t&& ffrtt&rv trra t The Nebraskan-Hesperian b .arz-i m : m tm I I! lis'! It i in & 'H S ' CONGRESSMAN INITIATED. Alpha Epsllon chapter of Sigma Chi fraternity Initiated Congressman David H. Morcer of Omaha at Its chapter house last ovening. Mr. Morcor was ono of tho petitioners for the estab lishment of a chapter of that fraternity in tho Nebraska university, but grad uated boforo tho chapter was Installed. Tho Sigma Chls have always looked upon him as a mombor of their fra ternity, nnd learning thai ho would bo in attendance at tho republican stato convention yesterday, took that occas ion of conferring tho Initiatory rites upon him. After tho Initiation an In formal banquet was given at tho Lin coln hotel. Paul F. Clark acted as toastmastor and tho following members responded: Frederick Shopard, H. C. Eddy, Prof. C. 11. Richards, John H. Mockott, II. D. Landls, A. A. Blschof, and Congressman Morcor. Those pres ent wore J. V. Wolfe, Prof. Richards, E. H. Hlnshaw of Fnlrbury, Fred Shopard, Paul F. Clark, John H. Mock ett, H. 0. Eddy, Henry Shannon, John W. Dixon of Nebraska City, J. W. Shannon of Weeping Water, G. M. Spurlock of Plattsmouth, W. H. Hardy, G. H. Rlsser, F. C. Hebard of Omaha, and Messrs. Llobmann, Home, Strat ton, Hansen, Blschof, Stuhr, Hawks worth, Landls, Fitzgerald, Wehn, Swartz, VnnBurg, Sheldon, Ewart, Ralney, Peterson, Kees, F. D. Stratton and Patterson of tho active chapter. The chapter was handsomely remem bered by the Delta Gamma sorority. PREPARATORY MEDICAL SOCIETY. Those who heard Dr. H. Glfford of Omaha In his lecture to the Prep. Med ics on last Wednesday evening were afforded a rare treat. The society should feel very proud In having se cured such an able man, he being ono of the most eminent oculists of the west, a noted contributor to German and American periodicals and author of several valuable works on the anat omy of the eye. His talk dealt with the abuse of professional opportunities, coupled with the abuse of tho latter by the public and the relation of the uni versity, etc, a medical education. The talk was greatly enjoyed and thorough ly appreciated by those present. A RECOGNIZED FACT. The following paragraph is clipped from the editorial columns of the VI-dette-Reporter of the University of Iowa. It follows: "C. B. Cooper, of Lincoln, Nebraska, has come up out of the west. Ho has been connected with the University of Nebraska and is hence entirely compe tent to undertake the important duties devolving upon him as Professor Ans ley's assistant. Tho regular mannor In which tho now appolntmqnts from tho tlmo of election of tho professor of En glish have boon going to tho unlvorsity located at Lincoln Is edifying In tho ex treme. It is eminently popular with tho students and wo vonturo to Join In tlio general rejoicing that tho univer sity has at last fallen upon an unfail ing reservoir from which to draw professors and instructors as thoy may bo needed. It gives rise to a hopo that wo may soon havo a delightful Httlo oasis-state of Nebraska, located in our own congenial cllmato." Tho Omaha Commercial Collogo lo cates more stenographers, bookkeepers and telegraph operators during tho year than all of tho othor commercial and shorthand schools in tho stato combined. This Is duo to tho fact that Its students aro thoroughly prepared in all departments for mercantile sit uations. Great Re-organlzatlon Salo. Books, Stationery, Music, Pictures. Tho Her Polshelmer Co. will inaugurate their great re-organization salo on Tuesday, May 1st. Among many good things far too numerous to speciiy are some things in Books, Stationery, etc., which wo glvo below. Copyright novels, cloth binding such as the Muuxman, Soldiers of For tune, Prisoner of Zcnda, Lady of Qual ity, Hon. Peter Sterling, Trilby Caleb West, The Continental Dragoon, Dam nation of Thexon Ware, Forest Lovers, Tekla, Phroso, and others, heretofore published at $1.50 during this sale, 49c. Writing Tablets 70 and 80 sheets cream laid note, each 5c. "The Her polshelmer" Fountain Pen, 75c. University Book Store All Student's SUPPLIES Kept in Stock. If you don't see what you want, ask for it. University Book Co. flain Building. r IsS 15 HOURS AND 10 MINUTES, LINCOLN TO CHICAGO Via The Burlington, ...IS A GREAT SUCCESS... Josh Billing? once said: "Never oppose u success." That is why you should use THE BURLINGTON ALWAYS ON TIME CITY TICKET OFFICE: BURLINGTON DEPOT: Cor. 10th and O Sts ....7th St., Bet. P and Q.... Telephone 235. Telephone 25. M , ir.,M I ! 111 I I W MM - s You want the Finest We have itt mm s VI f s CLARKSOM LAUNDRY COMPANY W w so w w gfr 330 ' 332 334 336 - 33S "310 South .Eleventh Street Jmfj mmmmm TWI MM W- I lCKeo$ iproouce perfect I lit! O -J i iSfrtnrft B. 36. Beftatron 117 11. lltb St. When a Man o & ( r i Cf i Buys a Shirt he wants one that fits. The "Manhattan" is the best in the world, j J- j jt o o "We have them in all the newest effects. The B L Paine Clothing Store, The "Manhattan" Shirt, The Best Known J j j & ji Known as, The Best J -Jj g v. M 1