The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, March 28, 1900, Image 1

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    "WiiW annual !&
Vol. 8-29, No. 27.
LINCOLN, MARCH 28, 1900.
Five Cents.
Date Fixed and Many Entries Are
Reported Arrangements for
Swimming Contest.
The outdoor pontathnlon, will occur
on. April 14. Tho ovonts to bo par
ticipated In arc tho 100 yard dash, tho
mllo run, tho shot put, tho running
Wgh jump, and tho polo vault. P.
O'Mahonoy, who has boon very gener
ous In his offer to university athletics
will present a $20 gold medal to the
man winning tho highest numbor of
'points. Tho man must win 400 points
or more out of tho possible 500. "W.
!E. Andreson, R. D. Andreson, I. P.
Hewitt, May, Mantz, Hearn, Pearso,
iPlowhead and "Wallace will be the
strong men In the contest.
The first annual championship swim
ming ruces of tho University of Ne
braska will be held this year at tho
sulpho saline bath-houso. There will
tho men. Ho intonds, from now on, to
glvo all "h'ls 'tlmo to tho fifteon men,
who aro tho most promising candi
dates for tho team. Practice in bunt-!
Ing, In base running, in batting, and
in working with a system of signals I
will now bo given special attontlon.
Mr. O'Connel is certain that he will
have a very strong team to moot tho
Omaha loaguo team here on April 9.
Ringer, Koohlor, and Doano have
about equal chances behind the bat.
Tho inflold will bo very strong this
year. Rhodes will covor first. Second
base will bo hold down by Beoder or
by "Stub" Crandall, whllo Gordon will
play third. When Gordon is In the
box, Captain Bliss will probably covor
tho third bag. Bolon appears to be a
"find" at short. In tho practice he has
played brilliantly. Ho is fast on his
feet and gets into tho spirit of the
game. Cuscaden is doing good work
In loft, or tho other out field position
Rucbc'n Sampson Takes a Trip
Omaha and Students Have
a Turn.
It was learned Friday morning that
Reuben Sampson a senior in tho uni
versity had disappeared the night be
fore in a very mysterious manner.
Tho police had been called In about 1
o'clock In the morning by Hall, the
roommate of Sampson. Blood was
found on the bed, floor and window sill,
together with a quantity of hair on
the last mentioned. Sampson's clothes
were on a chair, "but a blanket was
gone from tho bed.
The' police announced immediately
that tho blood had evidently been put
on for effect and with a Tmish. They
were of the opinion that it was a ruse
of somo kind and that Sampson would
turn up In a short time. This theory
was supported by the recent troubles
tho quaint old Swedish folk-dances,
which havo recently become so popu
lar as rccroatlvo work in tho schoola
of Sweden and Norway. Tho program,
closed with a lively gamo of banket
ball. This was played by two teams
picked at random from tho various
classes, and was thoroforo, moro ex
citing perhaps than scientific, though
judging by tho shrieks of tho partici
pants and the applause of tho spec
tators, It proved to bo quite as enjoya
ble as thought a moro scientific can
test had been on.
DePutron, Boll, Lucklo, Farnsworth,
be a series of three programs. The I and Dew are in advance of the others. ' between the juniors and seniors.
first to be Thursday April 12, with i The high school team will be played Sampson failed to appear Friday and
these; ..twenty-five yards Thursday afternoon, and Manager jy Saturday morning everybody In the
straightway for class championship; Howard would Hko to seo a largo num- j university and a large number of res
long diving twenty-five yards or more, bor spectators out to watch the first idents of the city wore stirred up about
All contestants for tho local extern
poraneous oratorical contest should see:
R. C. Roper or C. W. Joues at onco and
register with them. It is possiblo that
the number will have to 1)0 limited.
The following 13 a list of subjects for
extemporaneous speeches:
1. The Porto Rican Tariff Bill.
2. William Pitt, the Younger.
3. Lafcndio Hearn.
4. Municipal Reform.
5. The Need for More Freedom
Religious Thought,
i 6. The Effects of the Invention
for class championship; water polo !
or base-ball, freshmen vs. sophomores;
fancy diving, free for all open compe
tition, high, deep, long, stand, running
plunge, trapeze and somesault; 100
yards two turns, for class champion
ship. The remaining two contests will
ibe held on April 20 and 28 respectively.
The programs will be varied, longer
distances will bo used and several
'events will be open to free competition.
Tho proceeds of these contests will be
used to send the track team to Chicago
to take part in the western intercol
legiate track meet In these contests
'also the state inter-collegiate cham
pionship races will 1)0 held. Prizes will
be given as follows: University class
championship, silver cup; water base
ball, souvenir ball; fancy diving, silver
gnme of the season. This gamo costs
nothing but the effort to arouse a suffi
cient amount of latent enthusiasm.
Virgil Ryan is showing up well as a
third pitcher. Ho has good speed and i
good curves but is slightly lacking In
The athletic board has determined
tho time for the election of student
members orthe board for next year, to
be May 4.
the affair. Juniors and seniors were Machinery upon the Workingman.
Y. M. C. A. NOTES.
Will 13. Heed, a missionary 'from
Ecuador is visiting friends about the
university this wdfck. Mr. Reed is a
Nebraska man but a graduate of Dart- jn his possession
brought in to the police station and
one after another given an opportunity
to tell what they knew of the matter.
No satisfactory results were obtained
and it was not until late in tho after
noon that word was received from
Sampson's home in Western that he
was safe in Omaha.
During the two 'days, Tumors of all
kinds were riot about his disappear
ance. He was reported to have been
found dead in several different places
at the same time. Some thought he
had been foully dealt with on account
of $200 which it was reported had been i
The story told by f
7. Tho "Trust" Problem. (Its So
lution). 8. Imperialism.
