Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1900)
The KUbraskan-Hesperian HE KNOWS WHEREOF HE SPEAKS. An editor printed his paper to give his patrons the news of the day and for the money there is in it. Ho is pre sumed to know of what he" writes. When ho writes as ho does in the Leader-Courier, Osceola Mills, Pa., without fee or hope of reward, that "Chamborlain's cough remedy acts magnlcally, and we havo found none hotter in our house hold. If you have a cough, try it," it may bo accepted as an honest expression, worthy of credence. For sale by druggists. ASK TMB 5ENI0RS ABOUT OUR WORK. Korsmeyer Plumbing and Heating Go. GENERAL CONTRACTORS FOR PLUMBING, HEATING, AND LIGHTING. GAS AND ELECTRIC FIXTURES. 1I2S 0 ST. PHOTOORAPHtn Alegretti & Lowney CHOCOLATES . . . . at Sector's Pharmacy N. W. Cor. 12th and N Sts. Lincoln, Nob. 215 SO. 11TH STREET, LINCOLN. NEB. 4 SOME LOW PRICES. We aro selling some cloth bound, copyright novels such as Mauxman, Soldiers of Fortune, Prisoner of Zonda, Lady of Quality, Peter Sterling, Trilby, Caleb West, The Continental Dragoon, and others at a low figure. Writing paper and tablets in large quantities at bedrock prices. Sheet music from 3c per sheet to 25c. All the latest songs and instrumental selections. Music and Book department. Horpolshelmor & Co. STUDENTS TRY HEMRY'S RESTAURANT. Evfcrythlng served First-Class at moderate prices. Nearest tho University. 120 NOR. 11TH ST. 'PHONE, 89G. DEBATE THURSDAY NIGflt. The Kansas-Nebraska debate will bo held in tho university chapel Thurs day evening of this weok. This will be one of the most practical contests of the year. It will lie a field for ora tory, calling for skill in reputation, and ease upon the stage. This alone is "worthy of careful study as well as sup port by tho whole university. The question considered this time is one of practical interest. No stu dent of society, no oh'e interested in American life and politics, no one who is awake to his duties as an American citizen can miss the opportunity to hear university men discuss how far the growth of great corporations is a menace to democratic, institutions. Why not give a little time to those who have studied the question from the standpoint of its merits. The phase of the trust question dis cussed Thursday evening in tho chapel is of tnuch importance to all. Ne braske debaters have prepared -well, 'and every student should hear them. Hear tho debate for the support of public speaking, and the interest of these contests; hoar tho debate to aid our men and show university spirit &h "we'll as to help bring victory and honor to Nebraska. Go to the debate as you would go to the class room. You may learn more about this question in one evening than you could by reading for a "whole month. Six debaters will take part Hvho "have worked long and sifted out the trash. They are prepared to pre sont the xcal substance oi tho "whole matter. Miss Austin, Mr. Talbot, nnd Mr. Deal aro representing Nebraska. Do we owo them no duty? Can -we claim honors and take no part in the fight? Wo should go out to tho debate for oratory, for support cof our represen tatives, for our own education, and edification, for university spirit, and 'to help bring tryumphant victory to Nebraska. THE ALBERT TEACHERS' AGENGY Central ftuslc Halls, Chicago. Fifteenth Year. 3280 Positions Filled. Nearly 300 In '90. List of Schools of and Colleges In which we fill positions sent free. Address: C. J. Albert, Manager. STUDENTS goto C. D. BOWDISH'S SHAVING PARLOR For Satisfactory Barber Work. Partners and Merchants' Insurance Co. Bldg. Fifteenth and O Streets. M ICMIIM COLLEIE OF MIKES Summer Practice Courses In Surveying, jjnop rracucc, ore uressmp, Mine survey liifr, nnd Mining and I'icld Geology. Booklet of half tones illustrating the -work, ready May 1st. 1'or booklet and catalogue address F. W. McNAIR, Prcs't, Houghton, filch. mvf HW WB MONTROSE BICYCLEWFREE WrpvtltoXMrjMriwjmTmmT A CENT HI ABYj . , TW9tf UfWa.IT, state hctticr you wish Indy ' ?cirtvo color, Jiclerli t or frame ana goarwantcdandWE wil wncoii tnvocoior, nciRiit or iramo ana ire THb Hbkli O. O. D. on approval, Mlowlmr you to unrrntn n,i ., ABYAMUE. or man's i1 RHIP amine It fully bef on you accept It. If It is not all and more than wo claim for It, and a better wheel than you can pet for any whero near tho price from any one el. reruiMj It and we x 111 iay all express charccs vuisono. mwwm iiiiiinwE at our InOClAl Aecnt'H Hamnln Tirlrn tt tm 1A mnAMfAH. UwmIh h . ... t . . .. .a iiroKivivuiHiiiiiiii. uicjcio vvr oirerca. w any mo neei on tno market, and you need not accept 1 1 nor pay a cent AULV8I VK nlOVCLK I flf fill trL'1 f rtiwuliin4iin our HW MK1.S. Tlil offer of a ramnlo wheel at thla low nrleo t mteyefm C4 en 1 or ! u-' Vo Ruarat.tcoit eiual Wo arc E: Ifyou do not rind it as worenroocnt.' MAJiUFACTrRKKS and take this method of oar 1M9 MOBK1.H. TliN offer or n MtmitA wlm made to secure HIDEH ASEMTin each town to represent ua and take order. Our agent make money faat. CnEftiriftlTIAMe Frame, S2.SI or 29 Inch 1 Indies. 