if in k .wiwmmmmmm KKKfmfMtKKKmSt&iiiStui The Nebraskan-Hksperian MISSOURI EASILY BEATEN. Wednesday afternoon luo university baseball team succeeded in starting the ball season in a glorious manner by de feating tno University of Missouri team with a score of 20 to 4. The game was played upon a muddy and slippery field and one not at all conduslve to good ball playing, however the playing on tho infield of both teams was good. Missouri wa3 burdened with a pitcher who proved to bo about as easy a find as tho 'varsity team had made; this fact coupled with the support ho re ceived in tho out field will perhaps ac count for tho appearance of the score. Bliss on tho other hand pitched a su perb game, keeping his arm the ontiro game. He struck out eight men and allowed Missouri only five hits. Tho team as a whole gave him good sup port both on the out and In fields. Reeder played second In first class shape and witu little practice he will be up to uis old form. Another notice able feature was the batting of the home team; their stick work was good and there has been a great improve ment over the early part o. the season. The first time at bat the university succeeded in batting clear around, and by bunching their hits ran in eight scores. Again in the fourth inning, remembering how easily they had sent the sphere into the out field they again resumed that occupation and succeeded in piling up eight more scores, while the Missourians in their half scored once. At this point Missouri became somewhat discouraged and Nichols wa3 replaced by Hawkins and as a result no scoring was done until the eight inning when the home team sent two men around. In the ninth the Missou rians ran in three scores, making the final score 20 to 4." Positions. ASK TUB SENIORS ABOUT OUR WORK. 1129 0 ST. yiaifden PHOTOaRAPHCR Allegretti & Lowney CHOCOLATES . ... at Specter's 9karmaci N. W. Cor. 12th and N Sts. Lincoln, Neb. STUDENTS TRY HEMDRY'S.RESTAURAHT. everything served Flrst-CUss at moderate prices. Nearest the University. 129 NOR. 11TN ST. 'PNONE, 896. THE ALBERT TEACHERS' AGENCY Central 21 uric Halls, Chicago. Fifteenth Year. 3250 Position Filled. Near? 300 In '90. List of Schools of and CoTteres la which we fill positions sent free. Address: C. J. Albert, Manager. Korsraeyer Plumbing and Heating Co. GENERAL CONTRACTORS FOR PLUMBING, HEATING, AND LIGHTING. GAS AND ELECTRIC FIXTURES. 215 SO. 11TH STREET, LINCOLN, NEB, STUDENTS goto C. D. BOWDISH'S SHAVING PARLOR For Satisfactory Barber Work. Farmers and Merchants' Insurance Co. Bldg. Fifteenth and O Streets. T f w' rnaW fl irtL'BH Wl MONTROSE BICYCLEWFREE JSBXtau"nJ!SIf0TA CENTIM ADVANCE. !aT yiW..0WE"V Etat0 whether you with laly ormn' whcrti jriTeeolor, .height of tramoand warranted iind wr. ufti?rJM?.S T,,.K V.'IK.f:lj.u; ' a on PProvat, allowing you to uncrato and Jr. nt our Special Agent's sample prlco of 1 h'& ; -.vv.n.:--T;rri: --"v-"'.:'" " "riniamnico it enuai to any M0 wheel on tho market, and yon need licit accept 1 1 lryou do not II ml It as wo represent. Wc are rvfi i'sVv our 1000 MODEI.M. ;norjvacent k iiicjvm.K iiltlftL!. ti.wult...t.. Tilt offer of n mmnln w)imI r .1.1. l ..j - made, to pecu-o a RID Eft AHFIUTn irh tnn w-. ... and tako onlcm. Our accnta make monry fant. SPECIFICATIONS. 7P,,e-orMlnfht ladles. S5 Inch. Bert " tWlrlUH IUIWi Bhelliy rentnleto tulilnir with forvwl connec tion Hush Joints, improved cximtulcr (Itvlco to faMen watport and handle hart ltoyal Arch crown i the celebrated MhvIi. hulnandliaiKrcr tho easiest running known) Jteeord "A" tiros, the tt and one of tho moHt cxpcnMrotlrcHon thomarkcU Tho centime iM MeMncvr Hra-lcnto fuuldlo; pedals, tools and accessories tho Vst obtainable. Knamelcd in Mack, maroon orcoach .preen, highly finished and ornamented! snecial finished nlckellnc on all bricht lmrts. '.Vo ihnmni,i.in.i..-n.Vi f m.fA4.1 lh,f MM Intn .lit. maAhlt... r..