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About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1900)
RBiJH 'WBf'ff "WAi1?1 ,ifajlft linWhwHi swaaV The Nehraskan-Hesperian 'il 1 1 c i i' ' E. pi i fci fin THE NebraskanHesperian A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Published at 223 Noith Eleventh Street. 'I Issued Every Wednesday Noon at The Uni versity of Nebraska. Entered as Second-Class Matt Matter. I M. I. Stbvart, ,,., H. M. Gaurutt;! Managers Board of Editors. Managing Editor.. P. A. Cuscadch ASSISTANT EDITORS, Onna I,. Hull. R. H. Wcssel. REPORTERS. WMk$ y """""n Mnude Hazlett H. H. Roberts I. P. Hewitt R. A. Huston Prank Manchester Virginia Hoffman P.W. Harry Knte Wiggins P. O. Carpenter W. P.. Andrcson R. D. Andrcson J. S. Utlls W. II. King R. V. The Nebrasknn-Hesi)crinn will be sent to any address upon receipt of the sub scription price, which isonedollarayenr. Contributions ale solicited from all. News items such as locals, personals, re ports of meetings, etc., are especially desired. The Nebruskan-Hespenan will be glad to print any contribution relative to a general university subject, but the name must accompany all such. Address all communications to the NK- IlRASKAN'-HlSSVERIAN, P. O. Box 239, Lincoln, Nebraska. As has beon published several times in these columns, a strong effort will be made this spring to take a track team to Chicago to compete In tho western intercollegiate athletic asso ciation meet June 2. This has been attempted two or three times pre viously and we have been represented by a man or two. No team has ever been taken however. This year, the time seems rlpo that something should be done. We have- several men, 'who would stand a fairly good show of winning places, even If it were impos sible to win firsts. But the same old trouble confronts us as in former years. The students of the University of Ne braska constantly refuse to support track athletics in anything more than a half hearted way. From all outward Indications it never dawns upon them that a track man works longer and steadier for his place than any other athlete who wears a Nebraska uniform. They never stop to think that this branch is as essential for all-round de velopment as any other. Repeated ap peals have failed in their object. But to tho men who win places on our treacle team, too much praise can not be given. The sacrifice which they make, although unappreciated as It is, amounts to a great deal. A few each year, avail themselves to the oppor tunities offered in this line and these are the men whose efforts should bo rewarded by a trip to Chicago. They deserve it as much as the foot and base ball teams deserve theirs. Man ager Hewitt has arranged two meets to take place on tho going trip. This is tho status of affairs. What is the student body going to do? Is an untimely end to mark the exit of this branch? Or, will they bo extended a helping hand? The time for action is now. Other teams are accused of being made up from favorites. It merely gives a chance for the unsuc cessful candidate to kick. But hero, each man shows what he is. He is chosen from the records he makes. It follows that it must be a representa tive university team. If it is not, it Is because the men have not turned out and trained for the events. The most enterprising class of tho school has practically made a propo sition that may lead to a solution of the financial part of the present case. Two men on the track team belong to that class. The offer is to tho effect that tho class will defray the expenses of these tyv,q, men to andf rom Chicago. Tho Idler feels like offering himself up for a fresh paint sign. It would be a great thing. He could perch him self out on the Spanish cannon, with three or four cushions and a few bags of Duke's, and have a glorious time. And all tho pretty girls would come out and look at him and say nice things and play 'ring around tho Idler.' It would be Jolly. Then the chancollor, associate chancollor, typists, Johnnie Noble and others from tho executive office would filo down with gYave looks and many forebodings, and tho Idler would bo siezed as a suspect, taken into tho ofilco and quizzed until he was black and blue. It was absolutely remarkable that they didn't paint the thing Saturday night instead of Monday. It would have been sporty then. Hut to put the deal off till the night watchman began his nightly sleeps again after two nights vigil, wasn't a bit funny. Any cheap skate could do that. But it is just like some people to wait until things get cold and then growl at the cook. As a whole, tho artistic tastes of the high privates in the rear rank seem to bo decidedly deficient this year. Poor colors have been chosen through out, and tho smearing would do dis grace to a kindergarten. When a fel low makes a D like a cocked hat and a C like tho same cocked hat with the brim knocked off, It is crude. Tho latter ought to have sense enough to know that the brim can be put back on with one stroke of the paint brush. And say, did you notice that all the letters around on the walks and in front of the fraternity houses are C's, A's, and D's? The Idler has been won dering if the ontiro set is not an out fit of CADs after all. To say the least the Idea is antiquated. They ought to get something new jit least once in every school generation. Why, it was way back in '97 when tho fellows went around with tho first can of paint. Everyone of 'em got a ride in the hurry-up wagon . There were lots of names at the station that night which subscribers will hoed this request and avoid tho necessity of receiving indi vidual statomonts. Judging