mmmmmwainmt wwjf'iuiMiunariiwa THE NBBRASKAN-HESPEKIAN. mam n evi Xocal anfc pcreonai. "Who's Ludwig?" Dr. Wentc, dentist. WoHtcrflcld's egg flinnipoo Is all right. K. A. Bnlnl, '00. law, lh practicing In Omaha. Ludwig Is tho Fashionable Tailor for college men. ' M. 0. Bly, 00. law. Is practicing at Ainswortii. Don f'aniercn's lunch cuintor. IH-IS South Eleventh. Tom Crelgh visited friends in Lin coln "last week. Phi Kappa Psl has pledged Buckley. Powell and Baird. Ralph Saxton of Kdgar spent last week with the Slg boys. Oliver Johnson, dentist. lltliandO. over Hurley's drujr store. Pi Beta Phi gave a swimming par ty and luncheon last Thursday. Sigma Alpha has nlcdged Townscnd ami Applegato. both of Tecumseh. Dc!ta Delta Delta entertained at chafing dish luncheon Friday evening. Chancellor Andrews is In Chicago on business. He will return Wednes day. AVcstcrfleld. the barber, lias a large student trade. It's the place where they all go. Joe Brown, who took junior law last year, Ib manager of tho Auditorium as sociation at York. Neb. !R. D. Montgomery, who played half back in '97, is in school again and playing for his old position. A. A. Waterman fountain pens. SI ii'nri up. all guaranteed. At llanna'i drug store: Fourteenth and 0. Go to Osborn's Old Book store for your second hand and new books. There aic acres of 'em. 131 no. 12th. The Kappas have pledged Louise Uargraves. Jessie Outcalt. Dorothy Griggs, Claire Funke and Mabel Ben nett. The past week's business has been tho largest for this season of tho year over done by Gregory, the coal man. 1014 O st. John Sumner, 'ft!), will attend tho School of Physicians and Surgeons in New York. Ho left Omaha for the east last week. II. C. Parmolco, '!)", Is assistant chemist of the Globe Plant of the Am erican Smelting and Refining Co.. at Denver. Colo. If you want your suits cleaned, re paired and proBsod, good work done cheap, go to Mrs. R. A. Hlggins, 218 South Sixteenth. Phil Russell, '08, spent Sunday at tho Phi homo. He will continue his study In tho Columbia Law School during tho coming year. All"n Sedgwick Is on tho road with a fiuartot, singing campaign songs of tho republican stamp ahd looks like n read cowboy In his uniform. A. J. Collett. '00, attended the In augural exorcises last Saturday. He ifas a position In Omaha as draughts man with the Union Pacific. As in former years, tho II. L. Paine Clothing store Is found among the ad vertisers of our paper. It's the store that has the large student trade. Tho Kappas gave a swimming party at tho Sanitarium Wednesday morn ing. They also entertained at card par tlos Friday and Saturday evenings. Ludwig for Furnishings. 1225 0. Paul Weeks. '00. P. 13. K., loft last Friday for Boston, where ho will at tend the Masscchusotts Institute of Technology. He spout the summer with a B. & M. surveying gang. Students wishing board at reason able prices will do well by trying the Merchants Dining Hall. II X P streets, two blocks from Fnivorsity. Meals l()o. Delta Gamma entertained at lunch eon Saturday noon at tho home of Mrs. Peter Law. In tho evening they entertained informally at the chapter houso Delta Gamivu linvt pledged Misses Marie Weesiier. Jesp Moore. Lla Hunt and Btdle Hamilton or Lincoln and Misses Hortonse Clark. Louise Tukoy and Abba Bowen of Omaha. The niiMiibeis gave an informal tea on Monday evening from 5 to (! in honor of Miss McIIcnrv. Miss Douglas and Miss Ruth MncFarland. A delight ful time Is reported by every one pres ent. Miss Louise Pound has returned to Lincoln after a year's study In Ger many. She took her Doctor's degree in philosophy at tho University of Hei delberg. She will bo adjunct professor of English literature here this year. The young people of the Flist Bap tist church will hold their annual re ception for Uni. students In the church parlors, corner 14th and K sts., next Saturday night. September 2!i. at 8 p. in. All are cordially invited to come and get acquainted. The members of Kippa Alpha Thta entertained Intormal'y at the ehap'ei houso last Saturday venhu. T'.oir beautiful now chapter house was ilo seivedly praised by cerv one present and much ere Jit givn to tho 'ior nlty for tho artistic arrangement. They also entertained at luncheon Thursday and Friday noon. The usual annual reception to uni versity