The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, October 02, 1900, Image 2

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I'nijjri'HH in other 1 nrtt It lit Ioiih Outlook
Itutlicr DcprcHHliiR In Sonic
CollofU'H NrliMlnlwt
In view of the Thanksgiving game
the following concerning the game be
tween the University of Minnesota
and the Central High school will be
of Interest. The score was 0 to 0. We
quote the Minnesota Daily:
But for the fact that the game Sat
urday is being taken so seriously the
result would be ludicrous. As was
predicted the game was made very In
teresting for the 'Varsity team. Cen
tral's last year's champion eleven
showed remarkable form and played
with the same dash and precision
which last year won them so many
On the other hand the work of the
'Varsity was In no way satisfactory,
and In many respects it was ludicrous.
The men were Inferior to their op
ponents in both defensive and offen
sive play, in rapidity of execution,
and in the knowledge of the finer
points of the game. They excelled
Central in weight both in and behind
the line, but because of their inabil
ity to mass were unable to employ
this advantage to the securing of any
substantial gains, though what gains
'Varsity made were made in this way.
Though the work In some departments
of the game and in certain positions
calls for severe rebuke yet it seems
best not to criticise inything or any
one particularly as it might give the
impression that in other features and
other positions the game was played
well, which would be erroneous. There
were few redeeming features In the
'Varsity's play.
The football practice since the team
returned from camp has not been of a
character to satisfy hopes. Nor has
the number o,f candidates at no time
more than thirty-two been as large
as expected and needed. It whs hoped
that at least fifty candidates would
annear for practice during the week
jxtst closed. Schedules have been pre
pared for two teams, whereas few
more candidates have appeared than
the necessary number from which to
select one. More candidates are
wanted at once. Vedette-Reporter.
The Kansas University Weekly re
gards the football situation there as
very satisfactory and predicts a win
ning team. Four men from last year's
team are back and there is plenty of
new material. Coach Boynton is a
Cornell man and comes highly rec
ommended by Yost.
The U. of M. Daily complains of
the lack of material for a team.
Following arc the football sched
ules of some of the loading teams:
September 28. Upper Iowa at Iowa
City; October G, I. S. N. S. at Iowa
City; October 12, Simpson College at
Iowa City; October 19. Ames at Ames;
October 27, Drake at Iowa City; No
vember 3, Chicago at Chicago; No
vember 10, Michigan at Detroit; No
vember 17, Grlnnell at Iowa City; No
vember 29, Northwestern at Rock
September 22. Lombnrd University:
2(. Monmouth College; 29. Knox Col
lege; October G, Purdue; 13. Minnesota
at Minneapolis; 20. Brown; 27. Penn
sylvania at Philadelphia; November
3, Iowa; 10, Northwestern; 17. Wiscon
sin; 29. Michigan.
September 29. Hillsdale College at
Ann Arbor; October 0, Kalamazoo
College at Ann Arbor: 13. Case School
at Ann Arbor; 27, Illinois University
at Chicago; November 3. Indiana Uni
versity at Ann Arbor; 10, Iowa at De
troit: 17, Notre Dame at Ann Arbor;
2-1, Ohio State University at Ann Ar
bor; 29, Chicago University at Chi
September 29, Ripon at Madison; Oc
tober G. Lake Forest at Madison; "13,
Belolt at Milwaukee; 20. Upper Iowa
at Madison; 27. Grlrnell at Madison;
November 3, Minnesota at Minneap
olis; 17. Minnesota at Chicago; 25, Il
linois at Madison.
September 29. Rose Polytechnic at
Champaign; October 3. Dcpauw at
Champaign; G. Wesleyan at Cham
paign; 10. Lombard' at Champaign; 20,
Northwestern at Evanston; 27, Michi
gan at Chicago; November 3. Purdue
at Champaign; 10, Minnesota at Min
neapolis; 17, Indiana at Indianapolis;
29. Wisconsin at Madison.
September 29, Illinois Wesleyan at
Lafayette; October 0. Chicago at Chi
cago: 13, Depauw at Lafayette; 20,
Michigan at Ann Arbor; 27. Rose Poly
technic at Lafayette; November 3. Il
linois at Champaign ; 10. Greer College
at Iafayette; 17, Earl College at Lafayette-
22; University of Indianap
olis at Lafayette; 29. University of
Indiana at Iafayette.
