taffriifiin n THE NEBRASKANHESPERIAN. Vol. 8-20,- No. 25. LINCOLN, MARCH 14, 1900. Five Cents. II V BASE BAIL SCHEDULE. Manager Howard Announces an Un usually Large Number of Big Games at Home. 'rhis new variety grows lux inside and is a prolific Manager Howard announced tu.s week the following schedule ot games for the season. This schedule Is sub ject to minor changes, turists. uriously bloomer. COMMENT AROUSED. C. N. Gould of the department of geology nas. a forty-page article in the last niimnor 01 ine American ueuc WILLIAM J. BRYAN PRIZE. j Will Be Awarded For Best Article On J "Responsibility of Po litical Parties." Below are given the rules governing the award of the Bryan prize on "The Service of Government:" I. Third and fourth year students (juniors and seniors), and colleR3 ogist" that has aroused not a MU c comment. It dealg with the mu-h mooted question as to where the for mation known as Cretnppons ends ana . ...- --.. Omaha League at Lincoln, April a, the Dakota uegins. Mr. Gould takes 10 and 11. Nebraska Indians at Lincoln, r.iril ! 0f 0SS leaves as a criterion, reaches 12 and 13. ' conclusions that show the oninion i Missouri University at Lincoln, held bv former writers, which havo thn nrize April 18.- t been based upon other evidence vhonj n. a winner of the prize in auy Kansas University at Lincoln, April) ieaves, may not be the correct ones, year shall not be a competitor In sub- up this point, and with his knowledge graduates who are enrolled as grad uate students, but who have not tanen their second uegree, may compete for 28. Hamline University of St. Paul, at Lincoln, May 3. at MU Vernon. Highland Park Moines, la.. May 7. Cornell University la,, May 8. Upper Town University at Fayette, la.. May 9, Beingan entirely new contribution it sequent years. has brought out a number of article m. The body of the essay or thesis in answer by those whose theories are shall consist of not less than 3,000, i College at Des opi)0seti by the writer. successful once. Many persons witnessed the game and much enthusiasm was dis played by the members of the two classes. 1 At 2 o'clock the whistle sounded and amid the cheers from the gallery the teams took their positions. The ball was thrown up in the center by Miss Barr. After several minutes of rather slow play a goal was secured for Miss Mead's team. Miss Miller's team then took a brace and just as time was called for a three minute rest secured a goal, seven and one half minutes being played. Score, 2 to 2. In two minutes after play was called each team had secured a goal. After which Miss Mead's team made a foul, but a goal was not thrown. Miss Miller's team se cured another goal just at end of first half. Score, G-4 in their favor. . . A m . unii .-ifiri' ii.'i in iiii'ii i;iTkiii. in iiii- nor more man b.uuu woras. ine, - - thesis shall be accompanied by a Mb- second half brisk playing followed for llography of the works consulted and several minutes on both sides, each get bearing upon .-e subject, and also a ting a goal before the three minutes rest brief outline or analysis of the thesis I caUtdm g,, after lhe ic began r'r. , , .i .1,.1.. un I after the rest time had been taken out as IV. lull's tuinua ui mc iuio suaii LULU M. KING DEAD. The sad news of the death of Mrs. i Lulu M. King of Hastings, state sec-! rptnrv of the Y. W. C. A., was received TTttiMMtf rt WtnnA-Afq 1 . lf IrtTinflTi. ' - . .. ' iuiicisiu wi .iAa-ivw ,. -aw.w ihnra act 'rntifcfin v TnnrniTip ait"s oils. May 10. i Kinc had been ill for severel weeks I be nresented to the chancellor, tyoe-, two of the players were hurt in a serine Hamline University at SL Paul, at home of her aunt, Mrs. Dr written or plainly hand-written, not mage. Later Miss Mead's team secured Minn.. May 11. Mills, of Kearney, and died there ! later than May 1 in any year, and the l a goal. At this point the girls on the Notre Dame University at boutn March 7 award shall be made by judecs to deVnesaLnA in the gallerv nearlv went Bend. Ind.; ay A. gne was a graduate of the university the chancellor, not later than the Mon- ... 