8 The Neijraskan-Hesperian 8 MILITARY.. ' V. The pleasant -weather of last week permitted the cadet battalion to drill on the campus again, after several weeks in the armory. The time is approacalBg whem the captains of the several companies will be giving special drill exercises in preparation for the annual competi tive drill which will be held in May. GYM NOTES. The indoor pentathlon which was tc have been held on March 10, has been postponed until March 17. The cause of postponement was lack of practice of the events owing to the gymnasium being occupied by the Buttermakers also the society basket ball games, Delian vs. Palladian ana Union, which will be played in the gymnasium March 10. The five events for the indoor pentathlon are running high Jcmp, pole vault, shot put, three standing broad jumps, and quarter-mile potato race. During the Buttermakers convention while the gymnasium classes were suspended Miss Alberta Spurk gave strength tests to the girls on the universal dynomameter. Several of the oasket ball girls tried to embarass the physi cal training department by following Tyson's example and breaking the machinery but were not successful. The 5 o'clock athletic class has been placed in the hands of W. E. Allen who has taken out all men except as pirants for the track team. This class will be for track men only and will be given special work in that line. Ernest E. Hastings, brother of Dr. W. TV. Hastings of the university, who has been assisting in the physica1 training department, has Teceived a call to take charge of elementary gym nastics at the Harvard summer school. M. P. Pillsbury, who now is teach ing school at Adams, Nebraska is training a track team for the inter scholastic meet to be held on the university campus in May. Mr. Pills bury is well known among the -university people having been a student un til this year. He holds several records made in track and general ath letic work, having won first place in ur Special Rates ... which we are making to Students still continue. . During this week we will make a big reduc tion to all University Students and Professors. FRATERNITY GROUPS A SPECIALTY. . . Our Work in this line is Unexcelled. Kennedy-Photographer, 132 South Twelfth Street. dience -was thri.led vxith the music that the master-hand of Mr. Eddy brought out from its depths. Director Kimball of the school of music -who had the affair in hand says that the Eddy concert was only one of a series that he hopes to have arranged for this spring and next fall. The pro gram xras as follows: 1. Concert Overture, William Wol stenholme, (In manuscript, and dedi cated to Clarence Eddy.); 2. (a) Pas torale in G, Paul Wachs, (b) Burlesca E Melodia, Ralph L. Baldwin; 3. Fifth Sonata, Op. 80, Alex. Guilmant, I. Allegro Appassionato, II. Adagio, III. Scherzo. IV. Recitativo, V. Choral et Fuge, (Dedicated to Clarence Eddy.); 4. (a) Ave Maria, (b) Scherzo in G Minor. M. Enrico Bossi: 5. (a) In Paradisum, (b) Fiat Lnx ("Let There e Light"), Th. Dubois; 6. Prelude, s. Rachmaninoff, (Arranged by Dr. Charles W. Pearce) ; 7. Romance in D flat, E. H. Lemare; S. Toccata in E Op. 1-, Homer N. BarUeti. MISCELLANY. Colorado lias the highest peak in the United States. It is Blanca Peak. 14,898 feet above sea level. It is estimated that at least 4,000 American school teachers will attend the Paris exposition. Of the food plants now In nse only both indoor and outdoor pentathlons pumplcins and a few grapes, plums and last 3'ear. He also made a good show- berries were originally found in the ing at foot-ball and basket-ball being ' soil, on the teams each year while he was ' Drummer "Tommy" Rowe, whose in school. The university will wish Mr. PfllBbury as good success with his team as he liad himself while in school. THE COLLEGE WORLD. One hundred and five men began work last week -for the Harvard track team. The dual meet with Yale will be held during 1irst week of May. Harvard has ten candidates in ac tive training for the relay swimming team which will represent her against Yale, Prlrxeton, and Pennsylvania at the sportsman's show next week. Since its recent re-arrangement, the trophy room at Harvard contains me hundred and thirty-five photographs, eighty-five banners, and two hundred and live hase-balls, besides numerous other athletic trophies. The inter-collegiate chess team which pluys in the international cbesB Lournameut agaiuBt oxford and Cam bridge, will he composed of six men. Harvard and -Columbia will be repre sented 'by two each. Yale by one, and the sixth will be chosen by a compet itive contest between representatives of Princeton and Harvard. ORGAN RECITAL. On Monday evening February 20, tAr. 