September 29. Evanston High School
at Evanston; October G, Rush Medi
cal College at Evanston; 13. Indiana
at Evanston; 20, Illinois at Evanston;
November 3. Chicago at Chicago; 17,
Minnesota at Minneapolis; 27. Alum
ni at Evanston; 29, Iowa at Rock
October G, Englewood at Notre
Dame; 13, Lake Forest at Notre Dame;
27. Indiana at Indianapolis; Novem
ber 3 Belolt at Notre Dame; 10, Wis
consin at Madison: 17, Michigan at
who attends the university is given a special in
vitation to visit our Coak and Suit department.
Wc promise to show all who come the choicest
collection of gocd values in stylish, well made,
readyowear garments ever displayed in Lin
coin, Come and see for yourself.
Ann Arbor; 24, Rush Medical College
at Notre Dame; 29, open; December G,
Purdue at Notre Dame.
September 17, Central High School
at Minneapolis; 22. St. Thomas at
Minneapolis; 29, Carleton College at
Minneapolis; October G. Ames at Min
neapolis; 13, Chicago at Minneapolis;
20, Grlnnell at Minneapolis; 27, North
Dakota at Minneapolis; November 3.
Wisconsin at Minneapolis; 10. Illi
nois at Minneapolis; 27, Nebraska at
September 29, Whitewater Normal
at Elkhorn; October 13. Wisconsin at
Milwaukee; 20. Lawrence University
or Rush Medical at Belolt; 27. North
western at Evanston; November 3,
Notre Dame at South Bend; 10, Dixon
at Dixon, or Milwaukee Medical at
Milwaukee; 17. Ames at Ames; 29,
Knox at Belolt.
September 29. Alumni at Grlnnell:
October G. Drake at Des Moines: game
played at S p. m.: 20. Minnesota at
Minneapolis; 27, Wisconsin at Madi
son; November 3. Ames at Grlnnell;
17, Iowa at Iowa City; 29, Drake at
Des Moines.
September 29, Des Moines at Des
Moines; October G. Grinnell at Des
Moines; game to be played at 8 p. m.:
13. I. S. N. S. at Des Moines; 20. Ne
braska at Lincoln; 2G. Iowa at Iowa
City; November 2. Simpson at Des
Moines; 11. Ames at Des Moines; 17.
Penn at Oskaloosa; 23. Kansas Medi
cal at Omaha; 29, Grinnell at Des
October G. Minnesota at Minneap
olis; 13, Nebraska at Lincoln; 19. Io
wa at Ames; 2G, Simpson at Ames:
November 3. Grinnell at Grlnnell; 10.
Drake at Des Moines: 17, Belolt at
Ames; 29, I. S. N. S. at Ames.
September 29. East High School at
Indianola: October 5. Penn at Oska
loosa; 12, Iowa at Iowa City: 20. Des
Moines at Indianola; 2G, Ames at
Ames; November 2. .)rako at Des
Moines; 10, Monmouth at Indianola;
17, I. S. N. S. at Indianoln; 29, Penn
at Indianola.
September 29, Drake at Des Moines;
October G, Still College at Des Moines;
12, Western at Toledo; 20, Simpson
at Indianola; 27, Western at Des
Moines; November 2. Ellsworth at
Iowa Falls; 21, Highland Park at Des
Moines: 28, Buena Vista College at
Sac Citv: 29, Buena Vista College at
Storm Lake.
September 22, Coe at Cedar Rapids:
29, Coe at Mt. Vernon; October G,
Ames at Ames; 13, Penn at Mt. Ver
non; 20. Grinnell at Ames: 13, Penn
at Mt. Vernon: ?0. Gilunell at Grln
nell 30, Kansas at Mt. Vernon; No
vember r. Lake Forest at i Mt. Ver
non; 9. Knox at Knox; 24, I. S. N. S.
at Cedar Falls; 30, Upper Iowa at Mt.
I. S. N. S.
October G. Iowa at Iowa City: 13.
Drake at Des Moines; 27, Upper Iowa
at Fayette; November 3, Coe at Cedar
Falls; 24, Cornell at Cedar Falls; 29.
Ames at Ames.
September 28, Iowa at Iowa City;
October 8. Ix-nox at Fayette; 15. Wis
consin State Normal at Fayette; 20.
