The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, May 23, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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Tim Nebraskan -Hesperian
It v
i '
R- i
Coeer and tferscnal.
Dr. Wento. dentist.
Every lady student is Invited to look
at millinery at Mrs. "Gosper's.
Mrs. Raymond would like to have
a few more good voices for her chorus.
Fotografs. Quality, Style, and Stu
dent rates at Elito Studio, 226 So.
Mrs. 1?, V. M. Raymond vill give a
choral work, called "St. Johns Eve,"
at the "Oliver" on June 5.
See the handsome moving pictures
now on exhibition at 1044 0 street.
U. P. ticket office. Free.
Westorfiold gives special attention to
student trade. Ho is up to date in an
his work and is sure to please.
The fourth annual Pan-Hellinic Hop
will he given at the Auditorium, Fri
day evening.
The only thoroughly good place in
the city where a student can get any
kind of hoard that he wants is at Cam
eron's cafe, 114-118 South 11th street.
Charles J. Allen has received the ap
pointment as assistant secretary in the
Duluth, Minn., city Y. M. C. A. This
is one of the flourishing associations
and Aijen has a good position there.
A musicale for the benefit of the ami
versity Y. W. O. A. will be given at
the home of Mrs. i... J. Sawyer, 17th
and F streets, Wednesday evening at
8 'o'clock. Everybody cordially invited.
Admission 25c.
Prof. T. M. Hodgman delivers the
commencement address at Elmwood,
May 24, and at Stromshurg, May 25,
and would have been at four other
schools on these same dates had the
laws of matter permitted.
The F. E. & M. V. R. R. offer to par
ties the low rate 'of our 'faro "pins two
'dollars for the round trip to points in
western Nebraska and Wyoming. Good
for twenty-one days; also the same rate
'to Hot Springs, S. D., good for 30
'days. See their agent before making
your preparations.
The Omaha Commercial College will
'have enrolled at the end of the pres
ent collosc year over twolvo hundred
students in all departments. The
Summer Term opens Monday morning. '
July 1). The Fall Term will opon Mon- j
day 'morning, September 3. Catalogue
and o'lesrant spceimons of penmanship
free to any address.
The annual 'meeting of the Nobraska ,
section of the American chemical so-1
c'ioty for the rileetion of officers will 'be !
lio'ld Saturday evening, June 2, in the
'tihomical laboratory. It will bo pre
ceded by a lmnquot nt the Lindoll by
'the 'members of the society and will be
'followed by a lecture on liquid amonia
'by Professor E. C. Franklin of the
University of Kansas.
The 'English club mot last evening
at ithe homo of Col. Atwood, Elevonth
and ii streets. Eloctlon of offlcors waB
iheld, resulting ns follows: Schuyler
Miller, presidont; Ruth WIlBon, vice
president; Elsie Blandon, socrotary;
Edwin Piper, custodiun of the jug;
'Carroll Powers, slate boaror. Itofresh
ononts wore sorvod. No further moot
lings 'of the club will bo hold until 'fall.
'Copyright novols, cloth binding
such as the Mauxman, Soldiors of For
tune Prlsonor of Zonda, Lady of Qual
ity, Hon. Petor Sterling, Trilby Caiob
West, The Continental Dragoon, Dam
nation of Thexon "Ware, Forest Lovers,
Telcla, iphroso, and 'others, heretofore
published at ?1.C0 during this sale, 4Dc.
Writing Tablets 70 and 80 sheets
oroam Uaid woto, each .5c. "The Hor-
polshoinior" (Fountain JPon, '75c. H
In two years from now there will bo
a large percentage of practical sten
ographers using Gregg Shorthand,
simply because it Is so much easier
than any other system to learn, and .he
cause of its simplicity, legibility, and
speed. Students are able to write from
100 to 125 words per minute in three
months in Gregg Shorthand. It is
now taught at the Omaha Commercial
College, Omaha, Neb.
j Sheet Music vocal and instrumental
a big selection, 2c. Georgia Camp
i Meeting, Whistling Rufus. Smoky
Mokes, Bunch of Blackberries, I'd
Leave My Happy Home for You and
others, each 15c. Medallions colored
subjects, gilt frames, 5c, 15c, and 25c
each. Calmot Platlno in black frames
during this sale 25c. Special prices
on picture framing at Hcrpolshelmer
& Co., Picture and Music Department.
A new system of Shorthand, called
the Gregg, is now being taught at the
Omaha Commercial College, Omaha,
Nebraska. This system differs from
Pitman and Graham in that it has
but one position, one slant, no shades,
loss than 200 word signs, is four times
as legible, and admits of great speed.
It can ho learned in half tne time,
and is well adapted to all purposos
for which Shorthand is used. Anyone
thinking of "becoming a stenographer
should write at once for information
about this new system.