2 inch. Ttext wrs.WiriWfl I llli Shelby ncamless tuhlnif with forced connco- tiuiiH. iiunu jiuiivn, jniiiruvi-u uiiwiiuit ucvicr 10 iaien peat poat ana nanaie nari juiyai Arcn crown 1 ino tho caalcst running knownt most expensive tires on tho market. The genuine 4 Mcalnecr Hralenla saddlo) podals, tools and accessories the best obtainable. Knanieledln black, maroon orconch fcreen. hl(?hly nnlrhed and ornamental 1 vpcclal finished nickeling on all bright irts. TVe thorotiRhly test every pieco ui mnivi ml null Kwn .ttw .,. lunvuiiiu. antee liond ltllti cacu nicycie. to an send ir ah wjrfectlv satisfied, Pfjcap nccg v 've ao not mnnararturc tim cheap depart wirtfir nnCkUi ment store kind of wheels, such as many new twnt ICrtlWhl tho Celebrated Mnvl. blihsand fmnorv Keeord "A" tires, the lnt and one ot tho Our binding year's cnat CiCC to any one sending tho flAAeaah In full with order we wffl n senn rree a ecnuino JHirdlek 10,000 mile barrel pattern cyclo meteri or a liijrh grade floor pamp. Your money all back if you are not concerns and big supply houses advertise and sell as high grade, however, at W to W strir.nedt or tO.Th to 12.M comnlete. Ave do no mend them. HEFOItE ORDEKINO a bicycle of any ono else, no matter who or how Wo can furnish them. e do not guarantee nor reconi- trrltc tis and let us tell vo If you HH1M1 E la. BUY "'heel Wo can asslstyou to EARN A BICYCLE bydls- aro IJnflBLia Im 1 tr1tilitlncpfAtjilnf7iiffnpiisnf.w(lnv. Wntiiwtiin.twwin In each, town for this purpose. "We havo several hundred SECOND H AX1 WHEEIX taken I n trade which wo will close out at 8 to aiO each) also somo shopworn samples nnd 'M models Terr cheap. Send for Tianrila U.u HHR KELT ABILITY is unquestioned. "Wo refer to any bank or business houso in Chicago, or any express or railroad com Inflate Your Tires Without "Work Without Price C. You are invited to use our compressed air plant to inflate your tires. No -work for you. No charge from us. L. SHADER, Slcycte Repairing. MS Sawth Twelfth. "Ve will sendyon letters of Tcfcrenco direct from the largest banks in Chicago if you wish It. itnesotpcclul terma otmpmcntwitboutueposltwm CVfliVft nnmn of this twiner. . L. MEAD GYGLE COMPANY, xfoo, ih. ompany. HARYAtD UNIVERSITY. MEMCAL lEPARTMENT BOSTON, MASS. for ad- The Englishman. "Don't forget, sir, that the Boers "have one groat advant age they are on their own gvound." Other Man. "Then -what are you fighting them for?" VNnnd after "Tunel. 1800. candidates " mission must tiresent a derrrcc In Arts. Liter ature, Tbilosopliy, or science, from a recognized college or scientific school, -with the exceptionof such persons, of suitable age and attainments, as may be oe admitted toy special vote 01 tne facul ty taken in each case. For detailed information concerning courses of instruction, or catalogue, address, Dr. Vm. L, Richardson, Dean, Harvard fledical College, Boston, flass. Mm yADDLETOWN.O The University of Kansas won the debate -with Missouri on April 13. The question was: "Resolved, That the Philippine Islands should he retained as a permanent colonial possession "by the United States." Kansas had the negative fvuLSsoi -3 CDS ( MO Ot CMffCSSAM PRINCETON DEFEATS ALT3 IN DEBATE. Princeton dofoatod Yale 'In tho an 'nup.l debate Tuesday night at Prince 'ton. The BMbJect for debate was: "Resolved, That tho Hay-Pauncofote treaty should bo ratified In tho form 'in which 'It was originally presented to tho senate. It bolng understood 'that any change in tho termsjof the treaty or any action by the etnate affecting the treaty Ib not gorraane to the ques tion at Ibbuo." Ex. Tuft's College has established an "employment 'bureau" for its gradu ates;" iltB-worlc Usfslmilar 'to 'tlieiteadh1 ors lagonclos.HBx. Lincoln ffiusinemt 'College . '9 Term Opens April 23d, 1900. First 'Class Instruction in all Commercial and Shorthand branches. Four months' school before the summer vacation. " Catatogue Free. LnvICOLN BUSINESS COLLEGE, 13th and P Sts.-Telephone 254. Lincoln, Nebraska. Hartford 67th Year Opens September 26, 1900 Theological 9 Thorough Training. Ample Equipment. Special 'Course In Missions. emmarj Apply to iProfessor Jacobus, HARTFORD, CONN. MaqSeselfojle WARRANTED TO RUN A FULL SEASON WITHOUT REFILLING CATALOGS FmlMXAPWCArOt FORSALEDY, jIuiRiFcYClECT.j jjrj '" " imiirTHf1 n " "' y 101 O STREET. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. DEALERS IN Bicycle Supplies AND Sundries. Repalrlngfa fSpeclalfy. ( i