The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, April 18, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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"" rKttK
ber of iho lUurnco committer ami
knbws that Hno'bt work better than
any other man. Ho 1b an excellent ac
comtant nn& lufc books are always
found In excellent condition, In such
a Bhapo that a gianco shows the real
condition of the finances.
Mr. Thomas Is backed by an excel
lent committee and unless something
unusual occurs the money which the
friends contribute will be well cared
A. OtMltttT.
Religious organizations have the rep
utation Of keening poor records of
work done. The criticism Is just in
many cases. It has been true of the
association but It Is not now. Mr.
Gilbert, as recording secretary, Is look
ing well after the Interests of the work
and Is preserving much data that will
be of Interest In years to come. He
was In Manila as a member of uio
First regiment and during his a my
life did much in association work, be
ing an officer of the Y. M. C. A. or
ganized in the First. Mr, Gilbert is
not only looking after his own work
but is a valuable man in other lines.
He lias conducted a successful Uible
class during the whole year and is
A, few years ago a board ot directors
In the college Young Mens Christian
Association would have been useless
but with the present development It
Is a necessity. The association In the
University of Nebraska is Indeed for
tunate In the men who have boon
chosen In this capacity. The present
board Is Dr. H. D. Ward, Dr. W. W.
Hastings, Dr. U. L. Paine, and Clark
Oberlles. These men serve as an ad
vlsory committee to the regular omccrs
of the association. Student bodies
change rapidly and a board of this
Is highly essential It the work Is to
be pormenant from year to year.
These men do not enter Into the
detail work but outline the policy that
shall b( followed. All these men are
Intensely Interested In the work for
young men and In this capacity are
proving to be the personal friends of
many of the boys.
$HtH.HtMHnHni tb tHH.nH?MnininH:&
1,. T. Savage, Gen Sec Vni of Minn
proving to he a valuable friend to
many young men.
rn. t,. ..
Nothing speaks better for the work
In the association than the quality of
men that are called to 'direct the or
ganization. The officers are and have
been the best all around men in the
university. It 1s nothing to the dis
credit of the men who liave been "presi
dent to say that Mr. L. J. Marsh comes
to the office of president as 'well 1f not
"bettor qualified for tnat position than
any man that has ever "boon chosen.
Ever since "he nas "boon 1n the univer
sity he has lieon closely connected with
the "work, having served on tioarly
'every committee at some time or 'other.
For the past year he has had charge
'of the 'employment bureau and under
'Its 'direction it lias grown to lie an
'organisation in itself. Mr. Marsh lias
a wide acquaintance with the young
'men ii. the university, knowing thorn
nearly all by name. When the call
was made at the outbreak of the to
'cent var Tor men to servo as Y. M. C
a. 'camp HocrotarloB, Mr. Marsh offered
ih'ls 'services and "was stationed at
rOh'iclcamauga during the stay of troops
at tliat point, no has thus gained a
practical Insight into tho work that
'will 'be of value to him in tho 'coming
'Whose who 'know Mr.- Marsli predict
that 'the 'association will 'have a p'he
inomonal fgrowth 'under ih'is manage-fmon't.
Special heavy paper for thgsls work
at University Rook Store.
M. R. Ketchum, M. D., occultst and,
anrist. Specialty, correction of abnor
mal vision. Room 314, thlra floor,
Richards block. Phone 848.
Its our greatest object to please you,
if you want the popular things In hats
or furnishings you will do well by call
ing on us. Wilson & Racal, 1042 0 SU
Professor Clements has an extended
review of a recent book by Prof. Mac
Millan of tho university of Minnesota,
in the current number of the Ameri
can Naturalist. '
Mrs. Wilson dean of women, re
cently received a letter from Mrs.
Potter Palmer requesting her to rep
reseat the University of Nebraska by
acting as delegate or speaker at the
Parts exposition. Mrs. Wilson regrets
that she finds it impossible to accept.
Chancellor Bossey has received offi
cial notification of the admission of the
University of Nebraska into tho asso
ciation of Collegiate Alumnae at the
last meeting held in October in Chi
cago. The tinivorsit; is Teen heartily
congratulated upbn . .is latest recog
nition of its high standing in the edu
cational world.
C. .7 Warner '99, and who is at pres
ent a junior in the law school was re
contly nominated by the republicans
from Lancaster county for the office
of state representative. No republi
can candidate for the legislature has
ever been defeated in Lancaster county
so it isn't much of a prediction to say
he will he elected.
Great . . .
Daily Papers will give
full particulars in a
few days.
Watch them closely.
Or. J. P. Williams, AsrisUnt.
Diseases of trie Eye,
Bar. and Throat.
1205 O Street.
Lincoln, Neb.
Residence 1310 Q St.
Phone 242.
OfHce 1100 O St.
Phone 535.
Rooms 213 and 214
Richards Mock.
Phone 426. 1136 O Street.
special intention Riven o n' xmkcurcb oi
"Women. (All Hiirglciil TjIhcuhcs are treated vy
'the itiortt approved niutliodn Every coiivcnlciice
forTclvIc mid Abdominal Surgery.
SpecM Attention (given 'to "Musnare nnfl
Sw'llBh Movements in t heir most receilt develop
'iiiv Hipy'tlie'trnlnca'munlpulutorinohnrge.
fC A. SHO JTIAKER, 11.D., 1117 L SU
Some of the New Things
Now on Our Counters:
Golf Suits and Skirts.
Tailor Made Suits.
Fine Hand Made Laces.
Cambric, Swiss, and Nainsook Embroideries.
Printed Foulard and Fancy Silks.
"New Finish" Black Crepons.
Beaded and Spangled Robes and Trimmings.'
Miller & Paine.