iiyWfiiWi titTTiOai . 7 THE NEBRA.SKAN-HHSPKRIAN. " HANDSOME CUP. . To the Board of Directors of the In tercollegiate Athletic Association of Ne braska: Gentlemen The writer, a graduate of Princeton, class of '78, and much interested In collegiate develop ment, 1b pleased to announce that tho Farmers' and Merchants Insurance company of Lincoln will donate to the intercollegiate athlet.c assocla Ion of Nebraska, under certain hereinafter specified cond.t.ons, a handsome sterl ing silver loving cup for the encourage ment, among the d.fferent institutions interested, of a proper college spirit, to induce the participation of a larger number of students in health-giving athletic exercises and as an expression of appreciation and approbat.on of the results already accomplisned under many difficulties. With bast w.shcs, 1 1 remain, L. P. FUN'lvHOUSER, Secre.ary F. and M. Insurance Co. Stipulations under which tne Farm-' Spalding's ers' and Merchants' Insurance company ' rjff trial iiujiiiv is uuiiuica iu iiiu inisrcuiiuiiiie athletic assoc.ation ot Nebiaska: 1. This cup shall become tne per manent property of ihe inst.tution whose team wins It two successive years. 2. It shall be the temporary prop erty each year of the institution whose team is adjudged the winner of the largest number of points at the annual intercollegiate contest. 3. The winning team shall hold it until the next annual contest. 4. In case this competition should be discontinued before the s ate cham pionship has been decided tt'.s cupi shall revert to the Farmers' auil chants' Insurance company. I 5. An equal proportion of these championship contests shall be held in 'Lincoln. 6. These championship meets shall be held in accord with the rulej, events Dr, Shoemaker's Private Hospital. Special attention given to all Diseases ok Women. (All surgical diseases are treated by the most approved methods. Every con venience for Pelvic and Abdominal Surgery Baths for Ladles Only. Special atten tion given to Massage and Swedish Move ments in their most recent developments by the trained manipulator in charge. C. A. SHOEMAKER, M. D., 1 1 17 L St. "M II 1 M A n 1 s " m ? The Student's Favorite Dining Hall The Palace 1130 N Street Home Gookinrj Good Accommodations f!! Athletic Goods Officially adopted by the lead ing Colleges, Schools and Athletic Clubs of the country Every requisite for Base Ball. Fool Ball. Golf. Tennis. Ath letics. Gymnasium. Spald ing's Official League Ball is the official ball of the National League and all the leading college associations. Spald ings"s Base Ball Guide for l'.KJO. 10 cents. Handsome Catalogue of Athletic Sports free to any address 1 MoT-i A. G. Spalding & Bros., 1 terested and as agreed upon by them 7. The amateur standing of the con CHICAGO. NEW YORK TIBNVER. tcntion to the various forms of ath letics in the early s.ages of their de- and agreements of the institutions in-4 velopmenL Lock of proper prepara tory training has been responsible for many sad cases of injury and for con testants shall he beyond question and j sequent prejudice against certain forms ev?ry effort sha.l he employed to secure non-partisan offlc.als, nrt members of either institution, in order that the in terests of clean sport may be advanced. The referee sh 11 be approved each year by the Farmers' and Merchants' insur ance company. S. We ask that each Institution shall signify its compliance w.th these stip ulations by appending the official sig nature expressing the approval of the athletic board of the institution. When j of athletics upon the part of parents and school authorities; lack of careful supervision upon the part of princi pals and superintendents has been re sponsible for much cheating, wrangling and general unmanly conduct. It is evident that boys have a natural appe tite for vigorous forms of recreative vork, and that such forms properly controled develop individual power, in tellectual and moral as well as physi cal. It is true, further, that they will have some form of d.verrf.on whether there is no athletic board the signa ture may be authorized by the student -we w,u or not- lt would seem tne Part athletic association. of w!fidom therefore, to provide for The above liberal offer should arouse them healthful, wholesome forms of j enthusiasm among all colleges inter-, in connection with their school rated. The college at York being added work and to win from tnem tnat oy, to the list makes five to compete. The aUr wh,ch evcr' n Sht to ex-, others are Wesleyan, Doane, Hasting ' as ,ts inherent r.gbt. When such and the university. ckan ath,et,c traln,ns has V"1"' The following letter has been sent to : tne pnys.ca. i pe 01 u.e cu, , .. lunn '.ili-oTi -.ni 1 t ha ninral tnnf m'ffftl ' .1.-. .... !.... t.lj.1. .r.lcs1 ni.tfftin4la tVr I "- " .,w, w.w .. v.. ... the state by the board 0 control of the Xebraska interscholastic athletic asso ciation, of which Dr. J. T. Lees and Dr, w v tiizt!nc nf tt iiniwi-ttiiv are rnnten. giving an Invitation to Join "d "m' "? TI? and better standards aZ scholarship In duced. Every school In the state ought to become a member of this association and to hold all Its contests according to I .trtw 9 tllA fiAir1 ff OAHrAl flV the association and good reasons for, i"" - - , i, i.. monai coniesis wun iiuiji""fc the new rules of the Nebraska Inter-, .... . . ... ,.J 1 . . 7u, iin .,i,.ni ' enclosed blank and iftlurning It to the scholastic athletic association adopted D-i.in.rni .. . t ,i r secretary ueiure amii - 1 i hoi oi..u" at the annual meeting In Lincoln De- -' ' ,...,. 1 I Jr, , J 1 ia . ' in any sport recognized by the board of cember 27. mi. aUo a tony of the sps- ' fnfI1i.p. clflc regulations of the board of control""""' "" 7 ., r MfiM fhlp In the association and to active participation in Its benefits. Twenty three schools have already joined the association and most ot them will be represented In the annual track and field meet to be held at Lincoln in May." governing the conduct of athletics. "The object of the organization is the safe and systematic development of all amateur sports and games among sec ondary schools of the state. Many evils, .physical and moral, have resulted In jolr states from the Jack of proper at- I HERPOLSimMER & CO. 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 49 4? 4V 49 49 49 49 4? '49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 4? 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 4? , are new TJtje IReaely HtcH crjear Goods The new Waists, Suits, Skirts, Wrappers, etc., etc well represented here now and everv new day adds things to the collection. We again mention the important fact that our season's prices won't be advanced. WE DON'T HAVE TO ASK MORE FOR THE GOODS than usual because we dealt with the makers, closed contracts and se cured goods some time before market advanced. SILKS AND DRESS GOODS FOULARDS Dame Fashion has decreed that Foulards are to lead all other light weight fabrics for the coming spring and summer season. We knew this in time to prepare for it in a most fitting manner and now we've got a showing of Foulards equal in size and vaiiety to any shown anywhere. We also have a great number of exclusive patterns ours alone be cause of large quantity buying. I, LINCOLN, NEB. m, be University of jfRiNNesota College of Medicine and Surgery. The Twelfth Annual Couise of Lectures will com mence on the Iflth day of September, lbt,J, and will continue eight and one-half months. The course is graded and covers a period of (our years. Medical Hall, the Laboratory of Medical Sciences, the Laboratory of Medical Chemistry and the Laboratory of Anatomy are situated upon the University campus. The clinical op portunities afforded by the hospitals and dispensaries of Minneapolis and St. Paul are at the command of the College. For out-door clinical service a new clinical building has been built in a central location. For information address Dr. Parks Ritchie, DEAN UNIVERSITY OF "MINNESOTA, MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. & i & ft 6 ot ot ot bp c c & o & ot o o i i & o i I 0 o b o 0 of- I ' to i l i bh bh Ik I IB ? V 0