-.r.' ""-''., J I11V vm. .....a, a .,a. am. .au aaao aau..a.,a;, tatco bond with each bicycle. FIFF to any one scndlnir the ftUUSOcash in full with order we will r llUk send free a genuine llnrdlek 10,000 mile Iwrrcl attern cyclo mcterj or a high grado noor pump. Your money alt back if you are not perfectly natlsilcd. CHEAP WHEELS. J?tnXlel'J!!?& j? concerns and big supply houses adTerttse and sell as high grade. Wo can furnish them, however. at. t7 stripped: orW.75 to tl2M complete. We do not guarantco nor rccom tacnd them. BEFORE ORDERING a bicycle of any ono else, no matter who or how cheap, write u and let us tell you how much wo can sat o you on the same machine. Kyou MM ! p lyv a wheel we can assist you to EARN A BICYCLE by dis- iLl'"?. Pn!0. w9,haTescTeihnndrcd8ECOXD HAX HUEEU taken in trade which wo V-Vi.i .iI7..j " ' .. """"J"l"raampe na in rootlets Terycneap. send ror Dmrrala U.t. -- - "j - a iuiHucniviiij. Our bindlnc year'a a-nar- Nebraska. Missouri. Doane c Garvin Bliss p Nichols Rhodes kk i. - - - .Cooper Reeder 2nd b Hawkins Gordon 3rd b Jeffries St. Clair ss Yont Bell rf Washer DePntron cf Mason Bolen If Roken Score by innings: Nebraska 8 2 0 8 0 0 2 20 Missouri 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 4 Talk with Miss Morgan about type writing your thesis, 70 Lindell. MICHIGAN COLLEfiE OF MINES Summer Practice Courses in Surveying, Shop Practice, Ore Dressing, Mine Sun-eying, and Mining and Field Geology. Booklet of half tores illustrating the cork, ready May 1st. For booklet and catalogue address F. W. McNAIR, Pres't, Heaghten, filch. Without Work Inflate Ymir Tires X0 Yo are invited to use our conpreesed air plmt to krfkrte yow -tires. No work for ymu No charge from s. C. L. SHADER, BIcycte RcjpalriHs. 312 Ssntk Twelfth. Vo ttfpr to anv luinlrnr tirtHnAfinnaA in riiimirfn niv Xl lyiT!"1 y?u letr? ! reference direct f rot. tho Urgent hanks In Chicajro If you Vlsh it. tMij. iii9iowpncoandtepclaltrnMaofhipmentYrithoatdcp08ltwiU imwithtirAtmvrmAAn. rr.lvtnamAfhu natwi . L, MEMO CYCLE COMPANY, chsc,, '"- nu i ro'vt company. Avo will sen SEND YONM 0R0ER Canon Pea, the best, cleanest, cheap est. .1.50 a ton. Gregory the Coal Man. IIARVASD UNIVERSITY. MEMCAL E'rfsSTMEIIT BOSTON, MASS. 'I ON and after Junel, 1900, candidates for ad mission must present a degree in Arts, liter ature. Philosophy, or science, from a recognized college or scientific school, with the exception of such persons, of suitable age and attainments, as may be be admitted by special vote of the Facul ty taken in each case. For detailed information concerning courses of instruction, or catalogue, address, Df Wm. L. Richardson, Dean, Harvard fledical College, Boston, flass. 9hc reiqhtcn Medical "College TIDDLETOWN.t. c)(DcZ8 00lCANyCSSAKY. iAAZuSE5ELF0!i,ER WARRANTED TO RUN A FULL 5EA50N WITHOUT REFILLING-CATALOGUF?ttlPOAPPlGWOM FOR SALE. BY. 1tk and )avenpert Utreeterfmaha HB?nnrvnl JaaaaBBaBHHwWwWWPlP"WPaBaaaBy & "'--JZZ.Z. 1 . A.f , iiiijjMiijuBwriiaaati i.u JiLVPXVQWEWMtlitf9tl0l fe:CCCC:C:Cg Annual Session begins atiout Octoler lit, Wf). The re quired standing of this school demands a four year' graded course. The laboratories arc the mot thorough and com plete of any in the West. The Iipenary Clinics furnish abundant material for all branches of Medicine and Sur gery. IiKpccial attention is called to the Surgical and Med ical Clinics which are lield in the large pavillion of St. Joseph's Hospital. These Clinics are for the exclusive : of the students of the Creighlon Medical School, and for visiting Practitioners, and exhibit more cases than all the other Omaha Hospitals combined. Clinics arc also held in the County and Presbyterian Hospitals. The College liuilding is one of the finest structures for medical teaching in the United States, and is thoroughly equipped for teach ing Medicine according to modern ideas. For Catalogue and further information address DR. J. P. LORD, Dean and Secretary, Paxton Block, OMAHA fAatulKAKDUtUUI. 1 WOI O STREET. . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. DEALERS IN Bicycle Supplies AND Sundries. Repairing a Specialty.