The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, May 23, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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Editors of Ncbraskan-Hcsperian;
Western students who -wish,, after
completing their college course, to pur
sue professional or special studies in
the East, are often at a loss to know
which of the many Eastern institu
tions to choose for further work. In
view of this it appears to me not
inappropriate that we who have como
to the East for study should say what
we can that may prove of advantage to
those who arc to follow. In speaking
of the University of Pennsylvania I
have no desire to compare It one way
or the other with tmlverelties else
where, even had I the information
which would enable me to do so. I
merely wish to describe in a general
way what It offers, and to some extent
the conditions of life as I have found
them here.
First as to the various departments
and their advantages:
The university Includes besides the
college and department of philosophy
(graduate school), departments of law,
medicine, dentistry, and veterinary
medicine. In each of these depart
ments the general equipment Is the
exceptionable. As special advantages
the Wistar institute of anatomy, with
its extensive collections, and the muse
um of archaeology and paleon tology
are worthy of mention. Of course ihe
libraries and museums of the city are
also open to students.
Of the Tank of the departments the
dental school is asltnowledged the best
In the world, and It draws students
from the world over. The medical
school Is certainly excelled "by no other
in this country. Its principal rival is
Harvard, I should say. The law school
is second only to Harvard's. Both the
dental school and tbe law school are
located In fine new "buildings; and all
departments have the advantage of be
ing located In one body of "buildings,
well In the heart of the city.
The graduate school, or department
of -philosophy. Is especially strong, I
should say, in the following hranches:
Semitic languages, English literature,
philosophy, economics and sociology,
and American history. Of course the
many other departments are well rep
resented, hut those named appear to
be the leaders In point of attraction
and reputation. It would he well to
mention also the nlque work in archae
ology especially Semitic and North
American Indian in wWcii urancnes
Pennsylvania takes leading rank.
So much for the work. A word as
to the conditions of living. The brute
necessities of life are cheaper in Phila
delphia than in any other of the large
Eastern cities. Board may be ob
tained for $3.50 per week, and room at
anywhere from $75 to $125, or higher,
for the school year. A minimum ex
penso with comfortable living would
be $300, I should say, though no doubt
there are students who do not spend
so much. Of course this does not in
clude tuition which ranges from $100
to $200 in various departments.
There Is not much tendency toward
student extravagance here, the social
atmosphere of the'jniverslty Is on the
whole one of good fellowship and ease.
Houston club and the dormitories offer
exceptional advantages for pleasant as
sociations. Personally I have found
the Phlladelphlans with whom I have
had the good fortune to become ac
quainted gifted with a cordiality and
friendliness which in no wise belies
their city' ; name. And in the gradu-,
ate school, as doubtless in the profes-1
sional schools also, will be found such
an admixture of Westerners as will
prevent any feeling of lorn and lost.
For women Pennsylvania is probably
better than any eastern university ex
cepting Cornell. Women are admitted
to the graduate school upon the same
terms as men. They have a living
house, club house, and gymnasium of
their own; and although in the college
and professional schools (in the latter
women are not admitted, and only In
certain department of the college") '
there Is an antipathy to "'co-eds." this
hardly affects the department of phil
osophy, in which Is a strong leaven of
students trained in co-educational col
leges. From Pennsylvania I shall take only
pleasant memories and a conscious
ness of work well worth while, and I
shall leave it with the heartiest wishes
for its prosperous future; hoping, too,
that other U. of N. men may follow
that Nebraska be not unrepresented
here. H. B. ALEXANDER.
Philadelphia, May IS, 1900.
Korsmeyer Plumbing and Heating Co.
215 SO. 11TH STREET,
on jcpror;! g ySFjMrxmrrQVr A CEMTHt ADVANCE.
fc, , TOtfK OfKHtfT, tJe hetber yon -wish ladr' or nun's
whwli jnvocoloiv height or frame and Foaraiitedend AVE WILL, SHIP
. Y.i. .. . . ' vu it"'", "" fou vo unrraie and ex
amine It fully before yon accept It. U It in not all and more than wo
claim for It, and a better wheel than yon can pet for any hero near the
prloefrom any one el-, refuse It and we will jmy allrirrrcrs charees
outelrc Thm "miHTftOSE" Bicycle, :Tn3n
at our Special Arcnt'n sample price of & I 'Q'
Is the preatcst bar?ln In a bicycle ever offered. We truarantceit equal
to any NO heel on the market, and you need r-ct accept It tic iv a cent
If you do not find It a wercpre-ient. We arc KXCLl M VE 1UCYCI.E
MArFACTritKItS and take this method of acidly l-.troducliur
our 100 MODIM-S. TM offer or a wimple heel at UiU low price 5
made to wears RIDER A GEMT In each town to represent us
tind take order. Ouracentamakcmorwy fnt.
