The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, March 01, 1900, Image 1

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    The Alumni Bulletin
Vol. i, No. 3
March i, igoo
Mnrcli 9, F., Dolian Litorary Society:
Boys contest program.
March 10, S., Indoor Pentathlon: 8 p. mM
March 10, F., Palladian Litorary Society:
Inauguration 0! oflicors.
Closo of School of Agricul.
turo. ,
Dolian Litorary Socloty;
Girl's contest progrwia.
March 20, T., School of Music: Sixth
otudonts' recital.
March 28, F., Palladian Literary Socloty:
Boys' program.
Alumni Bulletin.
Miss Edna Polk, '98 is assistant in
the Library at Lincoln, Nebr.
H. O. Senter and Harry Benedict
of Omaha, and C. N. Hinds of Be
atrice, visited the University at Char
ter time.
Ned C. Abbott in the Sunday State
Journal, Feb. 18, reviews Dr. L. A.
Sherman's Macbeth just published by
-.Henry, Holt & C?
Horace G. Whitmore will leave
Lincoln soon for Nebraska City where
he has accepted a position on J. Ster
ling Morton's "Conservative."
Albert Fussey is now a prosperous
man in Evanston, 111. His name has
appeared recently in a number of im
portant transactions in Evanston
Miss Jean Tuttle, '98, formerly a
student at the University, was elected
recently to the position of mathemat
ics .teacher in the South Omaha high
Memorial services for the late Dr.
Leon M. Solomons, instructor in
Philosophy at the University, were
held in the Chapel.
Guy Livingston, a former student
of The University of Nebraska, a mem
ber of Company M, First Nebraska,
who was killed in the battle of Santa
Mesa, February 5, r899, was buried
at Plattsmouth Saturday.
Over sixty new students entered
the University of Nebraska the second
semester. Six Seniors graduated at
the mid winter Commencement, Char
ter time. There were nine who could
have graduated at this time but pre
ferred to remain and take their degree
in June.
M. A. Miller, Law '97, is now
County Attorney of Franklin county
having been elected in November '98.
He has lived in this county for twenty
years, and one of his big cases was the
Kriethbaum murder case. He writes
"I have been in office, like the prac
tice of law and reccomend the U. of
N. Law School."
Dr. Samuel Avery, '92, now profes
sor of chemistry in the University of
Idaho, reports that the regents have
just made a large additional appro
priation for chemical apparatus for his
department. This coming so soon
after his appointment is taken as a
good indication that he is doing his
work in a satisfactory way.
The Univc tsity of Nebraska Club
of Chicago has postponed its annual
dinner until April 7th, at which time
there will be a great love feast of Uni
versity people in and around Chicago.
It is hoped that a number of the fac
ulty of the University, Ex-Regent
Esterbrook, Acting Chancellor Bessey
and others will be present. Mr. Har
vey B. Hicks writes, "The delay does
not mean a poor dinner rather the
A. M. Keys,- Law- 93, would be
pleased to hear from any of that class
with whom he is not now in commu
nication. He himself practiced in
his home town, Cambridge, for three
years after he left Lincoln, and then
removed to Beaver City, Nebr., and
formed a partnership with Mr. C. M.
Kelley which still exists. He is mar
ried and has two children, a boy and
a girl.
Ernest R. Holhies, writing from
Paris to the State Journal of Feb. 18th,
writes very entertainingly of the cost
of a trip to Paris the coming summer.
He says it will be more this year than
in normal times and that there will be
no chance' to earn money, and that
there is a general increase of prices in
Paris already. The only safe plan
will be to take enough money to pay
all expenses.
Trained civil engineers from The
University of Nebraska have been
constantly in demand by the govern
ment and railroad companies. Among
the undergraduates who have recently
left the University to accept such
positions are: Fred B. Ryons, who
went to Havana, Cuba, to fill a posi
tion in the government corps of engin
eers; S. D. Clinton, A. T. Groff, E. S.
Shinbur and G. H. Tinker, all of
whom left to accept similar positions
with the Burlington Railway Com
pany. Among the bodies of soldiers
brought to San Francisco from Manila
on the Peking last week were Hor
ace L. Faulkner and Arthur C. Sims.
Both were privates in Company F,
First Nebraska. Adjutant General
Barry notified Quartermaster Long at
San Francisco to send H. L. Faulk
ner's body to his mother, Mrs. H. B.
Wilkinson, at Western, Neb., and the
body of A. C. Sims to S. J. Arnett,
Madison, Neb. Both of these soldiers
Hied of disease in the hospital at
Manila in the fall of 1898.
The paper on "Literature of India,"
by Dean A. H. Edgren, Ph. D., of
The University of Nebraska, recently
published in the home study circle
column of the Chicago Record, is of
interest to all lovers of literature, and
should be of interest to all students.
The paper shows that although this
l'terature is very old it reveals some
beautiful sentiment. Tne Hindoo lit
erature, though largely religious and
philosophical, is also in no small de
gree secular. The poems which the
people sang to their gods are good
evidence of their aesthetic spirit.
University Charter Day.
The thirty-first annual Charter Day
exercises were held February 14th and
15th. Wednesday evening Dean S.
W. Williston, school of medicine, Uni
versity of Kansas, gave the annual
address before the society of Sigma
Xi, in the University Chapel. Thurs
day morning the Phi Beta Kappa ini
tiation and address by the president
occurred in the parlors of the Univer
sity School of Music. During the af
ternoon all departments of the Uni
versity were open to the public. A
concert was given by the cadet band,
the Pershing Rifles were reviewed by
the Governor and his staff, and atter
wards gave a special drill. From four
to six o'clock the annual indoor ath
letic contest and exhibition occurred
in the Gymnasium. The programme
Thursday evening at the Oliver thea
tre was as follows:
Overture "Poet and Peasant"
University Cadet Band.
Overture "Academic Songs," Suppe.
The University Orchestra.
Charter Day Oration "Facing the
Twentieth Century"
Ex-Chancellor Allen R. Benton.
Violin Solo "Grande Fantaisie," De
Beriot Miss Silence Dales..
Conferring of Degrees.
Patriotic Hymn "America."
Seven candidates received degrees
at this time, the mid-winter Commencement.'