'Clarence Eddy the noted organist opened the new alumni vorgan hy a grand concert'ln Grant Meiuoriul ball. This was tthe first time since its re movul from the Trans-Mississippi au ditorium thut the big instrument Ijub been heard in concert und a large au- height is 4 feet 7 inches, is said to be the shortest man in the British army. In 1850 there were 71,000 tons of , steel made in the whole world. In 18B8 the United States alone made 9, 075,000 tons. Oats, barley and rye originated in the wild forms along the Mediterran ean. The first noted species of wheat were brought from Persia. While a dozen -vegetables form the limit or rariety on the average table, the earth is growing hundreds -of kinds that are nutritious, delicious and easy to cultivate. A bird's eye -view of the sanitary situation in 'Europe shows that it Is the damp, chill, .cloudy north which is healthy, and the tiryf warm, sunny south that Is unhealthy. A single wild tribe of western In dians is using 41 kinds of vegetables which are absolutely unknown even to the -chef who draws a salary as large as a United States senator. Mrs. 7i. Given and Mm. N. C. Mig hell, of Piano, 111., are thought to be the oldest living twins in the United States. Within a few montbB they will celebrate their B6th birthday. i Farmers In nearly every noribwest I em state are planting nut trees along with their peaches end pears, and are utilizing the hillsides, where nothing lse will grow, tor nut orchards. Cats are greatly -venerated in Per sia. The feline friends of the Shah number SO, each having Its own attend ant and a special room tor msals. "When the Shah jjceo on a Journey the cats go, too, hclag carried by ram on horseback. cbool of Ibuetc Is. . Opposite the (Eampus. Students contemplating the study of Music, and those J who have friends desirous of information concerning; the " advantages offered, are cordially invited to visit the T School and obtain an Illustrated Catalogue. J -& YOU CAN ENTER AT ANY TIME. & WILLARD KIMBALL, T DIRECTOR. & iTi ,Ta jf a aTa, iifcj iti aTl kti iti iti iti iti iti iti iti itt iti iti iti iti itt iti iti iti Jti 3 CHICAGO FLYERS 3 lA Lincoln J-.4Up in At Clicaj;'73lla m At Vew YoTk Ida. m 3jv Lincoln SJiOp 111 At Cliicuolt3Ua in.. Arrii'tJ.V YurLiaup mi Lcuve Lincoln 3025 ?. in., Ar Oiian:o2:J&p in.. At New York hM p. 111 Xa Lincoln SSOp m., At Minnetijiolih ZSliia 111.. St. 3uul u. m Lv Lincoln 335 p. n . Ar t Louih"rlHu m La Lincoln 1) p. 111 . Ar Ht Louifc2:lSp m L Lincoln Xtiti p m.. At JVoria 0S5u in Ar 3ndiuituolifc2:25p in L Lincoln 3035 p 111., At l'rurui31:4Uii in. Ar 3udumupoli. om p xa IT'S THE ItUWJNOTON'S SERVICE THAT ACTS YOU TMEicE ON TJME. CITY TJCJCET OFFICE: Cor. 10th an O Sis Telepfeoee 325. BURLINGTON DEPOT: ..7tJi St., Bet. P Ml Q Telephone 25. The Tuluc; Bo XJked. From Judge. My western Iriend, the colonel, liuvJug een tbe Jllumlniited ! portion of New York, and done lull liomuge to the liquid delight of Broad way, proponed to ee Central Park. Af ter an unqualified approval of McGow jnB pauu tavern and the caBino ne wandered about, gazing ait ihe collec tion vl efflgiea -which mar the land scape and listening In a bored fashion to my halting explanations; hut when we liove in night .of the memorial to a great South American liberator hU eyeuyJnlb!y lightened nnd he viewed the rompant group -with wide-opened mouth. "And Ibat," uaid 1, "to the statue of "Bolivar tbe Venezuelan." "So?" "he replied, "itampln' line horse, that. "Who in Umndur'a the Jockey?" Mnperheuted Wtt,imr uo a y&uUrt) Vomer. "While one roup of Inventors is at work vn liquid air as a xuotJve power, with a temperature enormously helow zero, another makes a claim of re markable merits for u superheated water in light and heavy transporta tion. The water J heated in upright steel tubes to ISO degrees above the temperature of si earn In a locomotive. DEFINITIONS. Queer That corn crows in xcre axifl achers grow in coras. Pachyderm 3n tbe human family, -frequently called an ass. Paradox That the root ot tbe word mammoth vOttUMlart), should be found in ihe lowly mole.