EAaaTO. .. . 1 waaM 1 - 4lr" SiWi,TS" Si r HUBBARD LIKES NEBRASKA.- In the PhTllBtiho, Albert Hubbard thus discourses upon his visit to the "west in January: "Lincoln was all right, too nbt so big a crowd, but all very sympathetic and earnest. There was a reception at the homo of Projf. and Mrs. Sherman, whero I met several hundred well dressl, kindly, cultured people. 1 "lookt for the Wild and Woolly, but failed to locate it. Among the callers was Governor Poyntor, who had the felicity to bo born in Illinois, only a few miles from whero I used to culti vate stone-bruises. The English de partment at tho university of Ne braska seems to mo quite tho best of any college school of which I knew in America. "At Lincoln they pay special atten tion to having the scholur express him self by writing the English language. 'They try to give freedom and make language fluid; give wings te tho im agination & add cubits to tho spiritual .stature of the scholar by abolishing fear. Some of the papers I examined, 'written by tho young men and women of tho University of Nebraska, were models In clear, terse, vivid expression. Tho sentences wore short, crisp, easily followed and showed thero wore men "behind them. Tho period was used in stead o tho semi-colon. It Is all Co 13d at Lincoln decidedly Co-Ed and a brighter, more earnest lot of students I never saw. Anu lookee, Mister, over half of Jhem aro working their way thru college. They go to college, and there is a deal of difference between going to college and being sent. Those who go to college get chore Ell the others may. "Thero was a banquet after tho lec ture, given by the Nebraska press as sociation. Two hundred editors were preaent-manxJiL-J.hi9in - -with their, wives. Thoy cut tho specchmaklng dowPf'gavo the time to two men Fra Elbortus and Hon. J. Sterling Mor 'ton. Tho Nebraska editors are good stuff and evidently are making a deal more money than the average country . editor In tho effete and dreamy oast. They were a fine, acute, hearty body of men and their women folks wore right on to oveiy joke and allusion lotting nothing go by. I lookt for them to muff a few of my flies, but they never did. Mr. Morton is a mombor of tho American Academy of Immorfals. Ho has been governor of tho state, a mombor of tho cabinet nnd Is, and has boon, a farmer In Nebraska since 1854. There Is a merry twinkle in his fine blue dye. Ho tosst a few gently over 'the homo plate and then thoro came a 'florco 'in-cUrvo that gave mo a walk to first a limp, I should say. Still, I guess I can stand it." CHANGES IN FOOTBALL RULES. Pennsylvania's position in regard to tho proposed changes in football vuIcb was stated yesterday by Mr. John 0. Boll, chairman of the football commit too and a mombor of tho intor-collegl-ato football rulos committee. "Tho most important change sug gested," said Mr. Boll, "is tho abolition of tho side-line privilege. I heartily favor a rulo forbidding nnyono on tho 'al'do linos, not oven allowing rubbers 'dryoxtra players Insido tho ropos. This would causo a good deal of bad feeling to -cease much of which Is duo to tho presence of coaches and tralnors on the sldo lines. It would also prohibit tho ohargo of games being won by pointers received at critical times from coaches on tho sldo lines. "It lias also been proposed to make n change In tho scoring, but I full to soo'tho necessity for such a change ut 'thlsHlmo. 'Should thoro bo a differ rorfco ln 'the 'numbor of points 'allowed for 'touchtlowna, Mlold Jgoals and tgoa'ls The Nebraskan-Hesperian from toudhdowns, there would only bo a relative difference in the final result. The meeting of the rules committee will be held soon, probably tho latter part of next week, and tho changes mentioned by Mr. Boll will bo thor oughly discussed by representatives from all the big football colleges. It is not llkoly any more radical changes will be made than those mentioned by Mr. Boll. Ponnsylvanlan. INTER-STATE DEBATES. Tho inter-stato debates will take place within the next few weeks, al though tho exact date has been set for only one contest. Kansas