The members of the battalion held
a night shirt parade Wednesday even
ing. About two hundred students were
in line. The library, chancellor's resi
dence, various hotels, and tne police
station were visited. At the last men
tioned place, trouble arose with police
which for a time threatened to Tesult
seriously. The students were laboring
under what they considered mistreat
ment from the police, and proceeded
to retaliate. A charge made hy the
officers in the station was met with a
solid front and repulsed. Several stu
dents received heaton heaas, whue one
officer received a badly hruised leg.
The cause of the trouble was the ar
rest of a student the previous week for
snooting within the city limits.
That New Spring Suit
Need not be high-pneed, but should be
stylish, well-fitting, and well made. All
the style-knowledge and all the tailoring
knowledge which we are possessed of, we
have used in selecting these suits.
$7.50, $10.00, $12.50 and
$15.00 SUITSs
Many of them are Homespuns, Scotch
Mixtures and Worsteds, in Stripes,
Checks, Plaids, and Pretty Mixtures. In
fact, all the leading fabrics of the season
are shown in this assortment.
Armstrong Clothing Co.
The cadet hattallon arrived at Bea
trice Friday evonlng at G:-30, after a
quick run on the apodal train. Camp
Weeks had been marked out by the de
tail sent down in the morning. The
offlcors' and cooks' tents wore set up
and supper was waiting. The camp is
located in the Chautauque grounds in
the northwest corner near the rlvor.
'Each company has one tow of tents.
All face the east whore a nice grove is
locatod just outside the guard lino.
The ifavilllon is a short distance south
west of the camp. To the west in a
high hill used as a drill ground. Fri
day night was very cold in quarters
and the heavy dew dampened every-1
thing. Saturday was equally cold and !
dreary without any sunshine.
Camp Weeks is a mile and a half
from town and vory few people have
visited the camp as compared to the
number, which was oxpoctod.
The Y. M. C. A. of the university hold '
services Sunday aftornoon at 3 o'clock
in the pavilion. Socrotary J. S. Moore1
presided and Presidont Marsli holpod
with the exorcises, The cadet band
furnished the music. 'Chaplain Mailley
of the First Nebraska made the address
which was vory much appreciated by
When the cadets campod in Beatrice
six yearB ago, considorablo difficulty
was exporioncod with a certain ole
mont of town follows resulting in several-black
eyes. Sunday evoning most
of the cadots wont up town after droBs
parade, at was (found 'out :about mine
'otologic flihat ia gang waB waiting 'on !a
"bridge half way "between town and
camp . Word was circulated around
and soon over a hundred cadets had
gathered and went to camp In a "body
The follows on tne hridgo hastily re
tired upon their approacn. Chaplain
Bartlott, armed to theeth with gas pipe
load the university boys.
The batallion broke camp Tuesday
aftornoon at 3 o'clock and all the bag
gage was sont to the depot. The ca
dets marched up town and spent the
! remainder of the aftornoon 1n walking
about and visiting with friends. Dress
, parade was hold on the high school
i grounds at sevon o'clock. At eleven
thirty the train was takon for Lin
coln. VKW'H AllOUT THE 'OAMI'.
Only a few failed in running the
guard lino.
Sergeant Drain returnod to Xlncoln
lUU'll KOI'KU.
Clitilrmim of Chins Dny Committee
Tuesday morning as a wltnp;js
at a trial in police court.
The company ooolcs have gimi .good
satisfaction and no conrplaint lhas iboon
'hoard. The 'band guvi- concerts on Sat
urday and Monday -fcenlngs.
'uorporai barker ssprainofl Ibis wiiist
on Monday, afternoon while playing
C. B. Bullard was sick at camp when
ever drill was called. He also suc
ceeded In Tunning the guard hue two
or throe times a day, which was a suc
cessful feat for a sick man.
Among the camp visitors were Wm.
Hall, J ,S. Moore, John Hill, I. P. Hew
itt, William Thorne, C .W. May.
Several "ball -snmos wore played.
Company A was beaten hy R with a
score of 12 to 4. Williams pitched for
B and Senger for A. Oompanies D
and C played resulting in a score of G
to 4 in favor of Dv Collet of 'C and
Shaw of D pitched. A team from the
battalion played the Beatrice high
school team on Monday. The univer
sity men won with a score of 13 to 4.
The main features or the game were
the excellont pitching of Williams and
McGladin, and the numerous errors
on hocn sides. 'The diamond was under
the regulation size causing several
high throws.
The Beatrice hand came to camp
Monday, and with the cadet liand gave
a concert.
The paint has Ibeen removed from
the Spanish cannon after considerable
effort on the part or university ;authorK
ties. From :appearances it is about
ready for another coat.
Senior snoalc 'day 'occurred 'Thum
day, with the UBual formalities. In
tho genera Isorap on the campus after
(U..M.M01, muuutjiH wuu uaaiy worsted.
Cn the afternoon ai picnic was held ;at
the state farm. The .only (Incident
worthy of uote was the'fluclcing of a
member of the Junior 'class wlio at
tempted tto.Tomove theiBeriiowflagfrom
tits post.