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About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1900)
The Nebraskan -Hesperian 'II i EMI i i W I I sfa'Cal and Zfer&mdl Dr. Wonto. dentist. Every lady student Is Invited to look at millinery at Mrs. Gosper's. Two drill coats for use at camp, inquire at the University Book Store. Mrs. Raymond would like to have a few more good voices for her chorus. Fotografs. Quality, Stylo, and Stu dent rates at Ellto Studio, 226 So. 11th. Tho annual concert of the school of music will be given at the "Oliver" on June 2. The zoology class Is having a scries of illustrated lectures, with storeoptl can views . The college-settlement commltteo made over one hundred dollars out of the rummage sale. Mrs. P. V. M. Raymond will give a choral work, called "St. John's Eve," at tho "Oliver" on June 5. See tho handsome moving pictures now on exhibition at 1044 0 Btrcet. U. P. ticket ofllce. Free. Westerfleld gives special attention to student trade. He Is up to date In an his work and is sure to please. Mr. Perkins, a brother to Mrs. Kim ball, stopped at the school of music a few days last week, on his way from Tacoma, Wash, to Chicago. Applications for positions of all kinds are still coming in, although there are practically no vacancies to be filled, nor are there any likely to occur. A. A. Hunter of tho vdopartmont of botany in spending a few' days on tho Platte river in the vicinity of Grand Island, collecting lower forms of voge tatlon. ?G.OO per day is being made and can be made by students during vaca'tion, selling Lang's Scrap Book. Samples free. Write for terms and territory. Lang Mfg. Co., South Superior, Wis. Many botanical specimens are boirfg sont in now to tho department of bot any for Identification by amateur bot anists, and teachers and pupils in the high schools. Occasionally In this way a new thing Is discovered. The department of domestic science has ordered, and is daily expecting the arrival of a number of charts and specimens which will bo of greatest In terest and benoflt to 'the students of tho department. v " ' 'Dr. Bcssey has just completed a new list of botanical books for high school libraries. This Is a revision of tho list published in tho Nebraska high school man.ual several years ago. Cop ies of it can bo secured upon applica tion. 'C. A. Fisher, fqllow In geology, has just issued an lhteVostlng paper on 'the "Geology of Lincoln and Environs;" illustrated by fivo full page plates. It was first printed In tho graduate bul 'lotln of tho university, and is now is sued as a soparato pamphlet. Miss Bouton's classes In domestic science have been quietly serving dainty luncheons at tho university kitchens, In order to glvo the young 'ladles an opportunity to become fa 'millar with that branch of the regular 'training. Students may well regret Uhoy did not know this before. Tho faculty of the industrial college at a mooting a few days ago adopted resolutions urging members of con 'gross to favor tho bill to enlarge the sphere of the bureau of weights and imoasures in Washington, so aB to make ilt more usoful to scientific men who have 'need of securing standardizing In struments and measures. The rosblu- 'tlon was 'adopted 'unurilmously. A day or two ago Professor Harvey N :Ott, formerly of the agricultural college at Brookings, S. D., and now representing a firm of microscope makers, called at tho university and talked microscope and microscope ap pliances with the laboratory men in various departments. On Friday afternoon, through some oversight, no half holiday was given, although tho afternoon was devoted to the annual field day exorcises. Tho reason for this failuro Is that tho por sons who 'were charged with tho duty of seeing tho university authorities in regard to such half holiday failed to do so in time. Delta Delta Delta held an initiation on last Saturday that will not soon bo forgotten by tho victim, Miss Daven port. About eighteen of tho members of tho fraternity gathored at the homo of Miss Gund for tho initiation, which occurred early In the morning, after which thoy all repaired to the woods for a chafing dish breakfast. Dr. Bessoy has been requested to co operate in tho establishment of tho Popular Science Monthly upon a new basis. This old scientific journal is to be somewhat changed In Its sphere and it Is Lho hope to make It more fully promote the interests of science and of mon of science. Dr. Bessey has sent a favorable ansir to tho request. Colonel William H. Boylo, of the Nineteenth infantry of the U. S .army made many friends In his short visit on Wednesday. Every one regretted that he was compelled to make so short a atay. He "exprosscd himself as greatly pleased over the work of the university battalion, and was loud in his praise of their abaility to make so perfect a presentation on such short notice. Mrs. B. T mjamin Andrews was in the city a few days this week looking up a house. She attempted to keep her visit a secret but tho reporters found out she was hero. She intends to select a residence and begin occupy ing it in July. Dr. Andrews is in Europo, among other things securing a knowledge of educational institu tions. He expects to take up his duties as chancellor August 1. This Is