4. , Ji a ". q a :o Indiana University at Bloomington, i j a member of the Delta Gamma day preceding commencement day. w,d thc score stood to b and Just Ind May 1G. j fraternity. For many vears she had The announcement of the winner shall two minutes to play. Lvcry time the DePauw University at Greencastle. jjjj actlvelv Interested In the nnlver- be made on commencement morning, ball would go near the basket an en Ind ay: 17. . sity y. W. . A. The lasting grai- and the prize or award shall be payable thusiastic shout would raise from thc Same team in SL Louis, Mo., May tU(je of university girls is aue to Mi on the certLcatlon of the judges of 01. that would do honor to a foot J a. . rving for the untiring efforts sae man-? tneir decision. Missouri university at tOiumoia, gome years ago Mo., May la. St. Marys College, at SL Marys Kan 1 women 0f the university, "iStfrr.Tr1", -,w .ii h. MIS""- One half a minute before the OUUJC 9 MIO j u ... 1 liiw u ru mjvvi. mum.. -, --. 1 . 71-- IJ 1 At- curing gymnasium privileges for th-j termlned by a committee consisting of Smc aosett seemca a ue tsou.u .: ui May 21 a. m. Washburn College. T..opeka, Kan., May 21, p. m. Kansas University at Lawrence, Kan May 22. Memorial services were held Sunday afternoon in the universltv chapel, denee. Mrs. F. M. Hall, chairman of the state the heads of the departments of pollcl- outcome. Miss Miller s team fouled but , cal economy, history, and jurispru-' was not seen bv the umpire so was not called and the ball nut in nlav iust to be VI. The contestants shall present .. .t,mi, i. ww c n association, Mrs. H. H. Wilson, dean , their theses witnout any name or other , . . . .... , 4. mark of Identification appearing "". ks - - - of women. Miss Beattv of the Wes Missouri Wesleyan University at.igraia uaiversity Misa-Helen Gregory-itaereoa; ach coatestaat shall preseat j victory. Cameron. Mo May 23. " 0f ,be Delta Gamma fraternity and 'to the chancellor, at the same time The game was very interesting through- Washburn College at Lincoln, May Miss BOUton of the cltv association that his thesis Is presented, a sealed 1 ont jiiss Mead's team did excellent 25. cave addresses. The chapel was beau- envelope containing a card or slip of , w f,;i, n1 ,, rn..,-,,., m; i:r..n An-nnA 1i Vio Tloltfi fiammn ninar iofirrtrr Tilo totI TiiiTno Thp ' " - chancellor will immediately place a Blandon practically won the game for number in Ink upon the thesis, and Miss Miller, throwing four out of the five unpon the accompanying envelope the goals. The line-up was: same number with the letters B. P. T., ' ji4SS Mead, CapL c Miss Henry 2nd c Miss Shield -. w ,,if tio Tinnwr Tficentlv -nrinted In the "Bowdoln Ori- . . MissWizon dllCIUUUU i JI nii.iv..... m uw , w. 1 , j. J fU T.J f o,,Vl- w"u a ICUU' men will soon be weeded out anu Teg- eut, aiscubscu u, iUOb .. yi Jf Jq any vear OJ. vears there 3iiss K.oomson Kansas University at Lincoln, May 1 tjfnllv decorated by the Delta Gamma paper bearing his real name. 30. fraternity with palms and flowers. Nebraska Indian cool of Genoa at Lincoln, June 5 and C. 1 The last few warm days have OrOUgni OUl IXie Uiuse-uau pmycia u A GOOD MOVE. Th Tha cianier of the Dleta Kap- a , """' , . " Zl, 'lr'"' .1' J,Z " " a - i r c- n - Mrnrarv -a i n an -a 1 rKKZ nil 11 iu . - -. . a, a. . . T?T.e.r.T, fr-ain-miur in 911 onen letter ... .. ' . ... .'.... MissMeuell jujj iorce. adoui cv meu repun. w "i-"v" . 2 S i 1Z n a t nrt until ine report 01 ine committee 01 1st g Miss Miller, CapL Miss Yont Miss Maxwell 2nd it ular team uractice will soon begin. freshmen, and made the following pro- ... contestants, or If two of Miss Spurck 1st f In the practice Koenier and Ringer are posais. iije j. jaages shall decide that the i Miss Hargreaves 2nd f Miss Blandon rfimrimr mi well behind the baL ! "'L That each fraternity in regular ,,, fh. ,hminl ar n-1 - -., -.wi t, .f. it:.. standing at Bowdoin college agrees to thesis or theses submitted are un worthy of receiving the prize, no showing up well behind the baL Rhodes will, in all probability hold down the initial bag again this year, ivhllo -Oifr sjr fiprpral mlranrji fo." ......, .V -.V .. - - .... - .. U 0UU VUUO .AA .Mr.k. V. uw .. second base. Crandall and Dew are j until the second or unra wee 01 ine shall invested and become a part Officials: Miss Barr, referee; Miss pledge no sub-freshmen whatsoever. awar for at year shall be made, i M,ller' vmIzL ana w posipone pieoBiiiB "" Tn such cases the interest of the fund someiJi'liat In the lead of the others for that position. Doane and Bell also show up well on the infield. Heeder, last yearns cantain lias not been out as yet bnt will now soon be able to reporL For the outfield candidates are numerous, mong these of promis 'might be meutione'd, Campbell, Cus caden. DePntron, Ray Ryan, Farns wortli, Lau. Rochan, Britten nam, and Tjueke. The new nltchers. Bell. V. fall term, provided the sir other fra ternities agree to do so. ! LITERARY SOCIETIES. On last Friday evening the Palladians held theirannual oratorical contesL The of the principaL "2. This rnle shall take effect when consist" of -ctree members: the profes- contestants were Messrs. Zinser. Crouch, it has received the sanction of the sev- of V0iicsA science (government Rowe and Bern-. Mr. Crouch was given eral fraternities now in good standing d of Enfi.1Isb (or English literature) f,rsl place. His subject was "Aguinaldo." at Bowdoin college. 