The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, April 25, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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. The Nebraskan-Hesperian
til F
dea adf Personal.
ers, and telegraph operators during the
year than all of the other commercial
and shortband schools in the state
combined. This is due to the fact that
its students are thoroughly prepared in
all departments for mercantile situa
tions. Miss Harriet Packard '00 of the de
partment of chemistry will leave Fri
day for Plattsmouth, Neb., where sue
will take charge of the scientific de-
Who is Ludwig?
Dr. Wente. dentist.
Gregory the Coal Man.
Every lady student is invited to look
at millinery at Mrs. Gosper's.
The senior promonade will be given
on Friday evening in the Lincoln hotel, partment of tho high school. After or
Fotografs. Quality, Style, and Stu-! dering supplies and arranging for the
dent rates at Elite Studio, 22G So.
See the handsome moving pictures
now on exhibition at 1044 O street.
U. P. ticket office. Free.
work of the coming year. Miss Pack
ard will return and graduate wiui the
class of 1900 in June.
Miss Louise Pound, who has been
studying in Heidelberg for the past
Westerfield gives special attention to! r, has just had her mesis accepted
student trade. He is up to date in an "n en pnuse irom me lacuity
his work and is sure to please. tnt,re- Sne m take ner deree in
, A. ... . , , " July and will return to Lincoln in Sep-
The only thoroughtly good place in i - . .
. . . , tember to taKe up her work in Anglo-
the city where a student can get any , ... . .
r, j . . .. . x. . t r Saxon in the t niversity where she has
kind of board that he wants is at Cam- . '
-..-oo ... .u , recently been elected adjunct professor
erou's cafe, 114-11S South 11th street. ,,...
. in English literature.
Arthur S. Pearse, who was in Colum-,
. , , t ' .. , .. ' The annual oratorical contest will
bus, Ohio, last week attending the na- ,,,,,. i.
. ' . . , ,. ' . .. take place May 12. The speakers who
uonal convention of the Phi Kappa " .
nave so iar registered wiiu oecreuiry
Psi fraternity returned to Lincoln,
E. E. Gillespie, a former graduate of
C. P. French are: Otto OUson, Albert
Backus, Ned C. Abbott, Guy D. Tal
bot, O. "William Meier, Charles C.
the university, but now of Washing- Croucn wi,liam H. Baugh, Frederick
ton, D. C, was in the city AVednesday
on the way west. He will be in Ne
braska several months.
G. Hawxby, Luther J. Abbott and Ed
ward Smith. The registration for this
contest closes May 1. Dean Reese will
"A man ought to know what he f select the juages.
wants" but if you should And one wno
does not, you owe it to yourself as
k. Last Saturday's State Journal con
tains an nhle editorial pnnrerninir the
well as to your friends to stop long ' deterIoraUon o Yellowstone na
enough to direct him to Gregory the Uonal based upon obsen.a.
Coal Man tions of Prof. E. ri. Parbour. Last
Adam McMullen, a graduate, but now season ne made one of his numerous
in the war office at Washington, i).C, iT-ips t0 wonderland, and was sur
is reported by the State Jornal's Wash- prised to find gg of most
ington correspondent as nl witu ty- striking displays of five years ago had
pboid fever. He was also down with dwindled away, while others were not
typhoid fever during the winter. nearly so energetic as before. He ad-
The Nebraska-Kansas debate will be vises all who do not want to miss too
held in the chapel of the university much of the beauty of the geysers to
on Friday evening May 11. Last year visit them wiuiin five or ten years at
Nebraska won the debate at Lawrence most.
ana iiansas win mane every euon. u .re members of the Palladian boys
retaliate on this occasion. (debating club and their friends will
The election of the student mem- go to Vesleyan university Saturday
bers of the athletic board occurs May evening to attend the joint debate be
5. Nine candidates are in the fieid tween the P. B. D. C. and one of the
and a large rote should be polled as societies of Wesleyan university. The
these nine good men must have a large question Is concerning the Puerto
number of friends. ' Rican tariff. Messrs E. C. Finley, R.
The leading article in -e Educa- H. Wessel and Fred Nielson are the
tional Review for April is a bibliogra- ( university debaters and have the affir
phy of education for 1899. This was mativc rhe committee of the P. B. D.
compiled by .. I. Wyer of the Unlver-' C. having this in charge say they will
sdty of Nebraska and Isabel E. Lord be pleased to have as many students
of Brya -awr College. ii accompany them as possible as a gooa
The library of the Nebraska state I10" te in Btore-
medical society,, wcicn nas been de-j
Double Breasted Frock
Armstrong Clothing Co.
T Is a matter of pride for as to have
the best for our customers and to
have it at the right price. We woulp
like to have you notice the superior fit
and wearing qualities of our
L. Adler Bros. & Co.
and ....
Hart, Shaffner & Marx
. . . Clothing
Nothing equals them in style except
the most expensive made-to-measure
Young Men's Double Breasted Frock
Suits, made of Worsteds, Libits and
Vicunas, at
$12.51, $15.11, Jim and $2Mi
Do not fail to visit our FURNISHING
Greatest line of Fancy Nkk-Nacks ever
shown by us before.
seven or eight months attending lec
tures at the university. About April
1, 1901 she will go to Germany where
she will study at Leipsic or Berlin.
