The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, May 09, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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The Nebraskan -Hesperian
Dr. J. Pt William, Assistant.
Diseases of the Eye,
Ear, and Throat.
1205 O Street. Lincoln, Neb.
,. ,
rubllshcd at 223 North Eleventh Street.
Issued Every Wednesday Noon at The Unl-
vcrslty of Nebraska.
Entered at Second-Class Mail Mailer,
' M. I. Stewart, nr..
H. M. Gauuktt;; Managers
Residence 1310 O St.
Phone 242.
Office 1100 O St.
Phone 535.
Board of Editors.
Managing Editor P. A. Cusc.vdkn
Orma I Hull. K. H. Wnssel.
Maude Hnzlett Knte Wiggins
II. II. Rolxirts 1?. O. Carpenter
I. P. Hewitt W. K. Aiulrcson
R. A. Huston R. D. Andrcson
Prank Manchester J. S. 15111s
Virginia HofTmau V. II. King
lw. Harry K. V. lliiss
Thoro Is ono thing always certain;
that's spring fevor. It doesn't mako
any difference how long you go to
school or how many years you spend
around the university trying to get
, , ,n littlo something pounded into your
scription price, which isone dollar a year. , spite of all your good intentions. Now
Contributions nrc solicited from nil. ' the Idler has gone to school for many
iNews items sucn ns locals, personals, re-, vcnrs: no nng iai h8 x,,,8 and downs
with profs, and with the registrar;
he has seen sneak days and football
name must accompany nil such
Address all communications to the Nk-
Lincoln, Nebraska.
ports of meetings, etc., nrc especially
desired. The Nebraskiui-Hespennn will
be triad to print nny contribution relative
u a general umvcrsiiy sudjuci, uui ui gnmes, nnu coum resist, uny uuu iiu ul
thorn. But spring fever, Never!
People can howl all day about the
laziness seen on the campus; It doesn't
hurt anybody. Anyway, the very peo
ple who howl, never had the sensation
obtained by a good afternoon's loaf.
At all times they would rather shut
themselves up in a room, lock the door,
tie a wet towel around their head and
cram. Yes, cram; Latin and Greek
The fifteenth annual field day of the
University of Nebraska will be held on
the campus next Friday afternoon, May
This is the first contest of the kind
since the nentathlon and the men have
been in constant and careful training ! ftml English, English, I said, and math
for several months. W. E. Allen says I ematics, and all such stuff. And after
that most of the men have improved I four years. they Bet Fly Botter Catche
wonderfully in form and speed during I or mnybo tney aro elected sorgeant-at-the
past few days of warm weathor. arms for the senIor class or l0 some
Tim iinivnraitv track team will be other high office on account of the es-
picked from the winners of next Fri
day's meet. This means" the trip to
Omaha on the 26th to compote against
Minnesota university and also the trip
to Monmouth and Chicago the last of
the month. The men are in good shape
and no doubt some records will be
broken as the interest and competition
in most of the events is keen.
The fact that the inter-class swim
ming contests were not more gener
ously supported has not discouraged
those in charge of the track team.
Every effort will bo put forth to se
cure good attendance at the coming
track meets and insure the financial
teem In which they are held.
The Idler never was so proud of his
name as now. The Idler can idle indo
lently and ignorantly day in and day
out, for indolence and ignoranco are
bliss and It is folly to have Fly Botter
Catche or any of those dinky things.
He can lie around on the campus and
smoke and listen to the freshman boast
how he is going to shoot that cannon
or blow himself up with dynamite in
tho attempt and marvol at the 'ponny
wiso, pound-foolish uppor-clnss mon
talking politics through their hats.
Its nil vory well to talk about edu
cation when you aro homo in tho sum
mor visiting the folks and aro trying
to work them to lot you come back
tho next year, but in tho spring when
tho lilacs and tomato vines and cherry
trees aro in bloom and tho English
sparrows sing sweotly and contentedly
all day and half tho night every day
and every night, it is a poor subject.
Take the Idler's advice; don't study,
it doesn't make any difference whether
you flunk or not. Get out on tho grass
with your golf suit on and two or threo
girls around you r.nd hunt four leaf
clovers till tho cows come homo. Hully
gee! You'll nevor know what you miss
till you try it.
There's only one draw back to tho
whole deal. That's tho profs. Every
time one hoves in sight you have to
roll over and hove out. Its tho only
thing you can do and hold your repu
tation. Those fellows are always sot
on blood and they aro going to make
a fellow work on studies until 3 a. m.,
Thursday morning, May 24. Then, if
ho is through, ho can study for the
finals which -begin five hours later.
Yes sir, if you've never tried it, you
ought to go at it before it is too late.
Golden opportunities are not plentiful,
so don't miss 'cm any more than you
can help.
Rooms 213 and 214
Richards Clock.