0, ch west universities, as Ue . in chapcl I chancellor of the University of Ne-' "-"'' i 3 1 vin, .vrn-u cr4nm. ..rv, --v,-ii .,i- a -Jn WrA laJt Friday evening. Jt was well at- men. Thp bulletin for the summer school ' member, such scholarly constitutional ( tended and appreciated by alL Is now In press and will appear In a lawyer as tae chancellor may choose. ; t Delians went to Weslej-an Friday a rrua A?,,, cwdmi nntriK IX. A cony of each essay or thesis - .. ,- .. 3..,,- i... , Ryan, Dcane. and Hayes are working lir; "", x-.j. .a tAOBeB -Friday submitted shall be deposited by June'"3; "c , ! " fc nlrd under the superrUton of the fz 2ef JoStaS: X th the librarian of tne unn-ersityj Weslej-an club on lie Boer queon. old pJtcnerfi, Gordon and Bxss. Swecto taught in .oe -gh schools 1" le preserved with other theses of The Delians g-irls accampomed the boys It is loped that Jack . ConneL cap-1 J purpose of aiding teachers not 1 ibe university, to cheer lhem to victerj-. Vl Omaia Leasue W be on - aljjet macier but JC Good English and some degree of ; palladian new members will give liand by Thvrsday to coath the bail . inpttoflV iut most of the courses originality, in form, arrangement of ' l"K x ' He is a good man ana will b , w.,1nr VprKitv work. This is material, or Jdea shall be requisite to 5 - ' The Delians have iuxepifd the chal lenge of the PalladianB lo play batket IjalL The game will be pbyed within a month. The PalladianB have had the stage m their hall elevated and liave put in foot lights. Tbej hat'c alto purchased a new carpet and had the hall thoroughly cleaned. ,are of great aid to the team. ( .,; -.,., vtnAtmtK n m secure e prize- There will be a practice game with t epeelalhffl.t3on. and vans if they The topic for the 1SD0 compeJUon uLuh rrtitdi .rait towards deereea. '" " " iawiv w the hisrh uchool, Saturday afternoo at 2 o'clock. Through tlie courtesy of the univer- slt',the Lancaster county teachers in-1 versity during the eoud and third cal Parties in our GovernmenL' mwmnTt.fTr.Tni fT UrtTJTirm- aAiiiiri,i0 w.w. utitute will he in cession in the unJ-1 CHAMPIOX CLASS GAME. 1 vu.&. verity during the eoud ana tuiru ',,.- r - , . Some interesUng work is being d'n ' weeks of the summer session. Wei. The chammem class game of I atket in hybridizing at the green-houses un- known specialists and educators will ball of the girl gymnasium class wau dor the direction of VroL JL A. F.m- ,be employed to jflve instruction In played last IVedaesdiiy at the university inerson. Cerani uxm of fifty MXermt 'the institute. In many subjects not I gymmuaxim. The contestants were teamB hlnfle and calais are being crossed in I offered In tue ammmer session. jbosen from the gymnawum classes of Chasjs. Allen, a gaduate of iic uni- order to produce new varieties wit feinceuie flnner eson Miss Spurck and Miss Whiting. Fifteen Iversity was nominated for the school fiewers of istriking colors. The larj5fi weeks in length, the maximum credit , "r 7 .- . , .t--. -- ioardf of Lincoln, at the republican TJndlrih -encumoer as lone as an jum 'that any student may secure for work has "been crossed with an Azneriirn and one-fifth courses. The least iJiat variety. The hybrid is larger lhanAihe any tudent can register for is three latter variety and has a abetter Mayor , uoutb. ine maximum, ejgmwm wura. lhaa the rarik EriElish cucumher. A, A, "Hunter 01 this Apartment has jruu ceedei In producing a hybrid nastijr tfum which win he a prize to nortlcul- Courses will be offered iu American history; chemistry, English, -German, Latin, mathematics, romance languages and philosophy. minute halves were played which ended in a score of 10 lo fi in favor of Mow; Whiting's class. The team was captained hy Hiss Mailer. Miss Mead was the cap tain of the -other team. The i'uut was the last of three of which an the two previous -each team "had been board, of Lincoln, at the republican primary, Tuesday, rie had three com petitors. The university students were given a chance lo contribute to the. Lincoln library fund, respond&g as follows. Friday, tli)7; SatiMfey, $132.50; Monday, S1S4.2S, TotJPf422.7S. ! 1 Vr iVijUiiijjii ii