The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, May 09, 1900, Image 1

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Vol.. 8-29, No. 32.
LINCOLN, MAY 9, 1900.
Five Cents.
1 j
Largo Number of New and Old Men to
Compete for Track
Tho annual flold-day of tho univer
sity will bo hold next Friday May 11.
It will bo a combination handicap and
preliminary Hold moot. Thoso trying
to got places on tho track team must
start on tho scratch, while others will
bo given a handicap fn order to glvo
them a chance to win prizes offered.
Thoso winning first and second places
of tho scratch men will represent tho
university in Iho track meets which
follow each week after tho team is se
lected. This promises to be ono of tho
host moots over held on tho campus.
A largo number of the last year's men
will compete and now men aro showing
up well. Tho handicap will add much
Interest as It will make tho races
nearer equal. Tho following events
and prizes will bo given:
first and foromost to have a "kick"
coming at tho doings of tho athletic
Tho annual gymnasium exhibition
of tho men's gymnasium classes will
bo hold noxt Saturday evening.
Among tho special features will bo
boxing, wrestling, mat work tumbling,
and othor now ovents suitable to tho
Tho last contest of the champion
ship swimming races was held last
Heffnor won first place In tho 25 yard
race, tlmo 16.1 seconds; Plowhead sec
ond, Baumen third.
Daumen won flt3t place in tho fancy
diving, Pearson second. Weeks third.
In the long plunge, Waterman got
first place, Weeks second, and Clark
Tho gamo of water polo, seniors vs.
freshmen, resulted in a victory for tho
latter Heffner won first in tho 100 yard
race with Pearso a close second. Smith
took third.
Although tho crowd was small much
Innovation for tho Students In That
Department Will Occur
Friday Evening.
Tho first annual law oratorical con
test over hold In tho University of Ne
braska will tako placo In tho chapel
on Saturday night of this week, May
12. Nino of tho best orators In tho
law college will participate In this
Fred O. Hawxby will orato on "Tho
Struggle of tho Boers;" Edwards H.
Smith, on "Anglo-Saxon Unity;" L. J.
Abbott, on "A Typical American;"
Otto Olston, on "Chief Justice Taney;"
N. C. Abbott, on "Tho Hebraic in Lit
erature;" Albert Bacus, on "Why a
Lawyer Should Study Oratory;" 0. W.
Meier, on "Tho Heritage of Our Fath
ers;" Charles C. Crouch, on "Aguln
aldo," and Walter Traphagen, on "The
Philippine Problem."
Dean Reese has selected tho judges
Etholbert Novln
"A Necklace of Love."
Gluck Aria from "Alcesto."
"Ye Gods of Endless Night."
On last Saturday ovening tho eighth
annual exhibition was given in tho ar
mory by tho gymnasium girls, and as
usual was largely attended. About two
hundred girls took part. In somo of
tho Swedish movements, ono hundred
and fifty girls wore on the floor at ono
tlmo. These exercises and the Swedish
folk dances In cos ton mo sccmod to bo
most enjoyed by tho highly apprecia
tive audience. Tho evening's enter
tainment surpassed any exhibition
ever given by tho department boforo,
and Miss Barr deserves great credit
for her hard work In bringing so largo
a number of girls to such perfection
In the many and difficult drills shown
Saturday ovening.
The cadet band, with Mr. Earlo
Wehn as leader, played a number of
pieces before and during tho exercises.
