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About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1900)
The Nkbraskan-Hksperi x 5 it FACTS ABOUT SENIORS. Continued from Vae 1. tHo wickedness of the world. Virgil Ryan will study medicine nnd play "base ball. F. W. Berry says ho will bo a grafter and try to got along in tho world the best ho can. R. L. Long will attempt to mako a living but ho doesn't know how. "W. H. Warnor will do the same. S. C. Johnson will bo como servant of man but does not ltnow in what capacity. 11. J. Theobald, Frank Edgerton, Charles Funk, Bill Ileartt, L. W. 13ronn, Ralph Roper, and Frank Wood land are going to try law but do not know why, when or where, except Hopor who will bo back on tho campus when not in tho CO-op. Ivy Eallaco will take for homo and stay thoro. It has n&t been possible to obtain i other information upon tho members' of the class. I COMMENCEMENT WEEK PROGRAM. Juno 3. 8 p. m baccalaureate ad dress beforo the seniors of all colleges. By Acting Chancellor Bessoy, in the chapel. Juno 5. 10 a ,m class day, in tho Oliver theater. Juno 5. 4 p. m., meeting of the re gents. Juno 5 . 8 p. m., commencement con cert. Oliver theater. Juno G. 10:30 a. in., . hi Beta Kappa address, by Dr. Wm. Slocum, of Colo rado College, Oliver theater. Juno G. 12 noon, Phi Beta Kappa banquet, at tho Lindoll hotel. June G. 8 p. m alumni address, by Dr. Roscoo Pound, in tho Oliver theater. June 7. 10 a. in., commencement ex orcises in the auditoriaum. Com mencement oration by Dr. H. P. Jud son of tho University of Chicago. Con fering of degrees by tho Acting Chan cellor. June 7. 2:30 p. m., University coun cil in the chapel. June 7. 8 p. m., annual recoption In tho art gallery. Library hall. ,$- i-V -U, K iW. 'V. OW.'tHWJVfe fU. fVVtV. V. r" i ! fterpcteheimer o. FABRICS FOR . . . Graduating Gowns, Silks, Woolens, and Washable Goods .... I Aliibkta hi'i kck, Scrgcant-at Anus of '00 Olive Wallace will take after her. Llebmann will go to New York and work at his chosen profession. Flor ence Payne thinks she will run a ranch in Wyoming but does not say what kind it will be. SIguard Johannes Peter Anker, William Henry Harrison Moore, William 'James Nlmow Robert son, Grace Rushton, Guy Howard, J. G. Walker, Laura Stratton, Edith Morgan, R. F. Theobald, Frank Miller, Darleon Woodward, Mary Walla.ce, Orln Davis, 'Bob' Erford, Clara Hammond, Mario Kennedy, Lon Pearson, Daisy Hiltner Ruth Wilson, Lina Cutts, W. L. Thorno, and some more of them will do most anything. Gladys Henry will stay In Lincoln. Don Adams will either go to Golden, Colorado school of mines or work some where, ho has not decided. A. T. Hutchinson will begin farm life anew. Helen Woods will do tho next best thing but can't dotnrmino -what that Is. Plowhead will plow ahead for a while longer trying to study law. Kline will help along some good thing Roy S. Watiskman, Vice President of '(X) Wo are now teaching Gregg Short hand by mail, giving two lessons per week for four months for $15.00, and we furnish all books required. In this length of time students are expected to be able to write at least one hun dred words per minuto from now mat ter, somothlng which would require isht or ten montns time in any other standard system. For particulars writo tho Omaha Commercial College, Omana, Neb. inecln $usinetf College .... Term Opens April 23d, 1900. 6' ' .if 6 i A 4 A' v A ' A' A A A A' ! I Cream and White Habutai Wash Silks, uiiequaled values, upward from 49c to 95c Cream and White Brocaded Wash Silks, 22 in. wide, new and stylish designs, per yard 75c Cream and White Taffetas, rich and soft finish, per yard, 65c, and 85c and 1,00 All wool Cream Albatross, 88 in. wide, per yard 50c Fine quality all wool Cream Henrietta, 88 in. wide, per yd. .60c Best quality cream Henrietta, silk finish, dG in. wide, per yd. 75c Superior quality all wool French Serge, 88 in wide, per yd., 60c Elegant quality all wool Cream Cheviot, 50 in. wide, very Stylish, per yard . . . ,00 WASH QOODS"-Wash Chiffon, White, 48 in. wide, per yard, 50c, 60c, 65c, 75c? and 85c, This is a beautifully fine and sheer material, and will wash as well as muslin. Fine Persian Lawns per yard, 25c, 30c, 35c, and up to 60c. Persian Lawn, 48 in. wide, per yard, 30c, 40c, and 50c India Mull, a very soft goods, 88 in. wide, 40c; 4(5 in. wide, per yard, 50c India Liuons at I0c, I2C, 15c, I8c, and up to 50c. A most complete collection of Fans, Gloves, Shoes, Hosiery, Ribbons, Laces, etc., etc., for graduating. If you are interested in these wares, and can't pay us a personal visit, write to us, ask ing all the questions you please. We'll gladly answer them. :. I 9 I I S S! 1 I i First Class Instruction in all Commercial and Shorthand 'branches. 'Four months' school before the summer vacation. 'Catalogue Free. LINCOLN BUSINESS COLLEGE, 13th and P Sts. Telephone 254. Lincoln, Nebraska. Laces, Trimmings, Fans, Undermuslins, Handkerchiefs, etc., for Graduates. The newest things in Fichus, made of Lace Net, Liberty and Mousseline, prices range from ,50 to 6,00. FANS An exquisite showing of Fans, including the very latest creations, most of them made in France and Austria. Chiefly cream and white, daintily decorated, plain and lace ap plique. Prices range, 25CC, 47c, 60c, 75c, 89c, 1.00, and up to to.oo. MUSLIN UNDERWEAR The latest creations in dainty Corset Covers. Prices range from 50c to 6.00, White Skirts, richly trimmed, .25 to 15.00. HANDKERCHIEFS Swiss Mull Handkerchief, trimmed with handsome lace, each, 25c; finer grades, from 35c to '200. Real Duchcsse Lace Handkerchiefs, a broken lot, to close at about the maker's prices. All the New Things in Galoons, Laces, Insertions, 'and All-Overs. MerDchkeimer X&. t ? 9 : 9 IP 9. $ 9 9. I I ' '(5wwa wv: . w :m ' .. v..1 tm :i. v. '?:. 'fi.w.s v. w w9WSi Hartford 67th Year Opens September 26, 1900 Theological m Thorough Training. Ample Equipment. Special Course in Mission. emmary Apply tto 'Professor iJacobus. H AWFORD, CONN. Some of the New Things Now on Our Counters: Golf Suits and" Skirts. Tailor Made Suits. Fine Hand Made Laces. Cambric, Swiss, and Nainsook Embroideries. Printed Foulard and Fancy Silks. "4NTcw Finish" Black Crepons. Beaded and Spangled Robes and Trimmings. m Miller & Paine. THE NEBRASKA- HESPERIAN ADVERTISERS ARE 0. IK.