r istassMS "f twwur SCRAPS. A state Innch In China contains 146 cishes. A bomb, weighing about seventy ounds.exploded into a shower of 1,200 jileces. ? The fishing; Industry In North Caro lina yields an annual product of the value or over $1,000,000. Seventeen Russian newspapers had trouble with the censor last year and two of them were entirely suppressed. A 110-ton gun, though it can Are only eighty full charges, can Are 190 three-quarter charges and 320 lialf charges. When an Arab widow Intends to marry again s-he visits the grave of lier dead husband the night before. the new marriage is to occur. The value of the egg crop of the state of Missouri exceeds In amount the value of the cereal crops of that state sold on the market It's the fast young man -who runs through a fortune quickly, but It doesn't take an athlete to jump a Board bill. Philadelphia Record. Owing to the lack of capital and a drought probably unprecedented in its duration, the gold industry lately lias made no "headway in British Guiana. Miles "I wonder how a composer feels "when lie encounters a man with a hand organ grinding his tunes?" dies "Probably like any other man who has to meet liis own notes." Chicago Hews. The city of Akron, Ohio, is entitled to the credit for installing the first au tomobile police patrol. It is of the largest size, having a seating capacity of twenty persons, and was Duilt at a cost of $2,200. A special service lor the -detection -of gambling lias been organized by the police of Vienna. They seek for of fenders, not only In the cafes, out In clubs, and even enter private apart ments -with hope of surprising poker players. Women as train porters are an inno vation that is fast hecoming popular. The "woman who -wishes her shoes laceder-drese "fastened, etc.-s-c-. derlng how she managed to travel he fore -without such aid. Racine (Wis.') .Journal. Tq.E Nebraskan-Hesperian MUCH IN LITTLE. In the fashionable thoroughfares of London a good house rents for $50,600 a year. Each British soldier on tending at Cape Town receives 170 rounds -of am munition. In 1830 the United States did 5.4 per cent of the world's commerce. In 1898 It did 9.5. Temperance advocates will be pleas ed to learn that one man In six in the British navy is a teetotaler. In the battles of the Franco-German war the proportion of killed to wound ed was generally one to four and a half. Thirty-six foreign vessels having an aggregate tonnage of 57,556, met with a disaster in American waters last year. The nut trees alone of the world could on a pinch feed a poulatlon three times as great as the present number oi mnaoitants. The first larr in tarltans is that every stripe of whatever breadth or color must be the same in both the length and breadth of the -web. One of the books of etiquette in France during the fourteenth century' advised the man of fashion to wash his I handB every day and his face "almost I as often." ' Xegidative $alkni &4rvGify (portrait and landscape k J J IntercIletate BvresM COHIELL & LEONARD 472-478 Broadway AHwny, New York rtakers of the Gallery Established 1871. 129 South Eleventh Street, Lincoln, Neb. 9kctegrapker ICaps, Gowns, and Hoods To the American Colleges and Universi ties. Illustrated manual, samples, prices, etc., on request. Gowns for the puipit and the bench. The Omaha Medical College, OMAHA, NEBRASKA Excellent as are some of the modern public school houses built in large cities of Germany, the schools In the country, especially, -where a rich pos sessor ot large farms owns all the land, and has the superintendence of school affairs, are often very poor. ' Z7raaaaaaaaaaaaaO&.'nrWHK- oaaaaLaaaaaBalaHalaSff flHaaaaaaLaaaaaaW OaaaaaaaaaHaaVL 'VaaaaaaaaaaaBBBBafcJl A strictly four-year course Medi cal College, the requirements A which are fully up to those of the American Association ol 7le4icsl Colleges, and the laws of the differ ent states. The new building fur nishes the most perfect laboratory rooms In the West. Host excellent clinics are held by the professors of the College In five of the six Omaha hospitals. For Information address, D. EWINfl BROWN, Secretary, 1026 Park Ave,, Omaha, Neb. NOTES OF THE STAGE. Gerald Griffin is to Impersonate Mr. Bowser in the