She will return to Lincoln before the
opening of the University in September
posited w. the university library,
was increased this week by nearly sixty
volumes of late proceedings of similar
societies in other states. !
The university library has borrowed I
from the Princeton university the Brit
ish blue hooks containing the official ,
correspoxdenee between Great Britain
and the Transvaal during 1$55 and
1S9&, These books are for the use of
ost Isier-ftale debaters.
Notice. Students desiring high class
lucrative work during vacation address
Ricketts Brown, 515 Paxton Block,
Sheet Music vocal and instrumental,
a big selection, 2c Georgia Camp
Meeting, Whistling Rufus, Smoky
Mokes, Bunch of Blackberries, I'd
Leave My Happy Home for You and
others, each 15c Medallions colored
Great Re-organization Sale. Books,
Stationery, Music, Pictures. The Her
polsheimef Co. will inaugurate their
lErcat re-orsanization sale on Tnesdav.
May 1st. Among many good things
far too numerous to specify are some
things in Books, Stationery, etc, which
we give below.
Copyright novels, cloth binding such
as the Mauxman, Soldiers of Fortune,
Prisoner of Zenda, Lady o Quality,
Hon. Peter Sterling, Trilby Caleb West,
The Continental Dragoon, Damnation
of Thexon Ware, Forest Lovers, Tekla,
Phroso, and others, heretofore pub
lished at $1.50 during this sale, 49c
Janice Meredith, Richard Carvel, To
Have and To Hold etc, each 98c
Writing Tablets 70 and 80 sheets
cream laid note, each 5c "The Herpol-
sbelmer Fountain Pen, 57c
were brought out from an adjoining
room and a regulation "feed" was en
joyed till only the wreckage was left
of a large amount of ice cream, cake,
oranges and candies.
WTe are now teaching Gregg Short
hand by mail, giving two lessons per
week for four months for $15.00, and
we furnish all books required. In this,
length of time students are expected,
to be able to write at least one hun.
dred words per minute from new matter,-
something which would require
eight or ten montns time in any other
standard system. For particulars,
write the Omaha Commercial College,
Omaaa, Neb.
subjects, gilt frames, 5c 15c and 25c
The library is near the close of its ea Calmet Platino in black frames
most prosperous year. Ten thousand during this sale 25c smnAi, micro
6onz.T -ve been expended tor books, os WCtccc ruixc at Herpolsbeimer
jer3aitrls, ant binding. Between four
azid five thousand volumes bare besn
added sa that at present, including the
departmental libraries. It reaches
forly-Sre thoasanu rolmnes.
& Co., Picture and Music Department.
Miss Amanda Heppner of the Ger
man department has been granted a1
Br. Andrews and wife will ooa leave eaT4j 0 absence for one year, which'
Chicago for Mb racaiioa. This is the tjjse e expect to spend In travel and ;
arjst ume i sias ever leu his vote tor lady. Miss Heppner In company with
asy length of Unae, Im e wants to mis Hl-,-11 at ih. h nnfroitv
!- . v ......v..,. .m...
begin his ixofk. here September 1, with
recuperated health. He will spend ihe
jpsmaier on a New EagSaad farm or is
several Lincoln ladies will leave here
abont the first of June. They will
spend the summer In travel through
Tarious parts of Europe, reaching
The Omaha Commercial College lo- Paris about the. middle of September.
cales more stenographers, bmikkeep-lere Miss Heppner expects to spend
Last Friday evening Palladian hall
i was filled to hear the annual boys' pro
! gram. 1 he whole affair was well
planned and successfully earned out.
Papers and original poems were read,
the best being a poem on soldier life
by Mr. Hunting. The quartet sang a
few special songs for the edification of
the girls. Interspersed throughout the
program werfi phonograph selections
consisting of songs, talking records,
and Instrumental pieces. These af
forded endless amusement and made a
long program seem very short.
At the conclusion of this literary
and musical feast, the surprise of the
evening was sprung. Refreshments
CIPLINE. Two students concerned in a disturb
ance on the evening of February 24,
have ben placed under college disci
pline for the remainder of the aca
demic year.
The faculty rule relating to dtsclr
pline is as follows:
"A student under college discipline:
shall not be allowed to hold a scholar
ship, to compete for prizes or other col
lege honors, to hold a position In con
nection with the college periodicals, to
take part either with students or with.
other persons in any public theatrical
or musical performance or any public
athletic contest, or to hold any official
position in connection with any of the
dramatic, musical or athletic organiza
tions Brown Herald.
In two years from now there will be
a large percentage of practical sten
ographers uslng Gregg Shorthand;
simply because it is so much easier
than any other system to learn, and be
cause of its simplicity, legibility, and
speed. Students are able to write from
100 to 125 words per minute In three
months in Gregg Shorthand. It is
now taught at the Omaha Commercial.
College, Omaha, Neb.
'i i1
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