Wisconsin at Madison: 27. I. S. N. S.
at Fayette, November 8. Coe at Cedar
Rapids; 9. Dixon at Dixon; 29, Notre
Dame at Notre Dame; 30, Cornell at
Mt. Vernon.
I flfttller & pnine.
Piosidont Northrop has received a
communication from the superinten
dent of public instruction of the Phil
ippine Islands. It is proposed to estab
lish schools of agriculture throughout
tin? islands and instructors for the
schools are desired, men who will
study the agricultural conditions there
and teach the best methods of cultiva
tion for the raising of products pe
culiar to the Islands.
Men who desire to undertake the
work specified will be expected to re
main in the service at least three
years. Their travelling expenses to
the Islands will be paid and a rea
sonable remuneration given for their
services. The superintendent of In
struction wants to know If any U. of
M. graduates are available for the
work. Further Information can bo ob
tained from the president and names
of all applicants for positions should
be handed to him. Minnesota Dally.
The first faculty recital will take
place on October 1G. It has been post
poned one week on account of the
Inrge number of things that are go
ing on In the city. An Interesting
program will bo presented on that
Mr. Howard Klrkpatrick, one of the
new members of the faculty, Is meet
ing, with great success in his work,
and we hope that his voice may bo
heard in public very soon.
A Mandolin club has just beo or
ganized which will hnvo a member
ship of about twenty. All persons
who are Interested in this instrument
ought to make themselves known at
once, and If. possible get into the or
ganization. The first puMic appear
ance will take place some time In
There is a larger prrcentaee of new
students In the School of Music this
year than ever befoie, and it is a
noticeable fact that many have come
from other schools of music. Aming
those who have registered this week
are Miss Nellie Wagar. Edgar, Neb.;
Catharine Agnew, Plattsmouth. Neb.;
Agnes McLaughlin, Hnrry Wharton,
Lincoln; Mrs. Maud Parker, Beatrice:
Lulu Armstrong. H-tmilton. Mont.;
Anita Sweney, Shenandoah, la.
Miss Daisy Houck of Grand Island
spent a few days at the school during
the week.
Miss Lula .Tennlng. after a brief ill
ness from heait trouble, died at her
temporary residence, 18th and P sts.,
last Sunday morning. Miss .lennlngs
was a student of much promise and
had juet taken up the work vigorous
ly when she was taken suddenly and
severely ill.
The Friday morning musicals In
place of the regular chapel exercises
will bo resumed early In October or as
soon as we hold chapel exercises in
the new building.
Prot. Caldwell starts this year in
the Seminar the very Important work
of collecting facts and data on the
local history of our own state. The
special topics taken for thesis along
this line are the subjects of "Trans
portation," by Mr. Pcrsinger; of "Pol
itical History." Mr. Hart: of "Con
stitutional History." Mr. Aylesworth,
and of "Municipal Legislation," Mr.
These gentlemen are intimately
connected with the University and will
evolve the questions from a good,
broad standpoint. One of the questions
to be discussed in the daily work of
the Seminar is that of population, tak
ing up the various peoples that have
settled in the state, the Germans, the
Swedes, the Irish, etc.. and the effect
they severally had on the development
of the state's resources. This sub
ject includes the questions of social
development, clannishness, the Indus
tries that grew up among the various
communities, and thrift and industry.
Another interesting subject is the
"Industrial History" and an important
phase of that the change from a pure
ly agricultural stage to one of diver
sified industries and the bearing that
this change had on the granger and
populist movements bow far they
can be traced to that cause.
In the constitutional history an in
teresting phaze is the evolution of the
state departments. At one time the
governor exercised the functions of
attorney general.
Our girls' edition will be Issued on
October Mi. Full and complete edi
torial control will be given to the
girls for this number.
The editors-ln-chlef will bo Misses
Elsie Blnndln and Grace Rushton. The
staff will be announced later.
Following is the list of our special
Registration number.
Girls' number.
Football and Athlotlcs.
Holiday number.
University and Its Needs.
Chartor Day.
Debate and Oratory.
University Organizations.
Faculty number.
Good Work
NtiiilcntM Kipecliilly InvlU-iI to Cull.
R & C Barber Shop
11-4-4 O Strutst