t? MMMMHHMk THK NKBRASKAN-HESPKRIAN. SOCIETY NOTES. A chhrming university dancing party was held In the Lincoln light Infantry hall last Friday night The following guests were present: Misses Brfggs, Daily, Doming, Doran, Druse, JQregnry, Guide, Hensel, Hull, McKay, 3roy, Reeves, Smith, Spurck, Sterling Swat ton, Laura Strnlton and Vanderberg; Messrs. R, D. Andreson, W. E, Amlro son, Alexander, Brooks, Bracke t. Dor man, dark, Edgtrton, GrilTin, GuthrU-, Hanlon, Kline, Lytel, McNaughton, Morris, Plowhead, Swain and Thorne, Hale, Charles Trumbull, Clark S. Kathan, Prank W. Kramer, Florence N. Jones, Thomas G. Ryan, Lester E. Nickolson, Frederick S. Henry. MICHIGAN HOSPITAL. During the month of January one1 hundred and sixty patients were regis-' tered at the university hospital, Unl-j verslty of Michigan. Of this number 1 ninety-four were out-patients and sixty six In-patients. The highest number of in-patients registered at any one time An informal chafing dish party vas was eighty-three and the lowest sev given at the Phi Delta Theta house lor enty-five. The net receipts of the hos Mlss Medsker of Kansas City and Miss pital for the month were $1,S97.36. McDonald of St. Joe on Monday after- noon. Those present were: Mrs, Mor-' rlon. Miss Rurr, Mr. Sherman, Mr. WHY KXPR1RgJ.fr ON YOrR" Yon Mansfelde, Mr. Seat-rest and Mr. Of With remedies of doubtful utility Miss Edna Harley was initiated into whcn J Set Chamberlain's Cough the Delta Gamma fraternity on Tncs- Remedy, which ha stood the tl of dv Araiinc. A sumir fcrvrf Twenty-five years' sale and mm lifter the initiation at the fraternity " e proven that remedy to le a prompt house. Miss Blanche Hargreaves gave a card party Saturday afternoon tojthe mem Tiers of Kappa Kappa Gamma. and certain cure for colds It will cure a cold in a day if taken as soon as the 1 cold has ltn contracted and before ill has settled in the system. Sold by druggists STUDENTS' RECITAL, The fifth students'' recital of the con servatory of music was given Wednes day cvraiing in the chapel. The room was weH filled aad the program fall of interest. Murh e3oyMieat "was derived from the entertainment. The program complete follows: Piano Solo Prelude and Fugue A Minor "(arr. for piano lay Franz Liszt) Bach Rose Olson. Soprano SoloGypsy Song" . Schnmnan "X-rfnaV Schubert -"Laflyfolrd"" Schumann Josephine Keana. "Piano Solo Preludes C Major aad " ID flat Major. Chopin Alleyne Archibald. ' Ooirtnialto Solo "The BonaxnaM. .... TC. ILalo "'TJie JRarewdir Srihiabert EIDatllh Cuny. Soprano Solo ((.a9 "Rest".. .Amdarson !b9 "Whe Jjyire aa 4H)eFJors'".. Amflerson Iaisy CJarpimlar. SoantuB Sdio "'D'a oihe Woofls" ... Rtfbent Fauunz Dtflle Warmer. "Pimm Sn"Ve ttnancause itemn ".flocse- Zyn" fGodara "!Pu TOt T)lr Rtrtr SflmliPrt-iLSBZt i&jtaao Sintllh. Sfmiamg Sri "'fibe (Qwur-flSa-u rtgiB" iCoi'"joa ""mo N&$rtftnnar. AQifljIeff Mara. C S. nfl-ont. Snyuunw Srto -Spraoiatftriifir asifloitB Halm (luHa Amflj'mufi. ft J $ $ $ & $ I Issued Wccldy . $ 32 Pages IHustraicd ' A Dream of S Fair Womena The Literary Digest A11 the Periodicals in One." Tut. LiTKEMtT Dihest 1ms taktm Hie liicbft tiiiiTj a w.lcJi review ti cn-rrMit 'Jjonc'lii mi Mti. -nciencp Tfhcion. jiohlirB, raoloej, lrarL, fD Kidiwil itt'rultiif. ADd-uTf rivn jiaiUI in -fintn-inaty. iT'iifly n 'djrnl quihiarin Ij-cntKifin jmd anfirniulim n ll Map r asriirTKnl jnh- fmid o idivMvid am i mntp Tine JjTEKxitT IDicrcST