9. The Reformation of Criminals.
10. Socialism.
11. Competitive Examinations as an
Aid In Education.
12. Does College Education Pay?
13. ThcHigher-Education'of-Women.
14. The Politician. (Is he a Neces
sity?) 15. The Future of China.
16. Joseph Addison.
17. Michael Angelo.
18. The Transvaal.
19. Evils of Adveritsing.
medal. P. O'Mahony formerly of the with the volunteer band and the sev-
mouth college and several years ago
Bpnnt considerable time in the student
work In Nebraska. Mr. Reed meets
New York athletic association has been
Secured as starter. F. B. Barnes of
'Omaha, referee; Dr. W. W. Hastings,
of tho university, clerk of course. At
tention is called to those students who
eral missionary committees of the uni
versity. Thursday night will occur the an
nual election for officers of tho asso
ciation. Tho nomination committee
Hall was to the effect that he had gone
out about 10 o'clock in the evening to
see a student some blocks distant. At
the same time Sampson said he
thought he would go over to the li
brary. When Hall returned nearly
C. C. North; recording secretary, A.
W. Gilbert. Dr. H. B. Ward and B. L.
Paino will be elected as directors.
wish to outer tne races, that they can i -win report the following names: Pres-
practice any afternoon or evening ex- ident, L. J. Marsh; vice-president, J.
copt Monday and Wednesday evening, jy, Cortelyou; corresponding secretary,
Chef tickets at the office of the physi
cal director. Class practice "will have
ti lm rif TJoaHncrH -will clve
U BIJCUiui uuicp " -- a --- ...
starts. Two men are to be chosen for:--The last offort Is now being made on
each event from each class. Entries . tho financial canvass of the Y. M. C. A.
will close Tuesday, April 10. These budget. All are helping but consider
contests should receive the support of I able money is still needed before the
every student. It not only being some- bills for tho year can all bo paid. The
thing new and entertaining but the i work this year has been of such a na
purpose should appeal to everyone who ture as to merit the support of all who
is interested in the advancement of I are Interested in tho university,
tim iinivimritv- The university this I
year has the prospects of a running
track team, many aspirants are at
work and with tho able training of
sprof. W. E. Allen a strong team Is ex
pected. The university nas never ue
Miss Adelloyd Whiting has recently
received from Chautauqua, New York,
a certificate from tho normal courso in
the school of physical training. Miss
fore been represented at Chicago with Whiting entered the junior course last
a track team and now that the material , July oxpecting to return the coming
is at hand the students should asslBt summer to complete the work for the
in the financial part.
Uase ball at the university is being
pushed 'forward with much energy.
Jack O'Connel, tho captain and second
baseman of tho Omaha league team is
doing 'fine work as coach. He is a
gentlemanly fellow, playB his position
-exceedingly well and is much liked by
senior certificate. She was agreeably
suprisod when she discovered that the
work which she had done in the Uni
versity of Nebraska entitled her to
such credit as would enable her to com
plete tho course in one session. This
speaks well for tho work which 1b bp
ilng done in our university 'by Miss
Barr, and the standing which the 'de
partment ihas'elseWhere.
Beta Thota PI gave a dancing party
Friday night at Walsh hall, which had
been decorated for the occasion with
nalms and roses. A eoolintr niinch "was
three hours later, he found the room , provl(led all evenlng for the dancers
in the condition above mentioned. No an( at 1Q oclock Q supper wag serve(
evidences of a struggle were to be Mr and Mrg A(ams Mr and MrSi
found, and it was later decided that Hershey aml Mr. and Mr8. Cornell
the hair had probably bee removed chaperoned the following: Misses
from a cat. J Hammond, Holbrook. Bennett, Itick-
Evldence the next day, brought out ettflj Dall011f -Vhiting. Jenkins, Rich
the fact that certain persons had at-, anlS( Honey;vell( Post( Wlrt, Morgan,
tempte.l to purchase a live chicken at McFaran(li Bonnolli Roblnson( Mc-
a restaurant tne nignt ueiore, uul i
were unable to find one.
Sampson returned home Sunday
evening. He stated that he had been
called to Omaha 'on business and knew
nothing of the notoriety which his de
parture had played upon him. He
claimed to have left a note for his
room mate, pinned on the door when
ho went away, but did not attempt to
explain why it had not been received.
Chancellor Bessey expresses him
self as very much opposed to affairs
of this kind. Attempts are being made
to locate ring leaders and 'harsh meas
ures may be taken if any are found.
Pheely, Woodward, Andrews, Thomas,
Burrus, Haskell, Nance, Wllklns of
Omaha; Messrs. Broady, Williams,.
Paine, Price, McKlllup, Anderson,.
Rickotts, Blackman, Sims, Solick, Mus
ser, Rehlaender, Buckstaff, Wobster,
Foloom, Adams, Everett, Barker,
Groff, Roth. Bell, Ames, and Dr. White.
The entertainment for the city Y.
W. C. A. given by Miss IBarr and her
assistants at the armo:y, on last Fri
day evening, was In every way an en
joyable success. A number of gym
nastic exordises were iporiormed by a
large dlass of girls, after 'wnlch eight
.glyls in' costume 'went through some of
On Saturday evening at their chapter
house at 1G30 G street Nebraska Alpha
chapter of the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity
held their fifth annual banquet In
commemoration of tho establishment
of the chapter in the University of
Nebraska. Besides thp members of
the active chapter a numbor of alumni
wore present. Toasts wore responded
to after a sumptuous dinner. The
alumni present wore Geo. Sbf"1
est Wiggenhorn, A"'
Reed, Burton "
'Engol, T,J