jj?9HrKxBHIHi9MflHHRQHMSIR The Nebraskan-Hesperian CARE OF THE EYES. Dr. Seymour Says Trouble may be Avoided by Care of these Organs. Thero is nothing so Important to those who arc Buffering from weak eyes as proper treatment by a special ist who thoroughly understands his profession. It is just as important to know where to go to have eye glasses fitted ,as when to go. It is equally im portant that the one with whom you deal is strictly honest, and whoso ad vice can he relied upon. One might better do without wearing glasses at all, no matter how weak the eyes, than to have the wrong kind. It is perfectly natural to those whose eyes need attention to wish to'iknow where they can get the best, particu larly when the best is no more expen sive than the inferior, since the best is always most profitable in the end. Among the specialists throughout this country none are more favorably known than Drs. Seymour and Cox, 1219 K street. Dr. Seymour has been before the people of this state for ten years, while Dr. Cox began his career in the field of eye. ear, nose, and throat work thirty years ago, their entire timo having been spent in perfecting their profession. The result of these years of experience 1n actual practice has enabled them to give to the public most valuable service, which the peo ple of Lincoln are not slow to appreci ate. By observing the following few little "don'ts ' much trouble with the eyes may be avoided. Don't think because you have good eyes tEat they will stand all kinds of abuse. Don't use the eyes continuously at close work, without occasionally rest ingthem hy looking off in the distance. Don't hold the book nearer than is necessary for clear, sharp vision. Don't make a practice of reading type .oo small to be seen readily at eighteen inches. Don't attempt to read in a car or other jolting vehicle. It is a strain on the directing muscles of the eye. Don't read while lying down. It causes an unusual strain on some of the external or directing muscles. Don't read when very sleepy, as the accommodation and convergence are naturally relaxed and the extra effort necessary to force the unruly members io work may be shown by a conges tion of tne blood vessels of the eyeball. Don't read facing the lig;hL "Don't read in the twilight or in "badly lighted rooms. ur Special Rates . . , which we are making to Students still continue. During this week we will make a big reduc tion to all University Students and Professors. f . . . . FRATERNITY GROUPS A SPECIALTY. . . . . Our Work in this line is Unexcelled. Kennedy-Photographer 132 South Twelfth Street. r TO AID THE UNFORTUNATE. It is impossible to estimate, even to a degree, the great good that is ac complished in the world by men who cast aside the worldly pleasures of life and labor unceasingly in one field of lofty endeavor to complete and perfect one ialent with which God has blessed them. While Drs. Seymour and Cox would not care to be quoted as men who live purely for philonthropic pur suits, still it is hardly doing justice to their efforts and ability to put it in any other light. They come to our city af ter visiting many of the large eastern cities, with names already established among the highest of their profession, having been educated in the best col leges in our land. They have found their first entrance into their profes sion, devoted their whole time to their chosen work, and through the great and varied experience to be obtained by men and their ability, they have suc ceeded in establishing facts which will be a blessing to mankind for all time to come. They are among the first specialists, either in this country or Europe, who have thoroughly demonstrated and proved to the minds of a skeptical pub lic, and perhaps even more skeptical professional men, the fact that cross eyes in almost every instance can be perfectly straightened without the use of the surgeon's knife. They have many letters from people who have proved the truth of their as- sertions by their own experience, and in conversation with them one cannot doubt their statements for a moment when they declare that cross eyes, with scarcely an exception, are due to de fects in sight, which can only be suc cessfully treated in an enlightened manner, reaching the cause of the de fect in order to secure proper Tesults. 815 HOURS AND 10 MINUTES, umgolk to ghsgmgo Via Tko Burlington, ...IS A GREAT SUCCESS... Josh Billings once said: "Never oppose a success. That is why you should use THE BURLINGTON ALWAYS ON TIME ' CITY TICKET OFFICE: ....Cor. 10th and O Sts.. Telephone 235. BURLINGTON DEPOT: ....7th St., Bet. P and Q. Telephone 25. tjTT?!?tjTtHTTrtk -Si I Scbooi of iHbustc f 3 . . . . Opposite tfoe Campus. &. School and obtain an Illustrated Catalogue. Students contemplating the study of Music, and those who have friends desirous of information concerning the T advantages offered, are cordially invited to visit the fyfy$$$4$$fy44fyfy$fyfyfy -Si & YOU CAN ENTER AT ANY TIME. 4 VILLARD KIMBAUU DIRECTOR. Korsmeyer Plumbing and Heating Co. GENERAL CONTRACTORS FOR PLUMBING, HEATING, AND LIGHTING. GAS AND ELECTRIC FIXTURES. 215 SO. 11th STREET. LINCOLN, NEB. Hi HI 5 I I I &K BICYCLE ON THE tf & THE WORLD And They Are Our Leaders. Prices: $50.00, $40.00, $30.00. We also have the famous HALLIDAY BICYCLES, and they are beauties for $35.00. We have the AETNA, the best $25.00 bicycle on the market. The OLDEST exclusive cycle store in the city. SIDLES OYCLE CO., UW-IIZ MUM I M l&TM T. PHONE QG7. BE WISE: ADVERTISE IN THE NEBRASKAN - HESPERIAN. PAYSI VJ