Phone 426. 1136 O Street.
Special attention Riven to all Diseases ol
Women. (All surgical Diseases are treated by
the most apprqved methods. Every convenience
for Tclvlc and Abdominal Surgery.
Special Attention given to Massage and
Sv"sh Movements In their most recent develop
tin h py the trained manipulator in charge.
C. A. SHOHAKER, H.D., 1117 L St.
fields come in for an equal share of
honors. We hope that this class of
base ball will characterize their play
in every game on the trip. Tho Y.
M. C. A. boys proved to be good na-
' success of representation at the West-1 tured and took their defeat in the best
em Inter-Collegiate. Nebraska has an j 0f spirits.
excellent track team and has better
opportunities' to get places in Chicago
this year than ever before. Several
of our records compare favorably with
the records made last year and Ne
braska should be represented by all
means. The winning of a first place
in the W. I. A. A. A. meet will attract
as much attention to tho university
as would a victory in foot ball over a
good eastern team. Let everyone help
The dual meet held at Iowa City last
Saturday between Northwestern uni
versity and Iowa state university was
won by the former. Tho records made
were fair but Iowa's showing does not
justify her in' the boast that it is nec-
sssary to go east to secure competition
worthy of her prowess. With the ex
ception of ono or two events Nebraska
has mon who can cut down the records
oljthe winning team.
4, ,
The departure of the team yesterday
on its trip was very quiet. But in
suite of this fact, we believe tho best
wishes for success from every man in
the university accompanies it. Tho
exhibition which the boys put with
the Omaha Y. M. C. A. Saturday was
one of the finest ever seen on the home
grounds. The play throughout was
An innovation from tho customs of
the institution is scheduled for Friday
evening. It will be tho first oratorical
There are to be three judges for each
event, two of whom are French and
the other of the same nationality as
the contestant. A circular has been
issued giving minute rules for govern
ing the contests, and indicating the
method of counting points, etc.
Officially adopted by the leading Col
leges, Schools, and Athletic Clubs of the
country. Every requisite of Base Ball,
Golf, Tennis, Athletics, Gymnasium.
Spalding's Official League Ball is the
official Ball of the National League, and
all the leading College Associations.
Spalding's Base Ball Guide for 1900, 10
cents. Handsome catalogue of Athletic
Sports free to any address.
President Harper, in his quarterly
contest ever held by the law school, statement, announced that the amount
Nearly all the entrees aro graduates stipulated by John D. Rockefeller to
from tho academic department and
have records as orators. For this rea
son tho contest promises to be full of
interest. The plan to expand into an
interstate association is highly com
mendatble and should be pushed to a
successful issue.
Tho international Olympic games,
which aro to bo hold in Paris this
summer, will take place In a specially
prepared arena at yinconnas where
will also be situated the principal ma
chinery exhibits of tho fair. The
arena will be surrounded by a con
crete bicycle track, and by earth em
bankments, on which aro to be placed
the seats for spectators. Tho games
are to be held in July, and Include
every known event from exercises on
tho horizontal bar to contests with
brondswordB. Tho prizes, of money
for the professionals are vory ample
while amateurs will be awarded with
valuable souvenirs. Tho preliminary
trials for the gymnastic, and some
other events, will begin at C a. m., -so
bo raised by the university has been
obtained. Tho sum was $2,000,000 and
since It is secured it Insures the pay
ment of the university by John D.
Rockefeller of an additional $2,000,000.
Michigan won the final honors of
tho central debating league by de
feating Minnesota. Michigan debated
the affirmative of tho question, "Are
the economic advantages of trusts suf
ficient to justify their existence under
the law?" The league is composed of
tho universities o Michigan, Chicago,
Northwestern, and Minnesota.
The "University of Michigan intends
to offer courses in advanced work in
its College of Commerce with special
roferenco to diplomatic and consular
education; higher commercial educa
tlon; preparation for newspaper work;
preparation for pastoral work and pub
lic philanthropy, such as college settle
ments; and instruction in public administration.
It yon are going to tke
Pacific 6oast
Dont complete arrangements until you
have secured information regarding the
personally conducted excursions via
These Excursions leave Omnha every
Friday, in elegantly upholstered Ordinary
Sleeping Cars, illuminated by Pintscn
Light, heated by Steam.
9-For Time Tables, Polders, Illustrated Books,
Famphlets, descriptive of the territory traversed,
call on
E. B. SLOSSON, Agent.
like clock work. Both, tho In and. out great are the number of contestants,
The only thoroughtly good place in
the city whore a student can get any
kind of board that ho wants iB,at Cam
eron's cafe, ili-liSp'uth 11th' street.
To Nebraska City, Palls City, St. Louis, and all
Points South, Bast, and West.
City Ticket Office, 1039 O Street.
O. V. ft T. A. C P. ft Tf A.