andjHpeiiHiilile to lip liDfiyuiuii'whtiide r flp'M'p-ir( -wi i 14ip Jtieuplit of iht itanip. OPINIONS FR01H UTHOJUTES: Ilitlii MMUmia, Airtlifrff "'TJipNttU-wjtii I ihi Mirts" "Tm. LiiTEiiMri- Dioert j me T i.im JH'O cir niitiip tuoki vuluubJp jnurunlH H.liul ia(in)e3Tii ttittl "" ."KV DihiMiTiailuiRPfiiJin iniirtin3p. i1 imrilli- I Scnitliii Vaiilam I. Trz "Jt -wOTl hfTord aniniMjiHp oiMwiKtttiM'P so Kiie -o1ih1hi -of Tli j otininrj "" I Ci. ,7.lni r. A1t'in, .r JltiiMilK: J1me 3)ioi:st aH'diie'iir xlm vurj 'bmrt. nmiiiliicittnHU u i AiiKtridK Q'h u-KtinddUt 4irourr(iu1 Uuiruiumiti'i inrvnhniltlti. SrJif yw Drt-rftftttft ( awmtnr rUN'K & "W4GN4U5 C raibs Ulew Ynfk. that can be lealized by proper attention to the shape and style of their footwear is a dainty and pretty foot. Onr new Oxford Ties are especially designed to make the fool look handsome and of neat shape, and be comfortable and easy at the same time. They are pei feci in outline and ex quisite in style. Xew Spring Styles are now arriving daily. Perkins O Sheldon Go. iizo O Street, LINCOLN. ?45:ee k n Jwl wll?" JjShJ 'Ullie luaaj-usBus Kit (ffl)o ifollowflBB aluimfl uu'o mot famown art. tUlie amivjar !its'., An' 4nurana41on .ub 4o aibtilr xvsfiiui'OJibotiLB airt tto Qi. tfi SlmOa, iun1 "vurHtty ipiftilirihai; "wJIl !be ob -florefl .u ffawor- anitjin'U T'. IHuna, Wawllaufl IBailw. OFtuHph A. Weuton, OiurtpB IL. BopKK. Wirrilam IR. Knmpj), ODiibouo IE TlUrui'Bton, IVIai-y C. Cubs, ChuiileB W, Balfltn. WiBllaan K. IRyttan. HDawura !F. UDdfla, Wurman JI. DBniwy, IDairJtfl Wtwllh. Wdiniinn A. tPaaieul:, ILawencie m. IRKItfbury, W103 IL IHluilB 'oud, IFlwniulB 31. ILani'lHintHHii, IPioflQrJdli (D. Muntrtn, AmxiB W. Poote, Walllium IFL IBoiaiDB. KuTJOiik H. Kul(innian. Holm M. 2Jldll, tr.lu IE. IVfativatifi. .DtmnaiiBfi lOoflSnittn, MaiT Alllue ILuu, MalUuri A. KiilBti, HDa-wifl WL. UDnrngau. OhafJcH W. Mqj'orii, Joe St. Buajtalej', CaollB DL. E. BlaWer., ana (G. WifllcliiKon, iCharfluB IL. Brainara, C HQ. WUIbBK, Wiflliam IP. SulUvan, HDllza'both IBuiiknar., Nonmun A. Sacili tt. 0m-Kia A. A'l'butilfltt, (DbinoB A. W W The Omaha ..Medical College.. muha, "Neb. ... A sfcraotay ifovir-jtsiiT (O0are Ms-jcui'l Cdllc-.i, albe mognawraemX-s io(f wlhidh aire dltillty aip ttta niboe cptf i hr Atrawucatii A-a(!)CUiaa(n oil Micuddcull Ca3tleus., sutwil the Unvsof illi)e(flldficawi'i saalfii. "iHbe tnev' Ihti3!lfl3jijj fiaauniib es ttlhe imost jpartTeat Haibor .S1I0T5 noon) um tllbe wst. Miat' leaacsdHlextt dlimacs aie ihdlfl ft?- aflat nwofeasoir a tllhe CflflBfje 5ji fine (F albe six Omalhu Ih)S(ftoiIlii. !Pbr dnifoniujiitriaii .adda'as IR.. EWING BROWN., Secaieaarj. 0026 P.aaik AuenaieH Omalha,, 2vTt:b- Some of the New Things Now on ur (Counters Golf Suits and Skirts. Taalar-Made Seats. Fane Haaid Mawie Laces. Cambric Swiss and Niiiaok Emliroideries. Priojad Foulrard and other F.sncy Si3k. ""X'ewt' FinisSn'"' Black Cregjoas. Ueadtwl nd Sasoled I5'o3x amd Tiinmraaiip Miller & Paine. I The Hammond Typewriter Go. njjuuxihe: XIEW YCDKIK 3 (17 Biuic! u in rjHILAlD)'KLilprilIA itA-fiu. Uiltlliistt .1100 WM(ibJtuitAia &1 KAJSS-Stt'V ai: mvt 'iMii V 'L. iHuuifc Cltu .and .f.ncftcrj? MEW HQBK iTLE'UIJ-AKE). 41 AuvsaAe B"iinnsB!cn5, 287 4tfc Avk M0X3CJi;A!IHOLlltt. V -3d Sa JjXll)KMe. J5JJSM1XG11AM. ABMUfllTTF. K!UUrAT S5enl F4U nvuJjia,K. iP j w "Cvnt-n-n-r Ao ttiiB Muroe ffine .uud .a CurruDt Map iiiiiiliiiiii ; g i J "- wAAKMatMiBMI