The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, October 30, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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The Nebraskan-Hksperian
Xocal ant personal.
Dr. Wente, dentist.
Do you know Hanna?
Sweaters at Ludwlg's
H. Hehpoi.shkimkh &Co.
"yVcsterfield's egg shampoo is all
Talk with Ludwlg about your
Harold Homan visited in Omaha
ever Sunday.
Mr. Clark Bell of York is pledged
to .the Betas.
I. G. Shedd was In Chicago on bus
iness last week.
Sam McDonald is expected to re
turn to his law work soon.
The Phi Kappa Psi fraternity has
pledged Dan Cook of Beatrice.
William Fairchild, 03, visited at
his home in Omaha over Sunday.
A beginning class in geometry has
been formed at the Lincoln Academy.
Mr. Ott, agent for the Bausch and
Lomb Optical Co., was on the campus
Prof. Ward expects to go out on a
short collecting tour the latter part of
tnis week.
The Betas had a "stag party"
Wednesday evening in honor of tiieir
new members.
About twenty men will be em
ployed at the state farm during the
coming winter.
Two bound volumes of last year's
law theses have recently been placed
in the law library.
The creamery building at the .state
farm Is being renovated preparatory
to the winter term.
Misses Learned and McPberson,
the editors of The Pebble, visited the
university Saturday.
E. Wlggenhorn and George Shedd
of Ashland were guests at the Phi
Psl house last week.
R. S. Baker, law "00" was seen on
the University campus Thursday
greeting old friends.
A daf3 in illustrating has been
started In the art school and will
moot Thursday afternoons.
General Bookbinding at Ivy Bind
ery 131 North 12th St. Second hand
books bought and sold at Osborn's
Old Book Store.
The Doha Tau Delta fraternity
held an initiation Monday eve, Oct.
22. Huso, Lyman, McCaun and
Bridge aro the now brothers.
Pros. J. G. Schurman of Cornell
University arrived in the city yes
terday. He Is here to deliver an ad
dress on the Phllllpino question.
Professor Brunor is preparing a col
lection of grass hoppers to be aent to
Vienna, Austria, in exchnnge for
some he received a short time ago.
Don Cameron's launch counter, 114
18 South Eleventh.
The hoard met for organization last
Wednesday morning. Prof. Caldwell
was elected president, Miss Davis sec
retary and W. J. Hunting treasurer.
The Sophomores have organized a
football team. They will soon be
ready to play any of the class teams.
S. E. Black is manager, O. B. Hawley
During the present year the Lin
coln Ornithological Club will meet
regularly every Wednesday evening
at Professor Bruner's office In Me
chanic Arts hall.
Dr. Bessey Is in receipt of a rare
and interesting collection of fungi.
The specimens come from different
parts of the world and were presented
by E. S. Salvln of London.
Professor Moritz has just completed
a thesis on "Extension of the Differ
entiation Processes." Mr. Montz has
performed this work in order to ob
tain his P. H. D. degree.
' The registration in the Art School
; is very much larger than ever before.
1 he attendance at the Wednesday
l evening class in life sketching is
I -rtn llinn rt1.1-. tilling If ,. nt Ii I o
iiiuii; incut limii; titii n ntio ui lino
time last year.
For the last few weeks the Ath
letic Board has been busy in going
over and revising the constitution
and the rules and regulations con
cerning those who are eligible to par
ticipate in the collegiate athelatics.
L. K. Malvern of Elgin, III., vis
ited the university last Thursday.
He is on a tour of inspection for the
western division of Delta Tau Delta
fraternity. He reports everything in
the local chapter as being in good
E. G. Woodruff, manager of the
senior football team called a meeting
of members of the class interested in
mi TRSk wr-
T7J HT PHUT are often the primary cause of a cold; sooner or later
&JLJ a "hard cold" turns out to be pneumonia, and when pnciimo
W nia doesn't prove fatal it leaves the lunys in a condition that is
apt to invite consumption, ami consumption claims many more
victii" than any other uisense. Remember that yood, practically
waterproof Oversh cs are essentials1, not luxuries. You can afford the
best, mid we have the best at trifling prices.
Sj Our Swedish
I Perkins, Sheldon
SL 1 129 O
the game Wednesday, October 24.
Bruce Benedict was chosen captain
and arrangements were made to be
gin practice at once for the class
Dr. Ward has a ten page article on
the Anachnida in a new medical En
cyclopedia which is being published
by Win. Wood & Co. Tlie entire work
will comprise about eight volumes
and it is recognized as being a world
standard in the medical and allied
sciences. The first volume has just
been received by the zoology depart
ment. Dr. Bessey has lately had requests
from the Scientific Denartment at
Washington for the names of students
who know enough about botany to en
ter the service there. These are called
scientific aids and amount to about
the same thing as a fellow in the uni
versity. The advantage of the posi
tion Is that the person who holds it
in is eligible for permanent appoint
ment in a few years.
Professor Brooks took a three days
trip to the American Street Railway
Convention at Kansas City last week.
T-Ta iitnc n nnnmnn ti In I 1ir envnn nlan. '
trlcal engineering students and with
them inspected the power and light
ing plant.s at Omaha, Kansas City,
and Ft. Leavenworth. They report
a very fine exhibit of apparatus at
the convention, and an exceedingly
interesting and Instructive program.
The art exhibit which will be held
in the art rooms during the holidays
will surpass anything of this kind
ever shown here. Mrs. Hall of this
city, while in Europe this summer,
negotiated for some of the pictures
from the Paris salon. The work of
selecting these pictures will be In
hands of Mr. Lawton Parker, form
erly of this state and now an art stu
dent in Paris. A number of pictures
fronir the fall exhibition of the
Chicago Art Institute will also be
secured. This selection will include
some of the finest oil paintings in the
Gym Shoes
now m.
& Chamberlain Co.
Professor Richards has received a
largo number of blue prints and pho
tographs of the largo locomotives
which are being built in the east and
sent west for heavy hauling as well
as for fast trains.
Through the influenco of Molvin
Price, instructor in mechanical draw
ing, the Champion Harvesting Ma
chine Company has presented the de
partment of engineering a act of
their new wabble gears. They will
be mounted .In Professor Richards
lecture room.
At special mjetlng, Friday after
noon at 2 o'clock to elect delegates to
a meeting called for the purpose of
organizing a state association of col
lege republican clubs. R. H. Fol
som, A. E. Gordon, G. M. Cowglll, 0.
Everett, S. Brock, and Shuck, were
elected delegates.
legislative (Mlers
120 South 11th Street,
1222 O St.
Will make you a Strictly First-Class
Quarter size Cabinet Oval SI. 00 per
do7. Other sizes in proportion.
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il EJvery young man should 5
examine our line or x1 an
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$ and most varied patterns Jf
Jj and styles. 8
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Fine Tailoring. H
j 1032 O St, Lincoln, Neb, jj
Foot Ball
Should remember that the Union
Pacific is the best lino to Topeka,
Lawrence, and Kansas City, when,
making tours for Foot Hall (,'aine.T
Please keep it in mind and see the City
Ticket Agent at 1044 O Street.
Porirad and Londscaae PRolograqlier
v II L4U n-T ii -m m