id THIS NEBRASKAN-HESPER1AN. Xocal anfc personal. Yiv. Wonte, dentist. W. 13. Cnrroutliors, hordsnian nl the fnrin, lias gono to Long Pino for a few days. Wosloffluld's ogg shampoo Is all right. Lincoln Dontnl College Clinic. 121 South 14th st. Rofiistintlon for the law school be gan Saturday. Don Cameron liineh counter. 114-1S South Eleventh. Mrs. C. 13. Bessey has gono to New York for a visit. Oliver Johnson, dentist, nth and (). over Hurley's druff store. C. P. Atwood. '00, spent Saturday In Lincoln calling on his old friends. AVesterfioId. the barber, lias a largo student trade. It's the place whore they all go. The Chancellor will give an address to the teachers at Broken Bow on Wednesday. Samuel .lohnson, "00. principal of schools at Martol, visited here Satur day and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. 13. 13. Brown gave an informal dinner 'I'uesday evening for Major and Mrs. Dudley. A. A. Waterman fountain pons. SI and up, all guaranteed. At Manuals di'tiy store: Fourteenth and O. A. A. Sims, class '00. has returned to the 'University and will assist in the chemistry department tills year. Sigma Chi has pledged William C. Saxon of Edgar, a nrother of Ralph Saxon, '!)7. who was also a "Sig." H. C. Swallow, now teaching at Har vard, this state, was visiting at the University a few days last week. Those eool fall evenings a little fire Is a good tiling. Buy some wood from Gregory, the coal man. at 11th and O. "Cleo" Tissue, law ex '!)!). of Seward and Edwin Duff of Nobraslca City vis ited their brothers in Sigma Chi last wcok. Illinois university has boon obliged to form its cadets into two batalllons on account ol the large increase in registration. Ttobort Tlcliy. a new student from Wflbor, was taken Kick last week and was sent homo. It was thought lie had appendicitis. The olass in Gorman lit is more than twice as large as before, it is prob able that the now elective system is the cause of this. Major 13. S. Dudley, tho first com mandant of cadets at the University, made a short visit recently. J-lo is now located in Culm. The I'liivorsity of Michigan will have K.700 students this year. A num ber or Filipinos and U'orto Jtioans have registered there. . Twenty-three volumes of Colonial Records in the Historical Library huve recently been bound on account of tholr constant iihh bj the student. The library 1h the recipient of sev eral hundred valuable documents on political economy and kindred sub JuotH, donated by Chancellor Andrews. One of our exchanges contains the following little item: "A fair member of Hie Hpoclal clusB was liourd to ask a senior, 'Whore Ib the new coach man?" Alll of itilio Fronuh classes have been under itllie care of Duan lEdgron tlio past wotik. tlio assistant inrofuitHnr. Miss 'Oonkllu and 'Mr. (Qur.ig, ihulng absunt. 'Miss iCon'kllmwaH 'ua'llud east on account of .a doatlh tin tile ifanifly. She returned "Jliumiuy, Mr. iGorlu was summoned to Columbus. Mo., on account of the death of his father. Ho is expected home Monday. Mr. M. 1. Stewart, who managed the Nebraskan-Hesporinn last year, paid us a pleasant call last week. Mr. Stewart is city editor of tho Fremont Tribune. The total registration of now stu dents up to date is 517, including fif teen law students. This is a 10 per cent increase over last year and in sures a total registration of over 2.F00. Sept. W. L. Stephens of Boatricj was at the University last Snturday. .Ho is making arrangements for the meeting of the Superintendents' and Principals' association of which he is president. The number of stu louts registered in beginning French is unusually large this year, about one-half larger than that of any previous year. There are two classes in beginning French now and it is expected that a third division will lie made. Al Reedy, brother of Will Reedy, and last year a student at tho state farm, was married recently. Mr. and Mi's. Reedy spent a few days of their wedding tour in Lincoln among friends at tlio University. 