The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, October 30, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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    The Neuraskan-Hesperian
N&,3Hfc,fr,fr,fr 'fc'k'fciirtfr Mpipips
Chas. Weldon, class '95, .s now at
"Wayne, Neb.
T. L. Baine, '99, is candidate for
assessor at Fairbury.
Robert Cheney, clnss '95, is at Da
kpta City, Neb.
Harry Sackett is running for coun
ty attorney of Gago county.
Frank Braun, class '94 is in the N.
Y. Life building at Omaha, Neb.
winning team is not developed it will
not be the fault of the coaching ri
ceivod. Mr. Pearse captained the
University team during the oniy
game it won last year Omaha High
School Register.
Miss Willa Cather, '95, writes one
of the leading articles for the No
vember issue of the Ladies Home
Journal. Her subject is Ethelbert
Nevin, "The Man Who Wrote 'Narcissus."
& You want the finest..
i Mr. Herbert J. Webber of the class
Meier Bros., law 1900, have opened of 'S9, has recently published a mil
up a law office in Miller & Paines ' letin on "The Immediate Effect of
The wife of E. M. Pollard, '93, is
dangerously ill at their home at
Wm.O'Connor, '00, in law, is chair
man of the Hoit county democratic
central committee.
Pollen In Maize." Mr. Webber has i
charge of the Plant Breeding Labor
atory in the United States Depart-
ment of Agriculture. I
Miss Hammond, '94, entertained
the Association of Collegiate Alum
nae last Wednesday. Light refresh
ments were served followed by a
business meeting. A brief address j
0. A. Britell, 1900, is taking a I on th nurnose and onnortunitv of .
course in medicine at Rush Medical , the Association was given by the
College, Chicago. j president, Miss Trsman. The con-'
stitution of the Nebraska branch
Walter Thoma3, law '99, visited ! was rea(i i)y the secretary. Mrs. ,
his sister, Miss Katherine Thomas, Brooks was elected as delegate to '
tho first of the week. j the annual convention to be held at
Nw York on November 8th. i
Ned C. Abbott, class '96, and after- I
wards reader in the English depart- The Secretary of the Alumni As-1
ment is principal of the city schools j sociation will endeavor to make, a ,
at Humboldt. i great event out of the dedication of
the organ this winter. It has not I
Otis Weeks, '95, is very often seen ! ,)een (lec,(W just when th,8 wI be
in Lincoln during the latter part of After lhe buil(ling ,n which the or- .
the week. He is roadmaster, Kansas j gan ,Sf has been accented from the
division of U. P. R. R. j contractors, there will be time to j
plan for it. Non-resident alumni '
Chas. Bracelin, who was in school I should know that the tmiversity has
last year, and connected with tho Old been erecting a wing or ..T across
Uni Book Store, is principal of the , the west end of the Grant Memorial
schools at Blair, Neb. j Hali am in th,Si ,n a niche especlal.
ly built for it on foundations of its
L. J. Belknap, '98. passed through ,s the anmni organ The aU(1.
tho city Monday, Oct: 22. He is an , ,ence room is geate(1 for ten 0J,
We have it!
i i '
( & & mfo .$ Ap -ift & ) A 2 9&m rAp 4m fc)
electrical expert in the employ of twelve hundred, and will afford theli h K H
the Wncner Electrical Co.. of St. ., . ...-..- ., ..., - i -- -. O. V. J
the Wagner Electrical
Alumni, students, and friends of the
Univorsity great enjoyment.
Concerning R. L. Marsh, '84, who
pastor of the largest Congregational
church at Burlington, la., George
Mouro says: "He is the leading man
of Burlington."
An effort will be made also to ar
range so that the officers of the Al
umni Association may keep a good
department going in one of the col
lege papers, or issue a separate or-
Herbert J. Webber, '89, and. Ernest San- and see to it that all available
A. Bessey, '9G, nave published vn il-, Alumni news is published at the
lustrated paper on the "Prograss of smallest cost to the Alumni. Propos
Plant Breeding in the United States. ' , itlons nre beinS received from the
They hold positions in the U. S. de- PPers. anrt wen tlie officers meet,
partment of agriculture. , k w111 l,e arranged whether the news
i will be Issued through one of the cx-
Doctor II. Winnet Orr, an Alumni , isting papers, or whether the inter
of tho University nf Nebraska Is sor- ests of the Alumni demand at this
iously ill with appondictis, He is at , time a separate publication. Tho
tho Sanitarium and has had an op-; sympathies of the Alumni, and their
Iteration performed. He is slowly interests to some extent, are center
rallying from the effects of it and i ed In university affairs as wel. as In
hopes are entertained of his uompleto the happenings to individual Alumni,
recovery. I d it will thus be found perhaps,
! that It will be better to have a rous-
W. W. Wilson, '90, county attorney ing department In one of the exlst
of Otoe county is running for re-elee- Ing papers,
lion. Ho will be romamborod as one
of the guards on the Alumni team.
JJOTHING of the kind. But an up-to-date
Clothing Store, where
SA. T TT" men can c sure f gettnl tne right
things at the right price
without a "dicker" system
Commandant Brown
Wants all the cadets to have .their uniforms
cleaned and repaired before the battalion ap
pears in uniform. A seedy looking uniform
will spoil the appearance of the whole com
pany. We will make them look like new.
YOUR SUITORICM, s. w. cor. nth & o sts.
Carl Shuff, '00, has returned from
Kansas City. He Intends to practice
law in Lincoln with an office in the
Brownoll block.
Frod Wright who attended school at
the University last year, is now study
ing at Oberlln, Ohio,
Tho boys consider themselves ex
tremely lucky this year In the mat
ter of a coach. Mi. A. S. Pearse, one
of tho Unl's'Jld 'reliable's Is a born
football player and knows the game
from the begining to the end. If a
Mrs. Raymond's second year chorus
class Is very largo this year.
.... Gbocolates
it SRcetcr'a 9harmaei
NAV. Cor. 12th and N Sts. Lincoln, Neb.
The If. W. Brown Drug & Book Co.
All Text Books and Supplies.
Agents for the Waterman Ideal
Fountain Pen.