vaudeville houses. Mrs. "Langtry denies that her own life Is portrayed In "The Degenerates." "Marie Dressier hopes to have -a theater of her own In New York next season. B. fi. Wlllard. John Hare and Mrs. Patrick Campbell will act in America 'next season. The ParlB Journal des Debats calls Mr. A. W. Plnero the greatest of "Eng 'lisb dramatists. Mrs. Grace Van Studdiford, prima donna of the Jefferson de AngellB opera company, has resigned. Robert Taber's term of management at the hlBtorlc Adelpbla theater, lu "London, -will begin March 10. In Japan it Is -not considered correct 'or ladies In attendance at the theater to wear the same dress during the en lire performance. Two of Whishaw's novels of Russian life have recently been made Into plays. Beerbohm Tree may appear in 'the version -of that one .called "A Boyar -of the Terrible." Masterlinck has promised to write a play expressly for Martin Harvey, -whose success in London with "The 'Only Way" has raised him to place in the ranks of actor managers. Josephine Hall -will sail for London April 1C, and two weeks later she will take the leading part In the production of "The Girl from Maxim's" at Charles Frohnian's Duke of York theater. Clara Llpman has just -finished a dramatization of the popular novel, "Lady Barbarity." It will in all prob ability be Included In Mr. Mann's and Miss Llpman's repertory next year. Worty-three per cent of iths (fruit, 'trees in, southern California are orange rand 'fifteen ,per cent 'lemon, i It is the divine in man -which rouses Itself against undue chains. It points forward like a day star with an un dying hope to the final freedom of a soul In slavery, but to Christ alone. Rev. J. C. Smith. The tnlnd, the spirit of Christ In us is that which redeems -us now from earthly -weakness and fear and shame, and brings us out at once in heavenly experience of peace and joy and power. "Rev. Dr. "Raymond. THE ALIERT TEAttERS' AGENCY Central rmtc Walls, Chicago. Fifteenth Year. 3250 Petitions Filled. Nearly 300 In 99. List of Schools of and Colleges in which we fill positions sent free. Address: C. J. Albert, Manager. STUDENTS go to C. D. BOWDISH'S SHAVING PARLOR For Satisfactory Barber Work. farmers and Merchants' insurance -Co. JJldg. Fifteenth and O Streets. L. G. TiERZOG, ne Tailoring . . . Headquarters for University Students' Dress suits. Kates glven-whenmorethan one ordering. C. V.- BOOTH , 4Mty Sol Icltor. 1032 O Street. GOOD WORK POPULAR PRICES Students Especially Invited to Cell. R. & C BARBER SHOP 1144 O Street. HARVARD UNIVERSITY... MEMUL KMRTKHT BOSTON, MASS. YN'nnd after Junel. 19U0, candidate for ad v mission roust present a degree in Arts, liter ature. Thlloioph'. or science, from a recognized college or scientific school, with the exception of such persons, of suitable age and attainments, as ma- be le admitted by special -vote of the Facul ty taken in each case For detailed information concerning courses of instruction, or catalogue, address, Dr. "Win. L. Richardson, Dean, Harvard Hedlcal College, Boston, riass. Students as -well as others, find TIE tiAIDNEK SUIT0III1 -Co ner Eleventh and O Streets, Basement "New Richards Block. JACOB AVEBER RO., Proprietors. Clothing Cleaned, Pressed, Repaired, Relinsd, and Refitted. Special Attention given to Students. Telephone 708 Inflate Your Tires "Without Work Without Price You are Invited to use our compressed air plant to Inflate your tires. Novorkforyou. No charge from us. C. U SHADER, "Bicycle Repairing 312 South Twelfth. J tyateiTnans Meal fountain 9en... A. Necessary Convenience. They are used and endorsed' by People of Education as'thclbest 'writing instruments of today, 'it Is the popular pen ta!I the' Uni versities, Schools, and Colleges. Ask your dealer, r write for Catalogue. L. E WATERMAN CO., Largest Fountain Pan manufacturers In the-world. 1155 2IMS7 WADWAY, N.Y.; THE CENTURY - DOUBLE FEED PEN & IS THE BEST F. E. Edgerton, Agent, University. tfsSt J vemvj VyDDLETOWN.O. Q ( B 00lCMCS5Af?r. WARRANTED TO RUN A FUa SEASON WITHOUT REFILLING' CATALOGS FfittlfiMAPMOtrM. FOR SALE BY. fluiiCYCLECOJ n ' " m fff-r fcjss '101 STREET. c "WHOLESALE MiU (RETAIL. (UEALER5UN Bicycle Supplies AND Sundries. .; fRepalrlngtaSpacuilfy. 3 X i II