The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, May 02, 1900, Page 2, Image 2
D 2 The Nebraskan-Hesperian GLEANED PROM EXGHANGES. The ode to the meerschaum brown, And the clay with Its coat of jet, Were writ Dy a man who never could bear The scent of a pipe or a good cigar, Not oven a cigarette. And the sonnet to rare old wlno Was composed by a temperance younth Who was bursting with rhyme Of the hlgh-old-tlmo, Yet never was full, In sooth, Of the fluid that lightens the heart And gladens the gloomiest day, And colors the nose Like the rich, red rose To frighten the horrors away. PAPAL BULLS. The popes were all such learned men; Of knowledge they wore full. Yet strange to say how all of them Have made some papal bulls! THE SMILE CURE. Oft when a man Is feeling blue A girl's sweet smile can pull him through; But then the girl, we may assume, Must be the one that caused his gloom. LIKE A GIRL. "You stole a kiss!" the maiden shrieked, But well I knew she wasn't iiinoo, For then shersighed, "Ah! well, dear Jack, You stole a kiss, please give it back. TRANSITION. He'll ne'er forget that sorry day, It was indeed a sight, To see his own sweet Dinah May Change into dynamite; For when he tried to call her down, Smashed was their loving cup, ForafciTirvera and. -woman-Uke, VJ' Just turned and blew him up. A BASE BALL IDYL. She sits on the bleachers and watches him play, She knows he's a hero, he thinks he's a jay. But he's king of the diamond, a Fresh man at that, A corking good baseman, a fiend at the bat, And Cupid, the sinner, I blush for his namef With the two youthful hearts is play ing a game. When the last man Is out, the game Is all o'er, I'll bet then Dan Cupid has captured the score. 15 HOURS AND 10 MINUTES, LIMCOLM TO CHICAGO Vim The mwlhwtit, ...IS A GREAT SUCCESS... Josh Billings once said: "Never oppose a success." That is why you should use THE BURLINGTON ALWAYS ON TIME CITY TICKET OFFICE: BURLINGTON DEPOT: .....Cor. 10th and O Sts ....7th St., Bet. P and Q.... Telephone 235. Telephone 25. -h4' ImpT")iO(t on Ills Memory. "You doxi.'t know wot you're talkln' about," sail Tuffold Knutt, as the two wayfarers came to the forks of tlu road. "Ytro's whero wo turn to the loft." "How df you know so blame much about It?" sulkily inquired Goodman Gonrong. "I'd ort 'o know," rejoined Tuffold Knutt "J was rode on a rail all ovet this neighborhood wunst about flfteer years ago." Chicago Tribune. M .AJLiXj y J Hicvcn irL4LU arc guaranteed to bo :': SAFE, SOLID, y J U1U - -, ACCURATE, From tlio $6.oo Favorite" J $ to our most expensive Ideal." tt -- Kf 5 The " IDEAL " No. 44 Is a lino rifle. J; J ONB OF OUR LRauRRS. nr ce nnlvfclO. 1 1 . , r j--.yi i We guarantee it in every respect. Noth- i ing cheap about it but the price. j Mado rcenlnrly In .28, .35 aad .3 cal. y. J J Ibro rlm-flrc, .25.20 STEVENS, .3240. y 4 .38-55 and. 44-40 ceatcr-flro. ( IN SPECIAL SIZES, $112.00. J J Send ttamp for comtUlt Catalog and i Hand Book. F.,Fun ibus au ... . ' j. sititis inns nil tuuL ca.. ".P.O.Box 1516 CHICOPEB PALLS, MASS. MIMMMIIII'I'II'I'I'I'I University Book Store ! '.tf AHStudent's SUPPLIES Kept in Stock. If you don't see what you want, ask for it. University Book Co. riain Building. r i mt You want Wo M L J M CLA RICSON LAUNDRY COM PA N f , 330 332 334 336 338 340 South Eleventh Street 2. Be Jmtron ; . '1171ft. lltbSt. Complimentary Stamp Carrier Souvenir Coupon at them. The Carrier has our name ToVitZd is given pL fordrlS She & . 9aine Clothing tftore. the Finest have It I S S probuce Iberfect pictures ttnivermtif X(cmg Men . . . Write letters home to their folks, and sometimes to other folks. Postage Stamps are apt to hecome soiled when wi iln.thr ?cket ook or vest pocket. We have on Hand a lot of Stamp Carriers which will be given free to any young man that will present the above coupon at our . tHftj