tho tlmo of year whon anx ious parents write to tho university authorities to find out exactly how John and George and Adolphus have been getting on In thoir work. Some times the answer is favorable to the young men, and sometimes it is not. Tho young mon about whom Inquiries are made by anxious parents are gen erally not doing well, while tho young mon who are doing first-class work are rarely inquired about anxiously. F. R. Vreeland recently of Columbia university, nnd now one of tho electri cal engineers of the Crocker-Wheeler Co., of New York city, was a caller at tho chancellor's office early in the week. Although an onglnoor, ho has taken much interest In botany, and is taking advantage of tho fact that Dr. Rydberg 1b botanizing in tho west to get a couple of months' outing with him. Ho will visit parts of Nebraska and central and southern Colorado. Tho extra work coming at the cIobo of tho year has so greatly increased tho need of messenger service that little Join Noblo has been appointed messenr boy for tho remainder of tho ran " tho vacation. At this tlmo of k ir it 1b very difficult to socuro such sorvlco from students as haB hitherto hnen donp, since tho Btudonts are busily engaged In proparlng for tho final examinations. At tho close of tho vacation Johnny will go into tho schools ugain, and 'stiulontB will 'then 'be -usod to'(lo 'this 'service. That New Spring Suit Need not be high-priced, but should be stylish, well fitting, and well made. All the style-knowledge and all the tailoring knowledge which we are possessed of., we have used in selecting these suits. E HOtD OUR $7.50, $10.00, $12.50 am $15.00 SUITSs fTP as MODELS Many of them are Homespuns, Scotch Mixtures, and Worsteds, in Stripes, Checks, Plaids, and Pretty Mixtures. In fact, all the leading Fabrics of the season are shown in this assortment. IT WILL PLEASE US EXCEEDINGLY TO SEE YOU III OUR STORE. ARMSTRONG CLOTHING CO. We are now teaching Gregg Short hand by mail, giving two lessons per week for four months for $16.00, and wo furnish all books required. In this length of time students aro expected to be able to write at least one hun dred words per minute from now mat ter, something which would require eight or ton montns tlmo in any other standard system. For particulars write tho Omaha Commercial College, Omaaa, Neb. Two Nebraskans, Prof. Fred M. Fling and Judge T. L. Norval have been ap pointed as judges to soloct the first fifty numes of eminent Americans for Miss Gould's "Hall of Famo." Tho sel ection of names to be immortalized will bo selected by a list of judges, mado up of twenty-five university or colloge presidents; twenty-four scien tists or professors of history; twenty three publicasts, authors, and editors; fwonty-oight supreme court justices, state, or national. A list of eligible names will bo sent each judge and ho will bo given until October 1 to return his report with as many names aB ho thinks deserves a tablet In tho hall. On liuit Saturday about 300 students from tho high school and a fow from tho unlvorslty, In charge of Professors Barbour and Condra took in tho ox cuidlon to South Bond In search of botanical and geological specimens. The excursion loft Lincoln at a little after 9 o'clock on tho B. & M. and roturnod to Lincoln at 5:45 In tho evening. Tho state fisheries were vis ited and dinner eaten on tho pictur esque fishery farm on tho bank of tho Platto. Tho quarries wore next explored whore the lino botwoen the crotaolous and carboniferous ages could bo plainly soon. The day was well spent in tho combination of a pleasant outing with a .profltablo sci entific 'search. Tho ofllco of university recorded is now well under way, although it will take some time longer to have every thing in full running order. This of fice is in room 104, university hall, sometimes called tho doan's ofllco. It will hereafter bear tho name of tho recordor's office . Tho most important work in this ofllco at the present tlmo 1b that connected with collating tho reports in regard to tho accredited high schools. This work is being done as rapidly as possible. Tho F. E. & M. V. R. R. offer to par ties tho low rate of our faro plus two dollars for tho round trip to points in western "Nebraska and Wyoming. Good for twonty-ono days; also tho same rate to Hot Springs, S. D good for 30 days.' See tholr agont before making your preparations. Louis R. Bostwick of tho "Omaha Boo" will bo at tho unlvorslty next Saturday and got some snap shots of tho men In action during tho state in tercollegiate moot. The pictures will appear in the Sunday Boo of May 27. Tho N. B. A. this year at Charleston, S. C, promises to outclass all formor meetings of tho association and tho Northwestern railroad, cognizant of this fact will do everything possible to make thlB trip a pleasant ono for teachers and tholr friends. Copyright novels, cloth binding such aB tho Mauxman, Soldiers of For tune Prlsonor of Zonda, Lady of Qual ity, Hon. Peter Sterling, Trilby Calob West, Tho Coutinontal Dragoon, Dam nation of Thoxon Ware, Forest Lovers, Tokla, Phroso, and others, horotoforo published at ?1.50 -during this sale, 49c. Writing To,blotB 70 nnd 80 Bheots cream laid note, each 5c. "Tho 'Hor polBholmor" 'Fountain !Pon, 75c. tfyto ,,y1W