?fFftinRlNQliS rtame, l-si or f. Inch iUdle5.M Inch. Bo
tlona, ffnth inlnta, Improved cxtiander device to fartcn t poi and
handle hart Koyal Arch crown i Uie celebrated Ma In hataand hanger
tne easiest rutiiinjt Known; jKecorfl -A" ihtx the wr and ore of the
morteipennlveUrexonthematket, The Pennine 4 Motngcrllnctmle
fuuille; podalu, tool and acccvoric the lie t obtainable. Kruuneledtn
Mack, maroon or coach rrecn. hiphly finished and ornanienK-dj iecial
finished nickeling on all bright part. "We thoroughly test errry piece
of material Uiat rom Into Udi machine. Uur Mndlnjr lear'a ccu-natr-e
bond with each bicycle. "
to any one sending the 9IVOcaf.h In foil with order we will
fiend free a frenuine Ttardll; innon tnti.. iiB-n.i iBtijrti vir.
meters rnhlirhjrrads floor pump. Your monevaUliarkifvonarenot
perfectly satisfied.
JC1B WMPFl C " dt1 not manufac-nre the cheap drpart-
oonocrns and big supply bonnes advertise and wll as high grade. We can f urnl-a them,
however, t5 to n rtrlnped: or W TS to tl2J0 complete. We do not guarantee tiot recom
mend them. BEFttKE ?Ki;KING a bicycle or any one le, no matter vho or how
cheap, write and let ns tell you how much we can tun c J on on t he name machine.
Ifyou U C x BUW awheel we can axKKtym to r.AltX A BICYCLE hydhv
In each town for Oris purpose, WehaveMrreralhundredJsECOXn 1IAX WHEELS taken In trade -which we
will close out at S to 10 eachj alsoomef.hopworntuunples and models very cheap. Send for lUrgxta Utt.
rR KEUAB1LTTY is unquestioned. We refer toanybankorbuMnesshounelnChieago.oranyexprewior
railroad company. Wo will tiend yon lettT of reference direct from the largert banks In Chicago if rou wlfi 1 1.
CCIIA YAH ABACS ,i0doT rhlsiowpriceandthesevrceialtermaofhlpmcntwlthoutdcpoUtwUl
UW UIU WWwliii be withdrawn -?T soon. rGlve naire of tills natier
n A rJi BMsiPi
H I I 'B
The Omaha Oommercxal College lo
cates more stenographers, bookkeepers
and telegraph operators during the
year than all of the other commercial
and shorthand schools in the state
oomblned. This is due to the fact that
Its students are thoroughly urepaxod
in All -departments lor mercantile situations.
ON and after Jtmel, 3900, candidates for ad
mission must present a decrte in Arts, liter
ature, Ehilosoplry orisdenceiroina recopjiized
college or scientific school, -with the exception of
such -persons, of suitable see and attainments, as
may he he admitted hy special -vote of the Facul
ty talcen in each case.
For detailed information concerning courses of
instruction, or catalogue, address,
Dr. Vm. L. RicliarcUon, Dean,
Hrvar4 JleAcal CeMege, Boston, TUss.
$6.00 per day is being made and can
be made by students during vacation,
selling Lang's Scrap Book. Samples
free. Write for terms and territory.
Lang Mfg. Co., South Superior, Wis.
She 'Crciqhtcn
Medieal College
Ai? Ol CANffCS5AW.
FOK -aMl.fc. PI.
ffik akd SDamnpert $treete,maka . . . .
! hi VMHBBMiMlBSbriuiW)IWMms2MRBBflB8MfcMM
Annual SeHHiou 3egins ahout Octoher let, 1U00. "Xlie re
quired fitanding of lhi Bchool demuudb u Jour j'eari;' graaoii
coure. The luliorutorieu are Hie moot Hiorough and coiu
jileteof any in Hie VctL The DlspetiBary Clinicb funiib'h
ahuudutit material for all lirumihen of Medicine and Sur
gery. Eispeciul attention iu callud lo Hie Burgical and Med
ical Clinics wlilcli are held in Hie large -pavilion f BL
JohcjjIi'b IIoHpital. TIichc -Clinicb lire for IhecxoliiB'.ve Ube
of Hie Btudeuts xit Hie Crcirliton Medical School, and for
a-iflltitig 1'ractitiouerh, and xliiliit more c-unen Uian nil tlie
otherOiuulm 11oniitalBjnil)ined. Clinics are albo held in
the County and J'reh'byleriuu HohmHuJu. TJie CWllege
JluildingiBoneof the fi-aest Htructuieb for mediail ieatilriiig
in the United fitateK. and ib ihoioiighly-eyuippodforlcttcfli-iug
Medicine uucordiugio modern identi.
Ior 'Cataloflue uud i urtlitsr dnfurntution address
Dean and Secretary,
Paxton Block, OMAHA
Bicycle Supplies
Rcpaxras a Specialty.