The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, April 04, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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    The Nebraskan-Hesperian
I have hoard several very onorgotlc
complaints lately from girls from the
west who are students In Radcllffo col
lego of the position in which practi
cally all the women In that Institu
tion are placed. Ono of these girls,
who Is a graduate of a big coeduca
tional university In the west, where
womon are on exactly the same foot
ing as men, and who had novor before
come Into any contract with a preju
dice against women In schools, can
liardly contain her Indignation. "Sev
eral times," she says, "when I have
l)een reading a book in the Harvard li
brary, the book has been actually and
literally taken out of my hands, be
causo, as tho attendant simply and
gracofully said, 'a Harvard student
wanted it.' Of course," tho young lady
wont-on, "I know wo are in Cambridge
only by sufferanco, but I think they
might not insist on the sufforanco quite
as much as thoy do. I'm not going to
say any moro, becauso you see I'm
staying and taking it, since I have an
object to nttaln by coming here. But
nothing can prevent me from accumu
lating a big mad while I'm here!" Of
course the young lady's future criti
cisms are disarmed by her submission;
and now that she fully realizes, what
she did not before she came, that she
is living on tne crumbs that fall from
Harvard's table, her Indignation may
abate as her resignation increases.
And for that matter, it is doubtful if
thore is a coeducational college, or one
which is associated or affiliated with
a "male university," in all New En
gland, where the position of women
is not more or less humiliating. To
'obtain frankly equal and quite cheer
ing and humane relations with men
students, women must go to the great
western universities. And, if we may
judge from the way in which these
.western "universities, are coming' f6r
ward, the time may -not be far' distant
when they will begin to attract stu
dents from New England. For that
matter, they must have begun it al
ready, for here is a University of Mich
igan catalogue which has the names of
several students from New England
states on its list.
Speaking of coeducation, I find this
crisp paragraph on tho subject In the
Now York Commercial Advertiser:
"Wesleyan university is threatened
with a peculiar danger. Women were
let in some years ago, and they multi
plied r,o rapidly that the alumni fear
that it will end in the transformation
of the Institution into a woman's col
logo. The percentage of women rose
from seven to twenty-three in ten
years, a rate of increase which in about
fifteen years from now would bring
the number of women up to that of
men. The same results are feared as
in tho case of tho English sparrows
and of tho gypsy moth in Massachu
setts, and the only way out of the diffi
culty is tho organization of a separate
woman's collego within the university.
Coeducation Is seen to be safe only
within certain arithmetical ilmlts, and
tho Wesleyan alumrii liavo dono edu
cators a service in donning tho danger
line at twenty-threo per cent. Above
twonty-thrce per cent women become
terrible to man. Ho begins to cut lec
tures and to blush furiously when he
recites. Tho Instructors all lose their
virility, just as they came near doing
at Harvard before Professor Wendell
sounded the alarm. But on this prin
ciple is it not safer to lot coeducation
alone? You never can bo Hiiro that
womon will keep below twenty-three
per cent. In going to collego, as In
shopping, thoy defy all numerical re
straint." Boston Transcript.
Yankton Collego at Yankton, S. D.,
has raised the money to pay a $30,000
indebtedness and is now entitled to
tho endowment of $50,000 which D. K.
Pearsons offered as an Inducement to
tho college officials to raise the dobt
bofore March 1, 1900.
Dr. J. P. Williams, Assistant.
Diseases of the Eye,
Ear, and Throat.
1205 O Street.
'Lincoln, Neb.
Residence 1310 Q St.
Phone 242.
Office 1100O St.
Pltone 535.
Rooms 213 and 214
Richards Block.
' DENTI&T. "
931 O St., Lincoln, Neb., opposite Post Office.
Painless extractions. Deutschcr Zalinartz. Gold
FillltiRS, $1.00 and up. Silver Fillings, 50c nnd
up. White Fillings, 75c and up. Vest set ol
teeth $10.00. Cheap set of teeth, $5.00.
All Work Guaranteed.
Phone 426. 1136 O Street.
Special attention given to all Diseases of
"Women. (All surgical Diseases are treated by
the most approved methods. Every convenience
for Pelvic and Abdominal Surgery.
Special Attention given to Massage and
S vHlsh Movements in their most recent develop
nu it py the trained manipulator in charge.