from tho number of scholar ships and fellowships received by grad uates of tho University of .Nobraska each year, the standard of tho insti tution is gradually getting higher. It also shows tho fact that tho school is gaining rank and precedent among tho eastern univorsititles. Wo oxtond our congratulations to tho alumni recently honored. wero never found in the registrar's list. And tho follows woro all seniors, too. Tho guy down on tho corner with three brass balls In front of his door did more business that time than over before or since. Ah! thoso wero good old times, but they arc long past now and tho suc ceeding generations aro growing crude. And it isn't only In tho paint line. Do you know that tho seniors couldn't even have a sneak day yesterday as they had planned causo it rained all night and half of the previous day on purpose . It is too bad. Now, speak ing of sneak days, affords another striking example of antiquity. The idea, that a senior class, above all other classes, would do tho same thing that two succeeding classes had at tempted to do. That's the way tney go. Whenever a rut gets started In this Nebraska soil, it gets deeper and deeper and each succeeding class goes farther and farther out of sight. Finally in tho courso of eight or ten years, a class comes along with a new idea . It is said to be a wondeiful aggre gation of students and of course tho Idea becomes the model for tho next ten years. Now to sum the whole deal up, tho only new things that have happened all year, worthy of consideration as far as originality is concerned, was the mysterious disappearance and the wonderful and long-to-be-remembered reappearance of Sampson and the pho tographing of Hallie Roberts. Now tho Idler likes originality, as has already been brought out. It may bo fortunate that the seniors couldn't have a life-sized sneak yesterday. Now for a suggestion. How would it bo if the seniors had a working day? It might be good to have them get down and plug for twelve hours. Perhaps some of them would como nearer get ting diplomas on the seventh of June, and to others It might freshen their memory to know what work really is once more. Above all, it would be original. DRS. CLUTTER & SHANNON, DENTISTS Phone 426. 1136 O Street. Lincoln. DR. SHOEMAKER'S PRIVATE HOSPITAL Special attention given to all Diseases ol Women. (All surgical Diseases nre treated by the most npproved methods. Every convenience for Pelvic and Abdominal Surgery. BATHS FOR LADIES ONLY Special Attention given to Massage and Sv"mh Movements in their most recent dcvelop ii,. a py the trained manipulator in charge. C. A. SHCriAKER, n.D., Ill7 L St. SPALDING'S OFFICIAL ATHLETIC GOODS. Officially adopted by the leading Col leges, Schools, and Athletic Clubs of the country. Every requisite of Base Ball, Golf, Tennis, Athlettcs, Gymnasium. Spalding's Official League Ball is the official Ball of the National League, and all the leading College Associations. Spalding's Base Ball Guide for 1000, 10 cents. Handsome catalogue of Athletic Sports free to any address. ft. C. SPALDING t BROS., CHICAGO. NEW YORK. DENVER. If you are going to the Pacific Coast Dont complete arrangements until you have secured information regarding the personally conducted excursions via How about tho other classes? Will they stand back and let a move of this kind go through without taking a hand? Wo trust not. Let each class raise ?50 which will send eight men. Two other men will bo sent by the ath letic association. This will afford good representation and will give tho team a much deserved reward. As a final appeal to tho different classes, we hope that thlB may bo heeded. Considering the different conditions which have met tho base ball team since Its departure on the trip, a most excellent showing has been made. It is usually considered if a team wins ono-half of its games on foreign terri tory, tho result Is highly satisfactory. Our team can boast of this so far. A rousing welcome should bo reserved for thorn on their return. Wo hope to be able to give the occupa tion and address of each senior for his or her first year after graduation. We also hope to be able to present pictures of some of the class officers and repre sentative students. We consider this the proper and fitting close for our year as editors of tho paper. Ono more issue of tho Nobraskan Hesperian remains for tho present col lego year. A considerable portion of .this:wllLbo.dovotod.tOthe senior class. A few unpaid subscriptions are still found on our books. Why not call In and settle these at once? It will show that the efforts which have been forth fo got out a representative paper havo been at least slightly appreciated. It mean3 merely one dollar each from all of you, while to us the aggregate is considerable. Subscriptions may be paid at our office, 223 North Eleventh street between 8 and 12 o'clock and be tween 1 and 5 o'clock. They will also be received at the University Book Store at any time. Subscribers out of the city should send tho same by check, money or express order, ad dressed to tho Nobraskan-Hesperlan, Box 219, Lincoln. 'Wo !trust (hat all SpSx' These Excursions leave Omaha every Friday, in elegantly upholstered Ordinary Sleeping Cars, illuminated by Pintsch Light, heated by Steam. JKS-For Time Tables, Polders, Illustrated Books, Pamphlets, descriptive of the territory traversed, call on E. B. SLOSSON, AarNT. MjiMayHK SHORT LINE AND QUICK SERVICE To Nebraska City, Palls City, St. Loals, sad aU Points South, east, and West. City Ticket Office, 1039 0 Street. H. 6. T0WNSEND, F. D. G0RNELL, O. t. A T, A. C. P. ft T..A. 1 wi ,L.. mmmnmmm