JKkwL H i nMiiaiffIIMMHMBibMi
,raw iff F4f r MiaiMKnl r f F ft JflKJiirPl r -aHUKHt
100 yard dash, $3.00 bicycle shoes,
Sandersons; 220 yard dash, $2.50 foun
tain pen, Harry Porter; 440 yard dash,
$2.00 sweater, Ewlng Clothing Co.;
880 yard run $3.00 umbrella, Miller &
Paine; mile run, $3.50 shoes, Perkins
& Sheldon; 120 yard hurdles, $2.00
silver mounted pipe, Ed. Young; 220
yard hurdles, one $4 doz photos, Hay
dens; running high Jump, $4.00 strik
ing bag, Wilson & Hall; running broad
jump, $2.50 knife, Rudge & Guenzel;
pole vault, $3.75 McCauloys History of
England, Kyer & Son; shot put, $3,00
Longley hat, Wilson & Pacal; hammer
throw, $1.00 soda checks, H.- O. Hanna;
discus throw, $2.00 silver mounted
cane, P. J. Wohlenberg.
The election of the student members
of the athletic board was held Friday,
May 4. The votes cast for the nine
candidates was as follows, Brooks 75,
Cowgill 117, Gordon 153, Hoartt 111,
Hewitt 177, Ledwith 158, Leo 72, Mc
Geachin 54, Rhodes 111, Westovor 132.
There was in all about 272 votes cast
this is not a very large showing among
2,100 ctudents. Still those whose eco
nomic principles lwpt them from hav
ing a voice Jn the affair will bo the
Interest existed throughout the pro
gram. At the close, the medals were
awarded. Tho seniors received the al
umni silver cup; the freshmen secured
the souvenir ball, being champion at
water polo. Tho best individual record
was made by Heffner who made 20 of
of the 21 points made by the junior
class. Had Heffner not been absent on
account of sickness in the second con
test the juniors undoubtedly would
have won the alumni cup. Attention
is called to Dr. Pound and F. D. Con
nell who have assisted In each of these
contests and at the last donated a spe
cial medal to the fancy divers.
for the contest from the bar of Lin
coln. The attorneys In the city have
subscribed $60 for prizes and the first
orator will get $25 as a rewara, second
orator $20, and third $15. Chas. A.
Robblns, Harry E. Wilson, and Chas.
O. French will act as a committee to
tabulate the markings of the judges
and award the prizes.
This clipping from Boston Tran
script Friday, April 27, may be of in
terest to our readers. "The Massachu
setts Alpha Chapter of Pi Beta Phi
fraternity will give an informal recep
Thursday evening. Tho program will
tlon to Miss Anna Lytle and Miss Vera
Wattles, alumnro of the fraternity, at
tho Colonial Club, Cambridge, this
evening at eight o'clock.
Miss Grace Reynolds will give a
graduate recital at the chapel on next
Thursday evening. The program will
be as follows: .
Haendel )
Recolt, and Aria from "Semele."
"Come Fdrth, Saturnia!"
"Henee, Away!"
Mozart Aria from "Figaro."
"Vol Che Sapeto."
Donizetti "Brindisi,"
From "Lucrezla Borgia."
Wagner "Der Engoh"
Chamlnade "Jmmortallto."
Josef Dessauer "Jn Seville."
H. A. Norrls "O Mother Mine!"
Gregh "Open Thy Lattice."
H!r,W. Parker "Tho Lark Now Leaves
HiBWatory NestV-k - v
Tho program was carried out to the.
letter, and was as follows, with an en
core for the Swedish folk dances:
Music Two Step, "Smoky Mokes.""
Bar bells Leader, Miss Whiting.
Dumb bells Leader, Miss Spruck.
Music Overture, "William Tell."
Indian Clubs Leader, Miss Whiting-.
Swedish gymnastics By commander.
Music Waltz.
Apparatus work Parallel bars, jump
ing, flying rings, travelling rings,.
Swedish ladder, rope climbing,
horse. Marching and fencing po
sition Leader, Miss Spruck.
Foil fencing Miss Whiting, Miss Muir.
Bar drill Leader, Miss Heaton.
Music Dance.
Relay race between three first-year
Old Swedish folk dances ( in costume).
Mass drill.
"Water does not Intoxicate and yet
it is nothing unusual to see a barrel
water-tight." Ex.
"The usual board of arbitration bo?
tween a bad boy and his father con-4
slsts of-a shingle."