the board. A committee for this purpose was ap pointed. It is hoped to enlarge the work greatly and to make manual training a regular department. Com mittees were also appointed to took over the situation and find out what support could be expected from the university body and from outside sources. ! wwww J. H. Kuhns, who left school in '95 as a Junior was at the university for a. couple days in the interesc of toe Omaha Electrical Manufacturing Co. -whom he now represents. Doctor Brace of the department of physics Is expected to return the first of next week. He has not fully re covered from his illness nnd will not resume his work for some time. There aro to be three pianos given away free this winter. By buying coal of Gregory Tho Coal Man, and getting tickets, you can help your fraternity or society get a piano free. The girls gymnasium classes be gan regular work In tho old gymnas ium building Thursday. The bather for tho girls In the new miildlng has been completed and h ready for use. Tho crop of beets at tho state farm are being harvested and stored in the big barn. Owing to tho bounti ful rains of the past season they havo reached an almost unprecedent ed growth. During tho last few years, no man has so endeared hlniBolf to tho young men of tho University as Dr. W. W. Hastings. No man has been more In sympathy with tho young men, and his doparturo will bo regretcd by all. It Is fitting that an oppurtunlty should' bo extended to him to addresb tho young mon of tho University. On next Sunday, Nov. 4th ho will speak upon tho subject, "How a Young Man should caro for his body." This Is surely a tlmely'subject and all young men .should hear the discussion, The following books usually sold from $1.20 to $1.50 per volume will be on sale In our book department next week for 59 cents. "Under tho Red Robe." by Stanley J. Weyman. "Caleb West," F. Win ton Churchill. "Soldiers of Fortune," Richard Harding Davis." The Manx man. ' Hall Cain. "The Choir In visible," .las. Lane-Allen. "Tho Forest Lovers," Maurice Hewlett. "Zlska." Mario Corelll. "The Prisoner of Zenda," Anthony Hope. "A Lady of Quality," Mrs Burnett. "Phroso," Anthony Hope. "Tekla," Robert Barr. "Trilby," DuMaurler. "The Pride of Jennlco," Egerton Cas tle. "Dross," Henry Leton Merrl man. "Gloria Mundl," Harold Frederic. "McLeague," Frank Nor ris." Agatha Webb," Anna Katherlne Green. "The .Tessamy Bride," Frankfort Moore. "A Dash for a Throne," A. W. Mnrshmont. "By Right of Sword," A. W. Marahmont. "The Towers," Henry Leton Merrl man. "Tho Oladlly," E. L. Voynlch. A Gentleman Player," R. N. Steph ens. "For the Freedom of tho Lea," Cyrus Townsend Brady." Barablas," Marie Corelll. "St. Ives," Robert Louis Stevenson. "Sentimental Tommy," J. M. Barrio. "Adven mures of Sherlock Holmes,' K, Co- nan Doyle. H. Mpiiiuuhh. ..mi u $5.00 Pays for a double berth in one" of those comfortable Tourist Sleepers, Lincoln to Los Angeles, Calif. No change of cars, Leaves Lincoln every Thursday, 6 p.m., via the Burlington, City Ticket Office Cor. io th and O Sts. Telephone 235. Burlington Depot 7th St., Bet. P & Q. Telephone 25. ,vw:. l When a fellow gets a letter From a maiden ho devlnes Many a precious little secret Written in between the lines. Funny, too, In Greek and Latin, How we meet with like designs, Strange how many happy meanings Oft are read between the lines. Ex. The University Of Music School IS pposite tbe Campus Students contemplating the study of Music, and those who have friends desirous of in formation concerning the advantages offered, are cordially invited to visit the School and and obtain an Illustrated Catalogue. You can enter at any time, WILLARD KIMBALL, Director, :fc W a Emm