C. A. SHG-JIAKER, H.D., 1117 L St.
mM v HB&
Vim Vm W iflk 11 m mM
on approval
VM WtnH OftOEJt. stato whether vnu wlh'.,..
wheel i (five color, height or frame ana (rear wanted and WK WILL WHIP
TIlB WHEEL i O. O. D. on approval, allowing you to uncrato and ex-
Ultimo II, lull J WIUIO JUU IK-Cl-PIr lb Jl 11 IS HOI all Bllll ItlOTO tllOtl WO
claim for It, and a better wheel (ban you can get for any whero near the
price from any one else, rcfuso It and wo will pay all express charges
ourselves. Thm'' MONTNOME" Bfcyct 4b,f s ca
at our Special Agent', sample price of I 0,qJ
is tho greatest bargain In a bicycle over offered. "We gunraiiiceTt equal
to any M0 wheel on the market, and you need not accept It nor pay a cent
If you do not 11ml It an wo represent. WoaroKXOH'HIVE IIIWCLK
MANUFACTUKKKS and take this method of qulnkly Introducing
our 11)00 MOIEI.S. This offer of a sample wheel at this low price Is
made to secure ft I DEN AOENTtu each town to represent us
and take orders. Our agents make monry fast
CDFPIEiniTlflllC Frame, U,t4 or M Inchi ladles.EMnch. Best
drCWlrl WM I IUHs Hhclby seamless tubing with forged connec
tions, flush joints. Improved expander devpp to .fasten bciit post and
handle barj lloyal Arch crown t tho celebrated Mavis hubs and hanger
tho easiest running knnwni Iteconl "A" tire, the tirnt and ono of tho
mostexpenalvetlresonthemarkct, Tho genulno $4 SfeslngerllyKlenlo
saddle) pedals, tools and accessories the best obtainable. Knaiueled In
block, maroon or coach green, highly Unbilled und ornamented special
finished nickeling on all bright tart. We thoroughly test every piece
of material that goes Into tbls machine. Our binding year's guar
antee bond with each bicycle.
CBCC to any ono sending the (lltUtOcash In full with order wo will
risks send free a genulno llardieU 10,000 mile barrel pattern cyclo
meter) or a high grade floor pump. Your money alt back if you are not
perfectly satlslled.
PUCAD WflCEl C We do not manufacture tho cheap depart.
bnCnr WilkELui ment store kind of wheels, such as many now
concerns and big supply houses advertise and sell as high grade. We can furnish ihera,
However, at so iowi strippeoi orrv.o to complete, we uo not guarantee nor recom
mend them. 1IKFOKK OlfDEHING a bicycle of any one else, no matter who or how
cheap, write us and let us tell you how much we can save you on thosamo machine.
Ifyou HUMBI C In C!IW awheel we can assist you to KAltN A 1IIOYCLB bydls
am UiRPLL IU UUI tribiitlntrrataloirticfl forusafawdavs. We need one norson
In each town for tills purpose. Wo havo several hundred HKOON1 HAND W1IKELH taken In trado which we
-will closo out at 8 to $1U each I oho somo shopworn samples and 'W models very cheap. Bond for lUrgala I.UU
WIt KELIAUILITY Is unquestioned. Wo refer to any bank or business houke In Chicago, or any express or
railroad company. We will send you letters of reforence direct from the lnrgcst Imnks in Chicago Ifyou wish it
touay, 1 ins low pncuanuiutTsonpeciui lernm vi bihihuoh. kuuuuvi'viui.i,ui
&Hs TWII UtWR bo withdrawn vory soon. fTOlvo name of this paper,
, OMoago, IUu
The Hats, the Gown Goods wool, silk, and washable
the Gloves, the Trimmings, the Shoes in fact everything
for the Easter outfit, and everything the best of its kind,
priced most modestly as usual here. Stocks are larger
than usual this season, and having been purchased before
the existence of present market conditions, our customers
don't have to pay advanced prices.
m , HiH00iim, ,.- -.'-. -
consists of Paris and New York patterns, as well as our
own popular productions. Then, there are all the new
things in ready-to-wear HATS, untrimmed shapes, trim
mings, etc., etc., and the prices are consistent with De
partment Store Merchandising.
Herpolsheimer & Co.
Some of the New Things
Now on Our Counters:
Golf Suits and Skirts.
Tailor Made Suits.
Fine Hand Made Laces.
Cambric, Swiss, and Nainsook Embroideries
Printed Foulard and Fancy Silks.
"New Finish" Black Crepons.
Beaded and Spangled Robes and Trimmings,
Miller & Paine.