students by the young people of Ail Souls' church will lie given in the chlrch parlors, next Saturday ev ening at 8 o'clock. All are cordially Invited to attend. A short program will be rendered followed by a general good time, giving evoryono a chance to become acquainted. The University Book company (for merly in tho main building) lias gone out of business. Their miscellaneous v't1! i If not, you arc depriving yourself of the luxuries of dress, A badly constructed and poorly fitting shoe has unfitted many for the duties of life, When (hsfect arc properly shod, the brain and nerves arc at case, and the body is prepared for enjoyment and activity, Perkins, Sheldon, & Chamberlain Co. 1129 O ST. LINCOLN, - NEBR. stock was purchased by the Co-operative Book Co., and tho stock of now books by the H. W. Brown Drug & Book Co. Second hand books and other student proporty left with the University Book Co. will lie found at the Co-Op. Accounts duo tho Univer sity Book Co. should bo paid at the Co-Op. Mr. Wilber T. fllmoro. A. B 'flfi, and A. M.. '07. graduated from the Rtyjhostpr Tbooloirlcal Seminary with the class of 1 000. He is under appoint ment by the American Baptist Mis sionary Union to Podlll. Madras Pres idency. Indi'i. His work will bo among the Telugus. Mr. Hlmore sails from Boston October 10. His ordination to the Christian ministry will take pbice Wednesday, September 20. in the First Baptist church. The exercises will bo held in the afternoon and evening. COMING EVI3NTS. Wednesday Kappa Kappa Gamma will give a trolley party followed by a chafing dish supper In the evening. Friday Literary society meetings. Saturday Mis? Richards will enter tain at euchre In the evening. Game with Lincoln high school at 3 p. in. Debating clubs at 8 o'clock. Executive Office Bulletin, Clnpel Announcements. Chapel jorvloos will be (ouducied by the following professors: Wednesday Dr. Shoiman. Thiu,8,,f.v Dr. Bossey. On Friday the usual musical service will be hJd. The registration of new students up to Monday evening was 425. At tills time last year the total registration of new students was .107 II. i. SUKDD. University Publisher. September !. Hanan Shoes FOR Men a Women Do You Wear These Shoes? tv gTTTmTTTTTTfTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTYTTTTmn'a C Wo curry nnh the I'niils of rcputnlile 3 C mm. nncl students will llnd icpresented rj C In this column tin best phvsleluns mid S3 C dentists In tlu cliv 3 auuiimmimuuiiimiutJiimumiuuiiiiT E. B. Woodward, M. D. IUNKASKS OP 'IHK EKE, ERR. 1. Olnsjcs Carefully Pitted. Kooms I, T JnrrtL, M,-kf JOT-Sis Hlelmrds Hilt i L.1UC0111, INCDr, Hosldeucc MIOCl St. Phono lil'.'. Oftleo 1 100 O.St. Phono fitW. J, R. HAGGARD, M, D, Rooms 313 and 314 Rlchnrds Block, LINCOLN, NHBR. DR, W, L, DAYTON, Dr. J. 1. IVIIlliiiiiH, ANMlMtimt. Diseases of the Eye, Ear, and Throat, 1205 O Street. LINCOLN, NHUR. d.'h. muir, m. d. Physician and Surgeon Office TreatmentElectrical or Medical, I'Jttl M St. Lincoln. br. DR. SHOEMAKER'S PRIVATE HOSPITAL For the treatment of nil discuses of the nerv ous system. Speelul intention (riven to discuses of women. Speelul rutes to students. C. A. SHOHnAKRR. M. D., U. of N., '86. Ill'; LSI. - - Lincoln, Xulir "L-, "Monarch" Drcss Shirts buith Talent? m u fjrcvenT ToemC bosom jfrom bulging JF through the -Vest oocntnti. Totd hirr tiaber dashers a ? &1.50,$t.75.&2.00. CLUETT,PEADODYCO. MAKERS wmrm !"i"tWWVW'S"i"i''.',J"!,,i"!"i"i',f'!"!',l";,V .. .1. Z CLUB RATES .!. THE 5 TH1C v ! W Both $I.8o per year Leave Nuhserlptinri Money with llepresentitli ves of eil her Paper. t i f ! i BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE TnADE Marks Debiqno CopvniQHTO ice. Anyono nondltiB n nhotrh mid dpscrljitlon tuny nnlokly lisrortidu our oplnlnu froo Tfliolhnr nil luvniitlnu Ih prohnbly tiiitoutiittln, C'onitiiimlcii tlnimAtrlotlyrotitlcloutlnl. Ilnndtionkon I'utenm Bout frno. (ildont nunnoy for nMirlii imtemn ijvdal uoMc. without clmruu, In tho I'litnntB tuuon tiirouun aiuiiii a 10 recolvc Scientific American. A Imndiomoljr llltintrntorr woUly T.nruont lr 'roriim. (U u dilation 01 any 0 oiitlun journii , IIIJHI, br nil m yawl lour Homi oirsduuiorx. 5 ft A ? Niislrtifi II H vE a E 91 B hB Ik Hi M UNN & CoBjBro.dw.y.NBw York oranou ranoc 00, tOO r Ut. WftlDIBBIOn, u, u.