13. A. Johnston, class '00. and win ner of the W. J. Bryan prize, was shaking hands witli friends at the Univorslty last Thursday and Friday. Mr. Johnston will study medicine at the Rush Medical school at Chicago. Silk folt mat board in all colors at 25c per sheet at Horpolslieliner Co.'s Picture Department. Tlio largest and best selected line of picture mould ings in tho city at prices 25 to 30 per per book. Write or sond for 5c music catalogue. Prof. Barbour will icad a paper at tho mooting of the Superintendents' and Principals' association noxt Thursday. The subject of the paper will lie "The Relative Importance of the Physical and Social Aspects of Geography." Miss Mabel Have entertained the Kappa Gammas at a chafing disli suppor lust Wodnosdav evening. The supper was preceded by a trolly ride In the car Quota to Union College and hack. The guests who enjoyed Miss Hays' ards, Clara hospitality were: Misses Rich' Raymond, Louise Hargroavos, Hammond. Anna Hammond. AVliitlng. Adelloyd Whiting. Grace lBCSCs? J tS 3 If not, you arc depriving yourself of the luxuries of dress, A badly constructed and poorly fitting shoe has unfitted many for the duties of life, "When thsfect are properly shod, the brain and nerves are at ease, and the body is prepared for enjoyment and activity, Perkins, Sheldon. Chamberlain Co. 1129 O ST. LINCOLN, - NEBR. Bonnott, Mabel Bennett, Vino Gahan, Claire Funko, Emma Outcalt, Jessie Outcalt, La Sollo, Bradt, Howland, Emmons, Edmiston, Jeary, Thorpe, Dorothy Griggs and Lilian Wilson. Tlio mechanical engineering depart ment of the University has been ob liged to turn away students on account of lack of room. Unless something is done nt tho noxt session of the legis lature other departments will be do ing the same thing before long. Chancellor Andrews will deliver an address on the subject of "Nebraska School Problems" at the meeting of tho Superintendents' and Principals' association Thursday evening, Octo ber 11 The meeting will be held in tho art gallery in tlio Library building. Drill began last Wednesday. All the companies are larger than last year and the outlook for a fine batallion is very good. The men are now being put through the setting up exorcises. No appointments of officers have as yet been announced and there is much speculation as to where'the lightning will strike.. Regular Monroe History paper, 7c per 100 sheets; History covers, extra quality. 10c each; students' note books, sold elsewhere for 10c, each 5c; 14 carat gold fountain pens. 09c each, ev ery pen warranted; Remex fountain pens. $1 : University text books at cut prices. Book and Stationery Depart ment, Herpolslieimer Co. Dolta Delta Delta entertained at an informal party last Tuesday after noon at the home of Miss Mamie Mil ler. Various games were indulged in and a dainty luncheon served. The guests were: Misses Nan Cunning ham. Elizabeth Cunningham. Roberts, Peary. Kioke. Mitchell. Auld, Powers, Daisy Bonnell. Winifred Bonnell, Franklin. Cady. Machin. Kochler, Gund. Poyntor. Lumry, Davenport. Millor. The Hayward republican club mot In c.iapel Friday at 2..'i0. Mr. Gilles pie of Washington and our townsman, Mt. Clark, gave some interesting talks. An assessment of 10 cents per head was made to defray expenses of the League of Republican clubs. Steps wore taken to secure President Shur inan to give an address undor the aus pices of the club. Preparations were made for participation in the parade Tuesday. An Informal Kensington was given by tiie Pi Beta Phi girls Wednesday afternoon at the home of Miss Annie Hanan Shoes -FOR i Women Do You Wear These Shoes? 5k Stuart. The following were present: Misses Ashmun, Marshall, Thomas, Anderson, Tumor, barber, Stuart, Lennie Stuart, Woodward. Reynolds, Lois Burruss, Bess Burrus, Henry, McPhecly, Robinson. Sedgwick', Mont gomery, McGahey, Waugh. Howlands, Bulr, Meyer, Nan Cunningham, Eli zabeth Cunningham, .lessen. Grant, Allen Chnpin, Heakok and Helen Dol-son. J ,vl,jL. A 1 ,i, The Co-Opi For all Your i Books, Stationery & Supplies, Waterman Ideal Pens. Parker's Lucky Curve Jointless. Other Pens; 80c up. Gym Suits. Shoes, Supporters, Lab, Aprons, Sleeves. Towels, Sponges.Tcst Tube Clean ers, Gummed Labels. Botany Drawing and Mounting Paper, Colored Inks. Crow Quill Pens, and Sets. Etc.. Etc., Etc. All the teoks used in the University. If you don't see what you want, ask us, mm FOR THE MERCHANTS LAUNDRY I Leave Bundles at Our Store. r l The Only Students' Book Store. $ i l THE CO-OPERATIVE BOOK Co S Roper, Boomer Sc Knutson. 322 N. 11th, - Liaco.'n. Xegfslative (Bailer? BEST OF KATES TO STUDENTS ! 15J1 South utii Nlrl, LINCOLN, - NEBRASKA. CLVLLUItY J2STAJJLJSHKU J87I. V m i nnvo Elf DUIO t t 3 $ COL-LARS J All Sizes. All Styles. T JS. Bumstead I & Tuttle: 1141 O STREET, Funke Opera House Block. '. Pofil mi Londscaqe pnoloflroafier. ta n n 3. hM'H..'i.'J..f...j.J..j.. mwwtwMwBaBwiimwwnnMii