will meet our men here on May 4 and the ques tion, although not definitely decided, will probably be on trusts. A. L. Deal, G. T. Talbot and Miss Ainstone will represent Nebraska. TJie debate with Colorado will also occur hero. Tho date will bo tho latter part of April, but the exact day has not been decided upon. Tho question is: "Resolved, that Great Britain's claims in tho Transvaal are justifiable." Our men, T G. Hawxby, C. C. Crouch, and Sam uel Hawthorne, will have the negative side. The Missouri-Nebraska debate will occur in Missouri. The dato lit not been set. Tho question will be the same as with Colorado and wo will have tho same sldo as in that debate. Nebraska representatives will be Tl. S. Baker, H. A. Mler, and E. H. Smith. Harvard will erect a memorial gate, on which will be inscribed the names of the Harvard men who took part In tho Spanlsh-Amorlcan war. ASK THE SENIORS ABOUT OUR WORK. Mai(dcn PHOTOQRAPHCR i3!fiMfc- 1029 0 ST. THE ALBERT TEACHERS' AGENCY Central 11 u sic Halls, Chicago. Fifteenth Year. 3250 Positions Filled. Nearly 300 In '99. List of Schools of and Colleges In which we fill positions sent free. Address: C. J. Albert, Manager. STUDENTS go to C. D. BOWDISH'S SHAVING PARLOR For Satisfactory Barber Work. Farmers nndMcrcliniits' Insurance Co, Dldg. Fifteenth and O Streets. STUDENTS TRY HENDRY'S RESTAURANT, Everything served First-Class at modmte prices. Nearest the University.; 129 NOR. 11TH ST. 'PHONE, 896. THE U1PNER 'SUITOIQII Co ner Eleventh "" 0 Stroetu, Basement New Ulclwrds block. JACOB WEBER & BRO Proprietors. Clothing Cleaned, Pressed, Repaired, Rciincd, and Refitted. Special Attention rlvcn to Student. Telephone 708. Inflate1' Without Worlc Your "Tires ffiout You ore tavltod to use ' our compressed air , plane to inflate your tires. No vork for you. No clturge from us. . iL. S fVf I Bicycle 'Repairing. M2 South rw'ilVh. cqidaiwe Idlery Cfortrait and landscape Pkctcgrapker Onllery Established ;871. 19 South Eleventh Street, Lincoln, Neb. The Omaha Medical College, OMAHA, NEBRASKA. GOOD WORK POPULRR PRICES Students Especially Invited to Call. R. & e. BARBER SHOP 1144 0 Street. MXVMtD UNIVERSITY... KLlrCAL DEPARTMENT BOSTON, MASS. ON nnd after June 1, 1000, candidate! for ad mission must present a decree In Arts, I,itcr nttirc, Philosophy, or science, from a recognized college or scientific school, with the exception of such persons, of suitable age and attainments, as may be be admitted by special vote of the Facul ty taken in each case. For detailed information concerning courses of instruction, or catalogue, address, Dr, m, L. Richardson, Bean, Harvard flcdlcal College, Boston, Jlass. dtudentB as well as others, 'find Waterman's Meal fountain 9en., A Noces.ary Convenience. They nre usod'tind endorsed by Pe-jpl") nf Education ae'he bust writing Instrument oi today. It IS'fSio populnr iei) at allltho'Unl-ve- lltfvS'.iools, xndCoiSegcs. Asjc your dealer.'onvrlte'for Cdtalty;uo. m Li oB 'i.i aiuij 1 'Lci-gct Fountain Pen MnnufsolUrurs wtlie yutui. I55aflll H 57 MADWAY,. Y.; iLJ Intercollegiate Bureau C0TT8ELL & LEONARD 472-478 Broadway Albany, New York Ll Takers of tlie Caps, Gowns, and Hoods f To the American Colleges and Universi ties. Illustrated manual, samples, prices, etc., on request. Gowns for the puipit and the bench. A strictly four-year course Medi cal College, the requirements of which nre fully up to those of the American Association of Hcdlcal Colleges, and the laws of the differ ent states. The new building fur nishes the most perfect laboratory rooms In the West. Host excellent clinics are held by the professors of the College In five of the six Omaha Hospitals. The twentieth annual course of lectures wilt begin Oct. 1st, IP00, And continue seven months Por Information address, DR. EW1N8 MOWR, SECRETARY, 1028 pahk avc OMAHA, NEB. THE CENTURY - DOUBLE FEED PEN & IS THE BEST r. E. Edgcrton, Agent, University. lDPLETOWN.O era CZ3 0 Ol CMAfcCS5AW. AQAZmESELFOiLEll WARRANTED TO RUN A FULL SEASON WITHOUT REFILLING CAmwMffttiimimcArof. 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